Jakarta, May 16, 2023 - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) reinforces its dedication to preserving Indonesia's orangutans. This is reflected in the release of five orangutans into the Kehje Sewen Forest, East Kalimantan, a result of BCA's collaboration with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF).
Beforehand, the five orangutans underwent “trainings” at the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) conservation facility located in Samboja Lestari, East Kalimantan. After receiving approval from experts, Mayer, Andreas, Elaine, Leann, and Riana, who were deemed "graduates”, were released back into their natural habitat. BCA provided full support to all five of these orangutans.
EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility of BCA, Hera F. Haryn, stated, “It brings us immense joy to be able to contribute, once again, to the conservation efforts of the orangutan population in Indonesia through BCA's CSR Bakti program. Orangutans play a significant role in preserving the biodiversity of forest ecosystems, and it is crucial to ensure their protection for as long as possible. The release of the five orangutans into the Kehje Sewen Forest is a long-term endeavor to protect the future of biodiversity in Indonesia.”
The existence of orangutans, as majestic primates exclusively inhabiting the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, is threatened by various obstacles. Their population, frequently teetering on the brink of extinction, poses a threat not only to the species itself but also to the biodiversity of forest ecosystems. Orangutan as an umbrella species have such a profound impact on their habitat that their presence holds exceptional value.
Acknowledging this, BCA remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting orangutan conservation efforts in Indonesia. As of May 2023, BCA has contributed to the release of 49 orangutans and the rehabilitation of 46 orangutans.
Furthermore, BCA plays an active role in preserving nature reserves and promoting sustainable community development over the long term. A total of 9,000 tree seedlings have been planted in a 22.5-hectare area to support the orangutan and sun bear rehabilitation area in Samboja Lestari, East Kalimantan.
The education and socialization about the importance of orangutan conservation are actively carried out from school to school through the Orangutan Goes To School (OGTS) program. The ultimate goal is to foster students' understanding of the crucial role orangutans play in the ecosystem and motivate them to actively safeguard these remarkable creatures in the future. Until this day, OGTS has successfully reached 3,602 students from 37 schools in Kalimantan.
Hera emphasized the need for multiple parties to actively engage in the preservation of Indonesia's natural resources. “Despite our modest contribution, we hope that our dedicated and consistent efforts in orangutan conservation in Kalimantan will inspire others to join in the same spirit," concluded Hera.
Photo Caption:
Heading towards their natural habitat - One of the orangutans ready for release is being transported by a doctor and staff to the cage transportation, Tuesday (16/5). The five orangutans rehabilitated in Samboja Lestari will be released back into their natural habitat in the Kehje Sewen Forest, East Kalimantan. This release is made possible through the collaboration between the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) and the BCA Bakti program.
Tentang PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (per 31 Maret 2023)
BCA merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada bisnis perbankan transaksi serta menyediakan fasilitas kredit dan solusi keuangan bagi segmen korporasi, komersial, UKM, dan konsumer. Pada akhir Maret 2023, BCA melayani lebih dari 36 juta rekening nasabah dan memproses sekitar 77 juta transaksi setiap harinya, didukung oleh 1.247 kantor cabang, 18.348 ATM, serta layanan internet & mobile banking dan contact center Halo BCA yang dapat diakses 24 jam. Kehadiran BCA didukung oleh sejumlah entitas anak yang berfokus pada pembiayaan kendaraan, perbankan Syariah, sekuritas, asuransi umum dan jiwa, perbankan digital, pengiriman uang, dan pemodal ventura. BCA berkomitmen untuk membangun relasi jangka panjang dengan nasabah, mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, dan menciptakan dampak positif pada masyarakat luas. Dengan sekitar 25.000 karyawan, visi BCA adalah untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia.
Group Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility - CSR
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