

Vera Eve Lim


Indonesian citizen, 58 years old. Domiciled in Indonesia. Appointed as Director of BCA at the 2018 Annual GMS and obtained the approval of OJK on 20 April 2018. Lastly reappointed to the position at the 2021 Annual GMS for a 5-year term.

Duties and Responsibilities

She joined BCA in 2018 as Executive Vice President of Finance & Planning and Corporate Secretary. Prior to joining BCA, she has served as Director and Commissioner in various companies, including as Director and Chief Financial Officer at PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (2006-2017), Commissioner at PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance and concurrently as Director at PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (2010-2017), Deputy President Commissioner at PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika and concurrently Director at PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (2008-2013), Chief Financial Officer PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (2003- 2006), and as Head of Division, Deputy Head of Division and Section Head at PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (1990-2003). She started her career working as assistant manager of finance with PT Asuransi Sinarmas (1987-1998) and assistant manager of accounting & finance with PT MBF Leasing (1988-1990).


He served as Head of the Consumer Card Business Services & Support Group (2015-2016), Head of Merchant & Consumer Credit Card Group (2012-2014), Head of Credit Card Business Unit (2009-2012), Head of Small & Medium Business Division (2005-2009), Deputy Head of the Consumer Network Division, Deputy Head of the Service Network Division and Deputy Head of the Sales & Network Division (2000-2005), and Head of Area Marketing Bureau (1998-2000). Has held various managerial positions, including Head of Marketing for Non Jabodetabek Areas II (1996-1998). Joined BCA in 1992 as Head of Administration Support.


Obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Economics/Accounting from Universitas Tarumanagara (1989), and completed the Executive Program at Stanford Graduate School (2008).


No financial relationship, stock ownership relationship, and/or family relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners, fellow member of the Board of Directors, and/ or the controlling shareholders of BCA.

Concurrent Position

Does not have concurrent positions in companies or other institutions in accordance with the prevailing OJK Regulations.


During her career, she accumulated extensive experience in various areas and assignments, including in merger and acquisition, divestment and IPO, capital market fund/capital raising, transformation management office, operation excellence, corporate planning and strategy, procurement, real estate management, investor relations, financial accounting & tax, regulatory reporting, management information system (MIS), and others.