
Simple investment options for the busy life

Why e-Deposito?


Transactions can be made anywhere without going to the branch office


e-Deposito don’t have a Deposit slip, therefore no need to worry about lose the slip


Interest is automatically transferred to the fund source account and there will be a notification email upon placing or liquidating (make sure your e-Banking email is updated)


About Important Information Fees, Limits & Interest Rates Terms and Conditions Get the Product


e-Deposito BCA is a Time Deposit product that can be opened by the customer through BCA’s channel.

Important Information

Requirements and Procedure:

  • The customer has myBCA or KliKBCA Business (KBB) with active financial status.
  • Type of customer:
    • Individual customer of Indonesian nationality
    • Non-individual customer other than a banking institution (only via KBB)
  • The customer has a BCA account with the following criteria as the source account:
    • Denominated in Rupiah
    • Account types: Tahapan, Tahapan Gold, Tapres, Tahapan Xpresi, and Rupiah Current Account
    • Not a joint account
    • Specifically for e-Deposito transactions via KBB, the source account is not a Bank Current Account or an inquiry account
    • The customer does not have a Local Credit or KPR Xtra BCA facility
  • The customer has updated their data to ensure financial security.

The customer can ask questions and lodge complaints via the following:

Contact Us:

Halo BCA 1500888

Halo Layanan KlikBCA Bisnis 1500777

Email : halobca@bca.co.id

WA : +628111500998

Website : www.bca.co.id

Social Media

Facebook : GoodLife BCA

Instagram : @goodlifebca

Youtube : Solusi BCA

X (Twitter) : @BankBCA

Features, Benefits, and Risks of e-Deposito

Main features of e-Deposito:

  • Placement amount starts from IDR8,000,000.
  • Flexible choices of tenors of 1, 3, 6, or 12 months.
  • Any individual customer of Indonesian nationality can place the e-Deposito via BCA’s channels such as myBCA and KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB). However, a non-individual customer other than a banking institution can only place the e-Deposito through KBB.
  • The e-Deposito can be liquidated through a different channel from the one used for its placement. For example, the customer can place the e-Deposito via myBCA and liquidate it via KBB.
  • The customer will receive a notification email every time they make an e-Deposito transaction. The notification email is sent to the to the email address registered in the e-Deposito source account or the email address registered on the channel used by the customer when placing the e-Deposito.
  • Competitive interest rates. For details on interest rates, please check the “Fees, Limits & Interest Rates”.
  • The deposit interest rate that is eligible for the deposit insurance scheme follows the applicable interest rate set by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan or LPS), which can be viewed on the website of the LPS.


  • Offering convenient and flexible time investment for customers.
  • Freedom to choose the rollover type of your preference, namely:
    • Automatic rollover with the interest credited monthly to the source account (ARO).
    • Automatic rollover with the interest added to the e-Deposito principal upon each rollover (ARO Plus).


  • The customer’s deposits will not be covered by the insurance scheme managed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) if:
    • The total balance of the customer’s deposits (including interest) in one bank exceeds (an equivalent of) Rp2 billion for both single accounts and joint accounts.
    • The interest rate obtained by the customer exceeds the deposit insurance interest rate set by the LPS.
  • In the event the customer makes immediate liquidation, the accrued interest will not be paid.
  • If the customer fails to liquidate the e-Deposito at maturity, the customer's funds will be re-deposited for the same tenor at the then applicable interest rate.
  • Liquidation of the e-Deposito at a BCA Branch can only be made if the customer owning the e-Deposito has passed away and/or is not legally capable.

Simulation 1):

e-Deposito Placement Amount Tenor Interest Rate according to Tenor 2) Amount 3) 20% Tax Accumulated Total 4)


1 Month





Effective: February 1st, 2025


1) This simulation is intended to provide the customer with an estimate calculation only and is not meant to give any recommendation.

2) Interest rates may change at any time in line with market conditions and the change will be notified to the customer via BCA’s information media.

3) Interest amount is gross interest amount before tax withholding according to the applicable regulations (assumption: 1 month = 30 days and 1 year = 365 days).

4) Accumulated total = total e-Deposito amount after interest payment and tax withholding.

Additional Information

  • The e-Deposito interest will be credited to the customer’s account according to the rollover type of the e-Deposito, as described below:

    Type of e-Deposito



    To be credited to the e-Deposito source account every month on the specified maturity date

    ARO Plus

    To be credited to the e-Deposito account at maturity with the accrued interest added to the principal amount for further placement (rollover)

  • The e-Deposito can be liquidated through the appropriate channel by clicking either immediate liquidation or liquidation at maturity.
  • The e-Deposito cannot be liquidated on the same date as the placement date of the e-Deposito.
  • BCA has the right to change the benefits, fees and charges, risks, including the terms and conditions for this product and/or service, and such change will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with the applicable law. The notice will be provided at least 30 calendar days before the changes take effect.
  • The e-Deposito pays interest at the rate applicable at BCA, and the interest rate may change at any time according to market conditions and will be notified to the customer through BCA’s means of information.
  • All other information regarding the fees and charges, benefits, and risks can be accessed through BCA’s official website at www.bca.co.id.

Disclaimer (important to read)

  • BCA has the right to reject the customer’s application for the product and/or service if the customer fails to meet the applicable terms and conditions.
  • The customer has read and understood the e-Deposito product as described in this Product and Service Information Summary.
  • This summary simply constitutes a means of providing product and/or service information for prospective/existing customers and is not intended as an official offer for a product and/or service.
  • The customer must read, understand, and agree the e-Deposito placement application.
  • The information contained in this Product and Service Information Summary shall take effect as of the printing date of this Product and Service Information Summary until the issuance of its latest update.
  • The customer must carefully read this Product and Service Information Summary before deciding to place the e-Deposito and may contact the bank’s employee or call Halo BCA at 1500888 to inquire about all matters or file complaints related to the Product and Service Information Summary.

Fees, Limits, and Interest Rates

Interest Rate

Rupiah e-Deposito


Interest Rate (%pa) / Term (months)
1 3 6 12
IDR < 2Bn 3.10 3.00 2.25 2.00
IDR ≥ 2Bn - < 5Bn 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.00
IDR ≥ 5Bn - < 10Bn 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.00
IDR ≥ 10Bn - < 25Bn 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.00
IDR ≥ 25Bn - < 100Bn 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.00
IDR ≥ 100Bn 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.10

Effective: February 1st, 2025

Minimum Placement



  • Income Tax Withholding: 20% of the e-Deposito interest amount.
  • As a penalty for immediate liquidation, any accrued interest will not be paid.
  • Monthly interest transfer fee: Free of charge.

Terms and Conditions




  1. e-Deposito means a Time Deposit denominated in Rupiah opened through the application provided by BCA.
  2. Time Deposit means a deposit that can only be withdrawn at the specified time as agreed upon between the Depositor and BCA.
  3. Depositor means an individual or a non-individual entity that owns an e-Deposito at BCA.
  4. Placement Date means the date on which the funds for placement in the e-Deposito has been received in good funds by BCA from the Depositor.
  5. Interest Maturity Date means the date on which interest on the e-Deposito is paid by BCA.
  6. Maturity Date means the maturity date of the e-Deposito.
  7. Interest Day means the number of days for the calculation of the e-Deposito interest to be paid by BCA to the Depositor.
  8. Source Account means the Depositor’s account from which the initial amount for placement into the e-Deposito is debited by BCA. The Source Account must be linked to the application provided by BCA, which is used to open the e-Deposito. The Source Account must be denominated in Rupiah and must not be in the form of a joint account with the status of "AND" or "OR".
  9. Interest Payment Destination Account means the Depositor’s account to which the e-Deposito interest is credited by BCA. 


  1. The owner of the e-Deposito must be the same as the owner of the Source Account.
  2. The e-Deposito cannot be opened in the form of a joint account with the status of "AND" or "OR".
  3. The e-Deposito can only be opened with the status of Automatic Roll Over (ARO) principal or ARO principal + interest.
  4. BCA does not issue any certificate (bilyet) for the e-Deposito. The Depositor can check the status of the Depositor’s e-Deposito placement or liquidation either by email or through the application provided by BCA.
  5. The e-Deposito cannot be used as security/collateral for a credit facility.
  6. The e-Deposito can only be liquidated into the Source Account. If for any reason the Source Account cannot receive the proceeds of the e-Deposito liquidation, among others, because the Source Account is closed or blocked, the Depositor may designate another account in the name of the Depositor at BCA (not bearing the status of a joint account), for the purpose of the crediting of the proceeds of the e-Deposito liquidation and the e-Deposito interest.
  7. The e-Deposito interest can be paid either on the Interest Maturity Date or on the Maturity Date. The interest is calculated from the Placement Date to the Maturity Date with the Interest Day calculation in accordance with the applicable provisions.
  8. The e-Deposito will be automatically rolled over with the condition as selected at the time of the e-Deposito placement and with interest at the rate applicable at the time of the renewal.
  9. If the Depositor opens an e-Deposito with the ARO principal condition and if for any reason the e-Deposito interest cannot be credited to the Interest Payment Destination Account, among others, because the Interest Payment Destination Account is closed or blocked, the Depositor remains entitled to earn the e-Deposito interest, which will be paid. to the Depositor when the Depositor liquidates such e-Deposito with the ARO principal condition. However, no interest will paid on the e-Deposito interest that cannot be credited to the Interest Payment Destination Account.
  10. The e-Deposito cannot be liquidated on the Placement Date of the e-Deposito.
  11. If the Depositor intends to liquidate the Depositor’s e-Deposito, the Depositor may choose any one of the following methods for liquidating e-Deposito:
    1. immediate liquidation of e-Deposito, namely the e-Deposito is liquidated not on the Maturity Date; or
    2. liquidation of e-Deposito on the Maturity Date. If the Depositor selects ‘liquidation of e-Deposito on the Maturity Date’, such request for liquidation on the Maturity Date is irrevocable, but the Depositor can change the liquidation method to ‘immediate liquidation of e-Deposito’.
  12. BCA has the right to not pay interest on the e-Deposito if the Depositor liquidates the e-Deposito not on the Maturity Date.
  13. The Depositor is required to liquidate the e-Deposito if the Depositor wishes to close all of the Depositor's accounts at BCA.
  14. The e-Deposito can only be liquidated through the application provided by BCA or through any other facility that will be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law.
  15. The Depositor’s funds at BCA are guaranteed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, or “LPS”) to the extent of the maximum limit stipulated by the LPS. The LPS does not guarantee any deposit with interest at the rate exceeding the maximum interest rate stipulated by the LPS.
  16. As long as the Depositor still has outstanding debts of any nature to BCA under any credit facility, L/C, bank guarantee or guarantee provided by the Depositor (borgtocht), interest, facility fee (provisi), Cheque/Bilyet Giro book charges, stamp duty, draft, letter of acceptance or other commercial papers signed by the Depositor as an acceptor, endorser, or drawer, guarantor or as a consequence of the use of a credit card or any other fees or obligations arising from anything whatsoever, BCA is entitled, and to the extent necessary is hereby authorized by the Depositor to debit the Depositor’s account and apply the proceeds to repay any amounts at any time owing to BCA. Any consequences arising from the debiting of the account under the power granted by the Depositor shall be the sole responsibility of the Depositor.
  17. In the event of the Depositor’s death, BCA may request any documentation of heirship as required by BCA as the basis for liquidating the e-Deposito owned by the deceased Depositor and paying the same to the rightful beneficiary(-ies) as specified in the documentation of heirship. Once the e-Deposito owned by the deceased Depositor has been liquidated and paid to the rightful beneficiary(-ies) or attorney(s)-in-fact as specified in the documentation of heirship, BCA is released and forever discharged from any liability whatsoever in connection with the Depositor’s e-Deposito.
  18. The Depositor must not use the e-Deposito to hold funds from any transactions or businesses that are prohibited by and/or contrary to applicable law, including but not limited to money laundering, terrorism financing, funding the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illegal investments, fraud, gambling, narcotics, and other criminal acts.
  19. The Depositor must not use the funds in the e-Deposito to conduct any transactions or businesses that are prohibited by and/or contrary to applicable law, including but not limited to money laundering, terrorism financing, funding the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illegal investments, fraud, gambling, narcotics, and other criminal acts.
  20. BCA reserves the right to block the e-Deposito, reject any transaction involving the e-Deposito, and/or terminate the business relationship with the Depositor if:
    1. the Depositor fails to comply with the prevailing law;
    2. the Depositor fails to provide any information and supporting documents required under the prevailing law;
    3. the Depositor is known to have used and/or reasonably suspected of using false documents and/or providing incorrect data to BCA;
    4. the Depositor provides questionable information; and/or
    5. the Depositor’s source of transaction funds is known to emanate from and/or reasonably suspected of emanating from a crime.
  21. The data concerning the e-Deposito at BCA will be held and stored by BCA in accordance with the prevailing law.
  22. By opening the e-Deposito, the Depositor is bound by and agrees to these Terms and Conditions for BCA e-Deposito. BCA may at any time amend these Terms and Conditions for BCA e-Deposito, and such amendment will be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law. 


  1. Any complaints to BCA in connection with the e-Deposito may be lodged by the Depositor with any BCA branch office or with HALO BCA. For the purpose of handling such complaint, BCA may ask the Depositor to provide BCA with a copy of the Depositor’s identity card and other supporting documents.
  2. BCA will respond to such complaint in accordance with the prevailing law.
  3. Any complaints relating to the e-Deposito account must be lodged by the Depositor with BCA within no later than 3 (three) months of the transaction date. 


  1. The Depositor agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising from and/or in connection with the implementation of these Terms and Conditions for BCA e-Deposito between the Depositor and BCA will be resolved in an amicable manner.
  2. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be amicably resolved between the Depositor and BCA will be resolved through banking mediation facilities at Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority or by means of mediation through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution included in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions stipulated by the Financial Services Authority.
  3. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved in an amicable manner and/or by means of mediation as described in item 2 above will be resolved through the District Court of Central Jakarta, without prejudice to BCA's right to file a suit or claim through any other District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.


    Terms and Conditions for e-Deposito of PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA Tbk (“BCA”) are made and signed in two (2) versions of languages, namely Indonesian and English. In the event that there is a discrepancy in interpretation between the versions of Indonesian and English, then the version of Indonesian language shall prevail.

The Depositor hereby confirms that the Depositor fully understands and agrees to the Terms and Conditions for e-Deposito of PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA Tbk ("BCA") as described above and that BCA has provided sufficient explanation and sought the Depositor’s confirmation of the Depositor’s understanding of the benefits, charges and fees, and risks associated with the e-Deposito account.

These Terms and Conditions for e-Deposito of PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA Tbk (“BCA”) have been adjusted to ensure compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations including Regulations of the Financial Services Authority

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Time Deposit Simulation

Placement Amount


Rp 8 millionRp 100 billion



1 month12 month

Interest Rate



Rp 26.712

Tax of interest 20%

Rp 5.342

Total of Time Deposit Accumulation

Rp 10.021.370

Note: this calculation is only an investment simulation aid and is not intended to provide any recommendations
Asumming: 1 month = 30 days, and 1 year = 365 days