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14 Aug 2023

Bakti BCA in the Eastern Tip of Java Island: Initiating Stunting Prevention and Promoting Village Tourism to Foster the #GenerasiPastiBisa Movement in Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi, 14 August 2023 - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) reaffirms its commitment to continuously create a positive impact on communities throughout Indonesia. Under the umbrella of Bakti BCA, the company aims to nurture the #GenerasiPastiBisa (Assuredly Achieving Generation) through a variety of programs designed for the community.

Bakti BCA has designated Banyuwangi Regency as a primary focus area for its corporate social responsibility initiatives. It concurrently executed three programs encompassing health, environmental conservation, and village advancement. Over a span of three days, BCA orchestrated a sequence of activities that included educating about stunting prevention and offering health programs for toddlers. The agenda further extended to the release of baby sea turtles (tukik), the cultivation of sea pandan, and the active promotion of Tamansari Tourism Village, an initiative guided by BCA.

EVP of Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility BCA, Hera F. Haryn, stated, "Since 2015, BCA has been collaborating with Banyuwangi Regency, specifically since our encounter with Tamansari Tourism Village, which holds significant tourism potential. However, we believe that the economic potential of an area should also be supported by the health of its population and the preservation of its environment. Therefore, embracing the campaign #GenerasiPastiBisa, we also focus on improving the welfare and health of the community, as well as the quality of the environment in Banyuwangi Regency, thereby creating a substantial multiplier effect on the local economy."

Improving Community Health by Educating Adolescents on Stunting Prevention and Promoting Child Health

Based on the recent data, the Wongsorejo Sub-District holds the highest stunting rate within Banyuwangi Regency. Even though the stunting rate in Banyuwangi decreased to 18.1% in 2022 from the previous year's 20.1%, certain sub-districts, such as Wongsorejo, still exhibit relatively high stunting rates. Aligned with the corporation's dedication to shaping a high-quality #GenerasiPastiBisa for the future and supporting the government's objective to decrease the stunting rate in Banyuwangi Regency to below 14% by 2024, BCA also played an active role by orchestrating "Bakti Sehat untuk Balita" (Health Program for Toddlers) and "Edukasi Pencegahan Stunting kepada Remaja" (Stunting Prevention Education for Adolescents).

The "Bakti Sehat untuk Balita" activity conducted by BCA in Wongsorejo Sub-District was attended by 150 infants under two years old. In this event, BCA collaborated with the Health Department, Community Health Centers (Puskesmas), and local integrated health service posts (Posyandu) to provide education to parents about health and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The activity continued with the examination of the infants' conditions, including weight and height measurements, as well as providing nutritious food.

In addition to focusing on parents and toddlers, BCA partnered with the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) to organize preventive activities targeting adolescents at SMAN 1 Wongsorejo.

As a point of information, SMAN 1 Wongsorejo is one of the 20 schools supported by Bakti BCA located throughout Indonesia. Addressing the topic of stunting prevention for adolescents, the students of SMAN 1 Wongsorejo received training related to planning for and navigating through five adolescent life transitions: (1) maintaining a healthy lifestyle, (2) planning education, (3) developing careers, (4) contributing value to society, and (5) planning for family life. Through this education, it is hoped that adolescents will realize their role in the effort to prevent stunting, making them active agents in aiding the acceleration of stunting reduction in the region.

Specifically, during this adolescent education session, BCA collaborated with Puteri Indonesia 2023, Farhana Nariswari, to further emphasize the crucial role of adolescents in breaking the cycle of stunting. The event was also attended by Banyuwangi Regent, Ipuk Fiestiandani, EVP of Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility of BCA, Hera F. Haryn, and the Head of the Department of Social Affairs, Women Empowerment, and Family Planning of Banyuwangi Regency, Henik Setyorini.

Puteri Indonesia 2023, Farhana Nariswari, stated, "Stunting is not a genetic disease, but rather a cycle. Therefore, appropriate preventive measures are needed, beginning early in the adolescent or premarital age. I hope that the educational activities carried out together with BCA, the Banyuwangi Regency Government, and BKKBN, can encourage adolescents to realize their role in stunting prevention efforts. With the right knowledge, they can become agents of change in their surroundings."

Environmental Preservation Commitment through Sustaining Marine Ecosystems in Banyuwangi Regency

In addition to health, environmental equilibrium is also a paramount concern for BCA in its pursuit of generating sustainable economic impact within Banyuwangi Regency. Acknowledging the immense draw of Banyuwangi's coastal tourism, BCA has undertaken an initiative this year to conserve marine ecosystems by releasing 50 baby sea turtles (tukik) and planting 100 sea pandan trees on Santen Island.

It is noted that the survival of sea turtles, as integral members of marine ecosystems, is currently disconcerting. Presently, only 7 turtle species persist globally, and among them, 6 are found in Indonesia. Four of these turtle species, namely the Hawksbill Turtle, Green Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtle, and Loggerhead Turtle, inhabit Banyuwangi Regency.

BCA's support for turtle conservation has been ongoing since 2015, carried out in collaboration with the Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation and WWF. Between 2015 and 2021, BCA has facilitated the release of approximately 24,000 tukik, adoption and relocation of 400 turtle nests, and the organization of several turtle conservation education initiatives for the community. After a pause due to the pandemic, the release of 50 tukik and planting of 100 sea pandan trees on Santen Island serves as the kick-off for the resurgence of Bakti BCA's turtle conservation efforts, in partnership with strategic partners.

Furthermore, through the planting of sea pandan trees, BCA aims not only to make a tangible contribution to environmental preservation and marine ecosystems but also to the local economy. Sea pandan is known as a coastal plant with multifaceted benefits. Ecologically, it can mitigate beach erosion and reduce the impact of tides on terrestrial ecosystems. Economically, its leaves can be used for various handicrafts and traditional medicines, while its fruits can serve as food ingredients.

Sea pandan also plays a significant role in turtle conservation. Its fragrant flowers attract turtles to come ashore and nest, while its thorny leaves serve as protective barriers against predatory animals attempting to steal and consume hidden turtle eggs buried in the sand.

"We carry out the release of tukik and the planting of sea pandan trees as a unified effort in environmental and marine ecosystem preservation. Not only that, we also aspire for these endeavors to enhance the allure of sustainable ecotourism in Banyuwangi Regency, consequently generating benefits for the local economy," concluded Hera F. Haryn.

Sustainable Development and Award-Winning Village Innovations

During this visit, Bakti BCA invited a number of journalists to explore the various tourist attractions and facilities offered by Tamansari Tourism Village, Banyuwangi Regency, while simultaneously promoting the beauty of the village. Additionally, Bakti BCA collaborated with Puteri Indonesia 2023, Farhana Nariswari, to provide education to the wider community about the tourism potential and several outstanding SME products possessed by Tamansari Tourism Village.

As a matter of information, Tamansari Tourism Village has been one of Bakti BCA's partner villages since 2015. Over nearly 8 years, the company has provided support for infrastructure and ongoing development to optimize the tourism potential of Tamansari Tourism Village. The strong synergy and collaboration between BCA, local stakeholders, and the Tamansari Tourism Village Management have yielded results. The village has garnered various awards at local, national, and even international levels. Tamansari Tourism Village has received at least 15 awards, with the latest being the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2023's Community Based Tourism Award

EVP of Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility of BCA, Hera F. Haryn, stated, "Through strong collaboration with all stakeholders and village management, BCA has conducted various capacity-building activities for village human resources, including improving service standards, developing tourism infrastructure encompassing homestay facilities to SME stalls, and reinforcing promotion and web booking applications. We hope that the award received by Tamansari Tourism Village will inspire BCA to continuously enhance the quality of other partner villages, thereby creating sustainable social and economic impacts for the village communities while also supporting the government's Bangga Berwisata #DiIndonesiaAja program."

In addition to awards, the sustained development aimed at optimizing Tamansari's tourism potential has boosted the number of visitors. In 2019, Tamansari Tourism Village welcomed over 107,000 visitors, and this figure continued to increase to over 133,000 visitors in 2022. The rise in visitor arrivals has undoubtedly impacted the economic growth of Tamansari Tourism Village, both in terms of tourism and SMEs. In 2022, the revenue of Tamansari Tourism Village reached around IDR 962.6 million, an increase of approximately 63% compared to 2019.

Tamansari Tourism Village boasts several attractions that draw tourists, including the Terakota Taman Gandrung cultural site featuring 1,000 clay statues of the traditional Gandrung dancers and an amphitheater, Sendang Seruni – a pristine natural spring surrounded by forests and seruni flowers, lush rice paddies, and expansive pine forests. Furthermore, Tamansari Tourism Village can also serve as a stopover for tourists before visiting the Ijen Crater. In terms of facilities, the village is equipped with several CHSE-certified homestays, Banyuwangi's signature cuisine, and transportation options such as ATVs, jeeps, and troopers. In the realm of SMEs, Tamansari Tourism Village produces distinct products like robusta coffee and organic red rice.

As part of their commitment to sustainability, the management of Tamansari Tourism Village consistently seeks innovative ways to strengthen the village. Most recently, they initiated a breakthrough in waste management. Through the TPS3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste Management Facility), Tamansari villagers utilize organic waste from hotels, restaurants, homestays, and destinations to produce Maggot or fly larvae (Hermetia Illucens) feed. Ultimately, these Maggots will be utilized for various needs such as poultry and ornamental fish feed, as well as catfish cultivation.

Picture information:

Improving Public Health Quality Through Stunting Prevention Education for Adolescents and Promoting Child Health - Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani (fourth from the left), Head of the Social Empowerment and Family Planning Service of Banyuwangi Regency, Henik Setyorini (second from the left), EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility of BCA Hera F. Haryn (fourth from the right), SVP Corporate Communication of BCA Susanti Nurmalawati (third from the right), Putri Indonesia 2023 Farhana Nariswari (third from the left), Head of BCA Regional Operation Support Region VII Roni Wibowo (right), and Head of BCA Banyuwangi Branch Edwin Christian (second from the right) conducting "Stunting Prevention Education" at SMAN 1 Wongsorejo. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA), through the Bakti BCA program, reaffirms its commitment to continue providing positive impact to the broader community across Indonesia. In line with the company's commitment to create a high-quality #GenerasiPastiBisa in the future, as well as to support the government's target to reduce stunting rates in Banyuwangi Regency, BCA also participates by organizing "Health Program for Toddlers" and "Stunting Prevention Education for Adolescents" for the students of SMAN 1 Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi Regency.

Picture information:

Sustained Assistance Leads Tamansari Tourist Village to Achieve Various Awards - Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Banyuwangi Regency M.Y. Bramuda, S.Sos, MBA, MM (center), Head of Tamansari Village Rizal Syahputra, S.P (right), EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility of BCA Hera F. Haryn (third from the left), SVP Corporate Communication of BCA Susanti Nurmalawati (left), Puteri Indonesia 2023 Farhana Nariswari (second from the left), Head of BCA Regional Operation Support Region VII Roni Wibowo (second from the right), and Head of BCA Banyuwangi Branch Edwin Christian (third from the right) while promoting Tamansari Tourist Village to all attending journalists at the Tamansari Tourist Village Community Hall. Efforts to provide positive impact to the community in Banyuwangi Regency through the tourism and SME sector have been carried out by PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) since 2015, by adopting Tamansari Tourist Village as one of the fostered villages under the Bakti BCA program. For nearly 8 years, the company has provided facilities, infrastructure, and continuous mentoring to optimize the tourism potential of Tamansari Tourist Village. Now, there have been at least 15 awards achieved by Tamansari Tourist Village, with the latest being the Community Based Tourism category award at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2023.

Picture information:

Sustaining the Marine Ecosystem by Releasing Tukik and Planting Seagrass - Hera F. Haryn, EVP of Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility at BCA (on the left), and Farhana Nariswari, Puteri Indonesia 2023 (second from the left), participated in the tukik release event at Santen Island Beach in Banyuwangi. In addition to health, maintaining environmental balance is a top priority for BCA as it aims to create a lasting economic impact in Banyuwangi Regency. This year, BCA continues its strategic collaboration in marine ecosystem conservation, partnering to release 50 tukik and plant 100 seagrass beds on Santen Island.


About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (as of 30 June 2023)

BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with the core business of transaction banking. BCA also offers a full range of financial services in consumer, SME, commercial and corporate segments. As of June 2023, BCA has the privilege of serving more than 37 million customer accounts, processing around 80 million of daily transactions through a network of 1,251 branches; 18,483 ATMs as well as the 24-hour internet & mobile banking systems; supported by 24/7 Halo BCA contact center. BCA’s presence is complemented by a number of subsidiaries focusing on vehicle financing, sharia banking, securities, general and life insurance, digital bank, remittance as well as venture capital business. BCA is committed to building lasting relationship with customers, putting people first, and making positive impact on society at large. With around 25,000 employees, BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesia economy.


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