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20 Oct 2022

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Third Quarter 2022 Results - Solid Performance Supports Economic Recovery

Jakarta, 20 October 2022 – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (IDX: BBCA) and its subsidiaries sustained the performance growth trend throughout the first nine months of 2022, recording a 12.6% YoY increase in total loans as of September 2022. Meanwhile, current accounts and savings accounts (CASA) rose 15.1% YoY, driven by high transaction frequency and increasing customer base. BCA and its subsidiaries registered net profits of Rp29.0 trillion in the first nine months of 2022, a 24.8% growth YoY. 

“With the optimism to encourage credit distribution and support the economic recovery, we again held the BCA Expo Hybrid 2022. We see the trend of demand recovery in consumer credit continues. From the two expos we have hosted this year, we received mortgage and vehicle financing applications worth Rp30 trillion. In addition, we held BCA UMKM Fest 2022 to promote the development of MSMEs, as well as BCA Wealth Summit 2022 to provide literacy and wealth management solutions for the community. We are grateful that BCA UMKM Fest was able to reach more than 1,200 MSMEs, and the BCA Wealth Summit recorded more than 1 million visitors,” said Jahja Setiaatmadja, President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. 

BCA saw credit growth in all segments, in line with the wider recovery in the various economic sectors. Corporate loans increased 13.4% YoY reaching Rp306.1 trillion in September 2022, while commercial and SME loans rose 12.6% YoY to Rp203.5 trillion. Mortgages grew 10.4% YoY to Rp105.0 trillion, and auto loans expanded 9.2% YoY to Rp43.8 trillion. Credit cards outstanding also posted an increase of 15.8% YoY to Rp13.0 trillion, bringing the total consumer credit portfolio to Rp165.0 trillion or rose by 10.4% YoY. Overall, BCA's total loans increased 12.6% YoY to Rp682.0 trillion. With regard to sustainable financing, BCA's portfolio grew 18.6% YoY to Rp172.7 trillion as of September 2022, or accounted for 25.1% of BCA's total loans. 

“In the third quarter of this year, we initiated a program to recycle archive waste into reusable pulp. As of July 2022, we had managed to recycle 282 tons of archive waste, with the potential emission absorption of up to 322.5 tons of CO2 equivalent, or similar to preserving more than 15,000 trees. We are grateful that BCA's commitment in promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) values has gained recognition and appreciation from a number of reputable parties. BCA received an AA rating from MSCI ESG Ratings in July 2022, and our BCA Foresta office won 1st place in Energy Saving Building at the 2022 Subroto Awards for Energy Efficient Building” said Jahja Setiaatmadja. 

Alongside with rising loan portfolio, loan quality has been improving, as the Bank’s restructured loans gradually returned to normal payments. Loan at Risk (LAR) ratio improved to 11.7% in the first nine months of 2022, lower than 17.1% in the previous year. Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ratio was manageable at 2.2%, while the NPL and LAR coverage was at solid levels of 247.9% and 49.9%, respectively. 

On the funding side, CASA rose 15.1% YoY to Rp830.4 trillion as of September 2022, contributing to 81% of total third party funds. CASA was the primary driver of the growth in total third party funds, which rose 11.0% YoY to Rp1,026 trillion. In line with this achievement, BCA's total assets increased 10.2% YoY, reaching Rp1,289 trillion. The solid CASA funding reflects the continued growth in transaction banking activities. In the first nine months of 2022, the total transaction volume rose 39.5% YoY, reaching 17.4 billion transactions. 

With the development of myBCA, which is designed to be an integrated service app in the future, BCA has added wealth management services for mutual fund and secondary market bonds transactions. Concurrently, a new feature called “Bayar dan Isi Ulang” was introduced in myBCA app, for ease of payment of various bills, such as data packages, BPJS Kesehatan, loans, insurance, internet, to water bills. 

“We consistently promote the concept of “hybrid banking” to serve our growing customer base, both in the online and offline ecosystems. Meanwhile, we constantly monitor the global and domestic economic situations, particularly related to the trend of rising benchmark interest rates and inflation. We are committed to maintain quality credit growth, and take prudent steps going forward," said Jahja Setiaatmadja. 

In line with credit expansion and sound liquidity, BCA posted a positive growth in Net Interest Income for the first nine months of 2022, up 9.3% YoY to Rp46.1 trillion. Non-interest income grew 7.8% YoY to Rp16.7 trillion, supported by a 15.2% YoY increase in fee and commission income. In total, operating income was recorded at Rp62.8 trillion, up 8.9% YoY, while provision costs fell by Rp3.7 trillion compared to last year. Supported by these positive achievements, BCA’s net profit rose 24.8% YoY to Rp29.0 trillion. 

BCA’s operations have taken into account the positive impact on society through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities under the “Bakti BCA” program. In the health sector, BCA is a funding partner in the stunting reduction initiatives, a program led by BKKBN with a commitment amounted to US$1 million in donations. BCA has also distributed more than 411,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine, both for employees and their families as well as for the general public. In addition, BCA provides scholarships and training programs for outstanding students from 19 local universities and installs Solar Power Plant in Loura District, Southwest Sumba Regency.

BCA’s Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results – Bank Central Asia's (BCA) President Commissioner Djohan Emir Setijoso (third right) along with President Director BCA Jahja Setiaatmadja (third left), Director BCA Subur Tan (right), Director BCA Rudy Susanto (left), Director BCA Santoso (right second), Director BCA Vera Eve Lim (left second) during the presentation of BCA's Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results, Jakarta, Thursday (20/10). BCA and its subsidiaries recorded a total loan growth of 12.6% YoY in September 2022, supported by rising business activities as mobility restrictions ease. In the profit & loss statement, BCA and its subsidiaries posted a net profit of Rp29.0 trillion in the third quarter of 2022, a 24.8% YoY growth.


About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (as of 30 September 2022)

BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with the core business of transaction banking. BCA also offers a full range of financial services in consumer, SME, commercial and corporate segments. As of September 2022, BCA has the privilege of serving more than 33 million customer accounts, processing around 64 million of daily transactions through a network of 1,247 branches; 18,161 ATMs as well as the 24-hour internet & mobile banking systems; supported by 24/7 Halo BCA contact center. BCA’s presence is complemented by a number of subsidiaries focusing on vehicle financing, sharia banking, securities, general and life insurance, digital bank, remittance as well as venture capital business. BCA is committed to building lasting relationship with customers, putting people first, and making positive impact on society at large. With around 25,000 employees, BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesia economy.

Group Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility - CSR
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Address : Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1
Menara BCA Lt. 22
Jakarta Pusat 10310
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