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17 May 2023

Over 500 UNAIR Students Attended the "BCA Berbagi Ilmu" Series, themed "Leveraging Technology to Survive in The VUCA World"

Surabaya, 17 May 2023 - BCA Berbagi Ilmu program continues its series of activities in the City of Heroes, Surabaya. Vice President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA), Hendra Lembong, greeted and delivered a public lecture to more than 500 students at the Ternate Room, ASEEC Tower, Airlangga University (UNAIR) in Surabaya.

Equipped with the spirit of #GenerasiPastiBisa, BCA Berbagi Ilmu program embodies BCA's commitment to supporting Indonesia in pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BCA Berbagi Ilmu also has a mission to achieve education equality and financial literacy among the younger generation, who will be in the peak of the Demographic Bonus in 2030. The theme of this public lecture is "Leveraging Technology To Survive In the VUCA World." Present at the event were Vice President Director of BCA, Hendra Lembong, Director of Student Affairs of Airlangga University (UNAIR), Prof. Dr. M Hadi Shubhan, SH., MH., CN, Head of BCA Regional Office III, Hendrik Sia, and Head of BCA KCU Galaxy, Mrs. Lindawati Susanto.

In the public lecture, Hendra Lembong explained that technological advancements have caused disruptions in various sectors, including the banking sector, resulting in changing needs and behaviors of customers. "To survive in an uncertain world, leveraging technology is one of the key factors," stated Hendra.

On the other hand, the trend of technological advancements continues to grow rapidly. One of the steps taken by BCA to fully leverage technology is to prioritize customer needs, especially by being able to anticipate their future needs.

Furthermore, Hendra revealed that before launching a product/service, BCA always listens to the needs and pays attention to customer behavior. This is a key factor for BCA to continuously innovate and provide quality services to meet the diverse needs of its customers.

BCA Berbagi Ilmu program started coinciding with National Education Day on May 2nd at the University of Indonesia (UI), followed by the University of North Sumatra (USU), and then the Gadjah Mada University (UGM). In addition to UI, USU, UGM, and UNAIR, this series of public lectures will continue at Hasanuddin University, with BCA directors attending as speakers covering topics ranging from financial literacy, leadership, to digitalization.

BCA Berbagi Ilmu program will also present a Student Banking Tour event, which will invite a number of students to deepen their understanding of banking subjects while visiting BCA branch offices. There is also an activity called I'm Capable, which promotes inclusive and disability-friendly education, specifically focusing on financial matters and providing training to individuals with disabilities.

EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility BCA Hera F. Haryn stated, “BCA Berbagi Ilmu is specifically designed to support inclusive education for the advancement of excellent human resources in Indonesia. BCA believes that the best investment for the younger generation is in the form of education and self-development. Therefore, BCA remains committed to continuously supporting them to become the #GenerasiPastiBisa in the future."

Keterangan foto:

Harnessing technology to thrive amid technological disruption - Vice President Director of BCA, Hendra Lembong (second from the left), delivered a public lecture titled 'Leveraging Technology To Survive In the VUCA World.' The BCA Sharing Knowledge Program continued its series of activities in the city of Heroes, Surabaya. Vice President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA), Hendra Lembong, greeted and delivered a public lecture to over 500 students at the Ternate Room, ASEEC Tower, Airlangga University (UNAIR) in Surabaya. Also in attendance were the Director of Student Affairs at Airlangga University (UNAIR), Prof. Dr. M Hadi Shubhan (second from the right), SH., MH., CN, the Head of BCA Regional Office III, Hendrik Sia (left), and the Head of Welfare Division at the Directorate of Student Affairs, Titik Savitri, S.Pd (right).


Tentang PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (per 31 Maret 2023)

BCA merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada bisnis perbankan transaksi serta menyediakan fasilitas kredit dan solusi keuangan bagi segmen korporasi, komersial, UKM, dan konsumer. Pada akhir Maret 2023, BCA melayani lebih dari 36 juta rekening nasabah dan memproses sekitar 77 juta transaksi setiap harinya, didukung oleh 1.247 kantor cabang, 18.348 ATM, serta layanan internet & mobile banking dan contact center Halo BCA yang dapat diakses 24 jam. Kehadiran BCA didukung oleh sejumlah entitas anak yang berfokus pada pembiayaan kendaraan, perbankan Syariah, sekuritas, asuransi umum dan jiwa, perbankan digital, pengiriman uang, dan pemodal ventura. BCA berkomitmen untuk membangun relasi jangka panjang dengan nasabah, mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, dan menciptakan dampak positif pada masyarakat luas. Dengan sekitar 25.000 karyawan, visi BCA adalah untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia.



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