

Subur Tan


Indonesian citizen, 64 years old. Domiciled in Indonesia. Appointed as Director of BCA at the 2002 Annual GMS and obtained the approval of OJK on 13 August 2002. Lastly reappointed to the position at the 2021 Annual GMS for a 5-year term.

Duties and Responsibilities

Director of BCA in charge of Credit Risk Analysis, Credit Recovery, and Legal & Litigation.


Head of Legal Work Unit, Deputy Head of Legal Division (1999-2000), Head of Legal Bureau (1995-1999), and has held several managerial positions, including Head of Credit in Operational Headquarters (1991-1995). He joined BCA in 1986.


Obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (1986) and obtained a Notary qualification from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (2002).


No financial relationship, stock ownership relationship, and/or family relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners, fellow member of the Board of Directors, and/ or the controlling shareholders of BCA.

Concurrent Position

Does not have concurrent positions in companies or other institutions in accordance with the prevailing OJK Regulations.


During his career, he accumulated extensive experience in various areas and assignments, including in legal & litigation, enterprise & credit risk management, human capital management, credit restructuring, compliance, divestments and IPOs, as well as mergers and acquisitions.