

Haryanto Tiara Budiman


Indonesian citizen, 56 years old. Domiciled in Indonesia. Appointed as Director of BCA at the 2020 Annual GMS and obtained the approval of OJK on 14 May 2020. Lastly reappointed to the position at the 2021 Annual GMS for a 5-year term.

Duties and Responsibilities

Director of BCA, responsible for the Consumer Loan Business Division, Individual Customer Business Development Division, and Wealth Management Division. He also monitors developments at PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA (BCA Life) which is engaged in life insurance, PT BCA Finance in automotive financing, and PT BCA Multi Finance in factoring, motorcycle financing and leasing.


He served as Managing Director & Senior Country Officer (Chief Executive) J.P. Morgan Indonesia (January 2012 to April 2020), Senior Executive Vice President and Head of Change Management Office PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (October 2006 to December 2011), and He began his career at the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company (1996- 2006), lastly as Associate Partner and Director of PT McKinsey Indonesia. He was appointed as Chairman of the Indonesian Bankers Association (IBI) for a 4-year term (2019-2023) and was re-elected as Chairman for the second period (2023-2027). He was also appointed as one of the seven B20 Indonesia Task Force Chairs in Indonesia G20 Presidency 2022 for Integrity & Compliance. In September 2022, he was appointed as a member of the Board of Trustee USINDO (United States Indonesia Society) – a non-profi t organization exclusively dedicated to a stronger US – Indonesia relationship.


He held a Bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University, a Master’s degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech), and a Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States.


No financial relationship, stock ownership relationship, and/or family relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners, fellow member of the Board of Directors, and/ or the controlling shareholders of BCA.

Concurrent Position

Does not have concurrent positions in companies or other institutions in accordance with the prevailing OJK Regulations.


During his career, he accumulated extensive experience in various areas and assignments, including in strategic planning, corporate & investment banking, risk management, compliance, merger & acquisition, capital market and consumer banking.