- Loan portfolio increased 15.1% and CASA grew 8.9%
- Sustainable profitability with a net profit growth of 10.9% to Rp25.9 trillion
Jakarta, 28 February 2019 – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (IDX: BBCA) and its subsidiaries reported consolidated financial results for the full year 2018, closing the year with an increase in net profit of 10.9% to Rp25.9 trillion compared to previous year’s Rp23.3 trillion. The Bank’s operating income as a total of net interest income and non-interest income grew 10.6% to Rp63.0 trillion in 2018 compared to Rp57.0 trillion in 2017. Net interest income increased 8.3% to Rp45.3 trillion while non-interest income grew 17.0% to Rp17.7 trillion in 2018.
BCA’s President Director, Mr. Jahja Setiaatmadja, noted that, “BCA and its subsidiaries recorded a positive growth in its 2018 financial performance in the midst of tighter liquidity and rising interest rates in the banking sector. Our liquidity is supported by sticky CASA funds, backed by continuous development of our transaction banking franchise. We emphasize prudent lending to capture opportunities that arose from higher loan demand throughout the year.”
In 2018 the loan portfolio increased 15.1% to Rp538 trillion, supported by strong business loan demand. Corporate loans grew 20.4% to Rp213.3 trillion at the end of 2018. Commercial and SME loans increased 13.4% to Rp183.8 trillion. BCA recorded higher business loan growth both in investment and working capital loans. Consumer loans increased 9.7% to Rp140.8 trillion despite the challenge of rising interest rates. Within the consumer segment, mortgages grew 12.0% to Rp87.9 trillion, and vehicle loans increased 4.4% to Rp40.0 trillion in 2018. In the same period, credit card outstanding balances grew 11.8% to Rp12.9 trillion.
Key financial ratios remained strong at the end of 2018. The Non-Performing Loans (NPL) ratio came in at a tolerable level of 1.4%. The ratio of total allowance to NPL (loan loss coverage) stood at an adequate level of 178.7%. The Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and the Loan to Funding Ratio (LFR) were recorded at healthy levels 23.4% and 81.6% respectively.
Current Accounts and Savings Accounts (CASA) continued to remain as the Bank’s core funding. At the end of 2018, CASA accounted for 76.7% of total third party funds and stood at Rp483.0 trillion. Within total CASA, current accounts grew 10.3% to Rp166.8 trillion and savings accounts increased 8.1% to Rp316.2 trillion. Total third party funds stood at Rp629.8 trillion, an increase of 8.4%.
“We have to adapt in the dynamic business environment and growing technology-based non-bank institutions. We continue to develop our products and services leveraging on digital technology, and undertake e-channels and branches investments. Digital products and services offer new opportunities to meet customer needs and satisfaction” said Mr. Jahja Setiaatmadja, President Director of BCA.
Paparan Kinerja BCA Full Year 2018 - Presiden Komisaris BCA DE Setijoso (ketiga kanan), Presiden Direktur BCA Jahja Setiaatmadja (ketiga kiri), Wakil Presiden Direktur BCA Eugene K. Galbraith (kedua kiri) berbincang di sela pemaparan kinerja keuangan BCA Full Year 2018 bersama Direktur BCA Suwignyo Budiman (kedua kanan), Direktur BCA Subur Tan (kanan) dan Direktur BCA Vera Eve Lim (kiri) di Jakarta, Kamis (28/02). BCA menutup tahun 2018 dengan pertumbuhan laba bersih 10,9% YoY menjadi Rp25,9 triliun dibandingkan Rp23,3 triliun pada tahun 2017. Dana giro dan tabungan (CASA) tetap menjadi pendanaan inti Bank. Pada akhir tahun 2018, CASA berkontribusi 76,7% terhadap total dana pihak ketiga dengan nilai sebesar Rp483,0 triliun. Dalam komposisi CASA, dana giro tumbuh 10,3% menjadi Rp166,8 triliun dan dana tabungan meningkat 8,1% menjadi Rp316,2 triliun. Total dana pihak ketiga tercatat sebesar Rp629,8 triliun, tumbuh 8,4%.
About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (as of 31st December 2018)
BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with a core focus on the transaction banking business and providing loan facilities and solutions to the corporate, commercial & SME and consumer segments. At the end of December 2018, BCA had the privilege of serving more than 19 million customer accounts, processing millions of transactions every day through 1,249 branches and 17,778 ATMs as well as transactions made over the 24-hour internet and mobile banking systems.
For more information, please contact:
Corporate Secretariat Division – Corporate Communication Sub Division
Public Relations Bureau
Address : Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1
BCA Grand Indonesia Lt. 20
Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (021) 2358-8000
Fax : (021) 2358-8300
E-mail : humas@bca.co.id