In Singapore, a scamming method called ‘smishing’ is getting popular, taking a lot of victims, and it is starting to spread in Indonesia. What is Smishing? Vishing? Read below to keep yourself safe.
Phishing, Smishing dan Vishing
Those three terms may not be familiar to your ears even though we have heard or read them somewhere in the media. Let’s learn about what is phishing, smishing, and vishing.
Phishing is an attempt of fraud to get personal data, such as OTP code, password, and other credit/debit card information through electronic media by people claiming to be someone from a legitimate institution, like a bank Customer Service agent.
Phishing is usually done through email. The fraudster would send an email in the name of certain institutions and persuade you to click the link attached to the email. The email content’s tone is usually urgent, such as there is a suspicious transaction on your credit card, your account will be blocked, you won a prize and it will be canceled if you are not immediately claiming it, and so on.
Check more articles on Phishing
Links attached to the email will redirect you to a malicious website made by the scammer and require you to enter your personal data, or it contains malware so your electronic device can be taken over by the scammers.
Smishing is a phishing scam through an electronic message, also known as SMS phising. By knowing your cell phone number, the scammer may send an SMS in the name of BCA to lure you to click a link and access a fake website to get you to enter your personal data. Compared to emails, SMS feels more personal so victims are likely to be complacent and take the bait.
Vishing or voice phishing is phishing through phone calls. The scammer would perform social engineering through phone calls to get access to your personal financial data. Like phishing and smishing, you will receive bad information or prize offers, and you will be urged to provide your personal data to avoid negative consequences.
- Do not get easily panicked/happy if you get an email that makes you feel anxious or delighted, be it from an SMS or from any channel. Please understand the situation first.
- Do not click any suspicious link sent to you through any channel, because the scammers want you to provide your personal data, for example, your credit card data (credit card numbers, OTP code, PIN, card expiration date, and CVV/CVC).
- Your data is confidential. Do not share your credit card data to anyone and through any media.
- Do not trust any phone call, SMS, and email not coming from BCA’s official contacts. When in doubt, consult Halo BCA at 1500888
- Always monitor your credit card transaction. The official email used to notify your transactions is:
- OTP code is only used for online transactions, not for promo code/annual fee waiver/transaction cancellations/credit card blocking/limit increase/others.
- Langkah mudah dan aman blokir kartu kredit melalui BCA mobile dapat dilihat pada link berikut
- Click here for easy and secure steps to block your credit card via BCA mobile.
Share these tips to people around you who might be in this kind of situation. #CariTahuBiarAman #DatamuRahasiamu.