Until 13 Jul 2025

For Customer


Terms & Conditions :

Event Detail 

Day, Date: Friday-Sunday, 11-13 July 2025
Place: Istora Senayan Jakarta

Early Bird Only For BCA Customers

  • Stand-Up Fest 2025 ticket purchase period starts from January 30, 2025 only through TipTip until the early bird ticket quota runs out.
  • Valid for purchase of all ticket categories.
  • Ticket prices and information on terms & conditions related to ticket purchases & other information are available at Instagram @standupindonesia and TipTip.
  • Early bird tickets are valid for transactions using BCA Virtual Account via myBCA/BCA mobile/KlikBCA/ATM BCA, BCA Credit Cards with JCB/Mastercard/Visa/American Express Platinum logos and Debit BCA Mastercard.
  • Valid for maximum purchase of 2 tickets/transaction.
Kategori Tiket Stand Up Fest 2025

How to Purchase Tickets Based on Payment Method

BCA Virtual Account

BCA Virtual Account payments can be made through myBCA/BCA mobile/KlikBCA/ATM BCA.

Payment using myBCA can be done by:

  1. Enter the Stand-Up Fest 2025 ticket purchase page at TipTip.id
  2. Select the category and add the desired number of tickets then click “Book Now”
  3. Fill in your personal details
  4. Choose payment using BCA Virtual Account
  5. Copy BCA Virtual Account number
  6. Open myBCA app
  7. Select Transfer feature
  8. Select Virtual Account
  9. Enter Virtual Account number 
  10. On the confirmation page, the amount that needs to be paid, the number and name of the merchant will appear, if it is complete, select continue.
  11. Check periodically to see the payment status on TipTip

BCA Credit Cards

  1. Enter the Stand-Up Fest 2025 ticket purchase page at TipTip.id
  2. Select the category and add the desired number of tickets then click “Book Now”.
  3. Fill in your personal details
  4. Select payment using Credit/Debit Card
  5. Enter Credit Card number, Expired Date, and CVC/CVV
  6. Enter OTP code for verification *)
  7. Make sure the payment was successful
  8. Check periodically to see the payment status on TipTip

*) Make sure to have Regular Credit on the Mobile number connected to the BCA Credit Card to receive the OTP code.

Debit BCA Mastercard

  1. Enter the Stand-Up Fest 2025 ticket purchase page at TipTip.id
  2. Select the category and add the desired number of tickets then click “Book Now”.
  3. Fill in your personal details
  4. Select payment using Credit/Debit Card
  5. Enter Debit BCA Mastercard number, Expired Date, and CVC/CVV
  6. Enter OTP code for verification *)
  7. Make sure the payment was successful
  8. Check periodically to see the payment status on TipTip
  9. *) Make sure to have Regular Credit on the Mobile number connected to the Debit BCA Mastercard to receive the OTP code.


  1. Where do you purchase tickets? All ticket purchases, venue plans and more are only at TipTip
  2. When do early bird tickets go on sale? Tickets go on sale on January 30, 2025 at TipTip until the early bird ticket quota runs out.
  3. Can I pay using a BCA Credit Card with the BCA Card logo? No, you can only use Credit Card with JCB/Mastercard/Visa/American Express Platinum logos
  4. Can ticket purchases be made at BCA Branches? No, all purchases are made online through the TipTip
  5. Where can you find information on ticket prices & venues? All information regarding concert info details can be accessed via Instagram @standupindonesia and TipTip
  6. How many tickets can be purchased in one transaction? Maximum 2 tickets per transaction until the early bird ticket quota runs out.
  7. When and where is the event? Stand Up Fest 2025 will be held on Friday through Sunday, July 11-13, 2025 at Istora Senayan Jakarta.
  8. Do I need to login to purchase tickets? No, ticket purchases can be made without prior registration and login.

Terms & Conditions or other regulations related to the event will be available on Instagram @standupindonesia and TipTip official page.

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