Jakarta, 28 May 2024 – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) continues its social services program for free cataract surgery across the Western to Eastern regions of Indonesia. In collaboration with the Cataract Blindness Management Division of the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (SPBK PERDAMI), this time BCA’s cataract surgery social service program is conducted at the Regional General Hospitals (RSUD) of Central Bengkulu and Pasangkayu, West Sulawesi. In total, 136 patients received free cataract surgery from BCA at these two locations.
Under the umbrella campaign of Bakti BCA's health pillar, this program is a manifestation of BCA's commitment to improving the quality of public health to build a better future for all. The cataract surgery social service is aimed at reducing blindness caused by this disease in Indonesia. Throughout 2024 until May, a total of 198 patients have received free cataract surgery at three different locations: on March 1-2, 2024, at RSUD dr. Salim Alkatiri Namrole, South Buru; April 29 - May 1 at RSUD Pasangkayu, West Sulawesi; and on May 24-25, 2024, at RSUD Central Bengkulu.
BCA EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility Hera F. Haryn said, "BCA believes that health plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life for the community, including eye health. We have chosen Central Bengkulu Regency and Pasangkayu as the locations for implementing the cataract surgery social program due to the community's need for such activities. We carry out this program so that the community can regain productivity and have a positive impact on the surrounding environment."
Central Bengkulu is a regency in the Province of Bengkulu, mostly dominated by mountains and highlands. It possesses abundant natural resources potential, with the agriculture and plantation sectors driving its economy. However, this geographical condition poses its own challenges with high exposure to UV rays, leading to a high prevalence of cataract cases there.
Pasangkayu Regency was chosen due to the high demand for cataract treatment in the area. Extreme sunlight exposure in the western coastal regions of Sulawesi has led to many residents suffering from cataracts, making the surgery program a necessity to reduce the prevalence of the disease in that region.
"Cataract surgery program extension is a solution and a testament to Bakti BCA's commitment to eradicating cataracts. We believe this initiative not only restores vision to cataract patients but also rebuilds the confidence of individuals who have long been hindered by visual abilities. At BCA, we continually strive to facilitate public access to healthcare by collaborating with strategic partners like SPBK Perdami," said Hera F. Haryn.
BCA has been conducting Cataract Surgery Social Service activities regularly since 2001 in collaboration with SPBK Perdami. A total of 8,329 patients have benefited from cataract surgeries provided by BCA. In the past year of 2023, over 1,000 patients have already experienced the benefits of free cataract surgeries provided by Bakti BCA across eight different locations: Jakarta; Puruk Cahu, Central Kalimantan; Batam, Riau Islands; Kei Kecil, Southeast Maluku; Bandung, West Java; West Coast, Lampung; Manokwari, West Papua; and East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara.
BCA also proactively provides support by providing assistance in cataract surgery equipment to help SPBK PERDAMI in efforts to eradicate cataract disease. Through strategic collaboration with SPBK PERDAMI, the cataract surgery social service program is expected to run optimally utilizing technology, minimizing risks, and maximizing positive outcomes.
As information, BCA through Bakti BCA strives to empower individuals to lead healthier lives by providing access to healthcare for the less privileged. In 2023, BCA organized several programs under the Bakti Kesehatan (health) pillar, some of which include "Healthy Service for Toddlers" and "Stunting Prevention Education for Teenagers" to support the government's target of reducing stunting. BCA also collaborates with BKKBN and other partners in the PASTI program to improve the quality of public health through stunting prevention education and healthy nutrition.
Bakti BCA is the company's commitment to making a positive impact on the nation, in line with Indonesia's sustainable development. BCA believes that empowered individuals can empower their communities, and empowered communities can contribute positively to ecosystem sustainability, thus creating a mutually influential and interconnected cycle.
Picture Information 1:
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk through Bakti BCA, once again held free cataract surgeries, in collaboration with the Cataract Blindness Management Division of the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (SPBK PERDAMI). This May, the free cataract surgeries were conducted at the Regional Public Hospitals (RSUD) of Central Bengkulu and Pasangkayu, West Sulawesi. In total, 136 patients received free cataract surgeries from BCA at these two locations.
Picture Information 2:
Hundreds of cataract patients received free cataract surgeries from Bakti BCA and SPBK PERDAMI at Central Bengkulu Regional Hospital and Pasangkayu Regional Hospital, West Sulawesi. BCA has been conducting regular cataract surgery social service since 2001 in collaboration with SPBK Perdami. A total
of 8,329 patients have benefited from cataract surgery provided by BCA. In 2023, more than 1,000 patients have already experienced the benefits of free cataract surgery from Bakti BCA.
Tentang PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (per 31 Maret 2024)
BCA merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada bisnis perbankan transaksi serta menyediakan fasilitas kredit dan solusi keuangan bagi segmen korporasi, komersial, UKM, dan konsumer. Pada akhir Maret 2024, BCA melayani lebih dari 38 juta rekening nasabah dan memproses sekitar 90 juta transaksi setiap harinya, didukung oleh 1.258 kantor cabang,
19.055 ATM, serta layanan internet & mobile banking dan contact center Halo BCA yang dapat diakses 24 jam. Kehadiran BCA didukung oleh sejumlah entitas anak yang berfokus pada pembiayaan kendaraan, perbankan Syariah, sekuritas, asuransi umum dan jiwa, perbankan digital, pengiriman uang, dan pemodal ventura. BCA berkomitmen untuk membangun relasi jangka panjang dengan nasabah, mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, dan menciptakan dampak positif pada masyarakat luas. Dengan sekitar 27.000 karyawan, visi BCA adalah untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia.
About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (As of 31 March 2024)
BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with the core business of transaction banking. BCA also offers a full range of financial services in consumer, SME, commercial and corporate segments. By the end of March 2024, BCA has the privilege of serving more than 38 million customer accounts, processing around 90 million of daily transactions through a network of 1,258 branches, 19,055 ATMs as well as internet & mobile banking services and Halo BCA contact center that can be accessed 24 hours. BCA’s presence is complemented by a number of subsidiaries focusing on vehicle financing, sharia banking, securities, general and life insurance, digital bank, remittance as well as venture capital business. BCA is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, putting people first, and making a positive impact on society at large. With around 27,000 employees, BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesia economy
Group Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility - CSR
Corporate Communication
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