myBCA Bisnis

Enjoy the Ease of Transaction with myBCA Bisnis

Secure and reliable solutions for your business needs

Cash Management

Easily monitor activities, authorize transactions, and check the status of business transactions all on one screen


Enjoy the seamless business transaction experience on various devices at any time

Integrated Solution

Various conveniences and solutions for business transactions in one place

myBCA Bisnis, Your Comprehensive Business Financial Solution

Experience the convenience of myBCA Bisnis with its diverse features designed to streamline your business needs and operations.

myBCA Bisnis

About Fees and Limits FAQ Terms and Conditions Important Information Get the Service


myBCA Bisnis is an internet banking service that can be accessed on various devices to perform transactions, authorizations, status checks, and address various cash management needs.

Benefits of myBCA Bisnis

  • Easily perform both financial and non-financial transactions through myBCA Bisnis
  • Enjoy convenient transactions on myBCA Bisnis from various devices, including mobile and desktop
  • Enjoy the features in myBCA, designed to meet all your business needs
  • If you have myBCA Bisnis H2H facilities, you can manage online banking transactions in real-time, directly from your own system.

Key Features

Transaction Status Summary
Easily monitor transaction activity and status information, and authorize transactions within a unified interface
Account Information
Access balance information, account type, branch name, and other account details
Account Statement
A feature to view debit or credit transactions, or both, for each account registered on MBB. Account Transactions can be downloaded individually or for multiple accounts at once
A feature to download monthly account activity information, Customer Portfolio Reports, and Withholding Tax Certificates in softcopy via MBB, based on the selected period
Credit Card
View and download information, transactions, and credit card bills registered on myBCA Bisnis
Transfer to Your Own BCA Accounts
Transfer foreign currency to your BCA account. Supported currencies include IDR, USD, SGD, HKD, AUD, EUR, GBP, JPY, and CNY
Other BCA Account Transfer
A feature for transferring funds in IDR or foreign currencies to other BCA accounts
Domestic Interbank Transfer
Make transactions in Rupiah from BCA accounts to other bank accounts within the country
Transfer Funds to BCA Virtual Account
A feature for transferring funds to BCA Virtual Accounts individually in IDR. The Customer can make transfers with transaction types such as no bill, fixed bill, and variable bill, with options for same-day or future-dated transactions
BCA Virtual Account Transfer
Make a BCA Virtual Account transfers in Rupiah for an assignable effective date
Beneficiary List
A feature to register/change/delete beneficiary accounts, either individually or in bulk, for transfers to BCA accounts, Other Domestic Banks, and BCA Virtual Accounts. In addition, the Customer can also manage access rights for each account number
Make bulk salary payments for company employees to BCA accounts or other bank accounts (LLG/RTGS)
Payment & Top Up
A feature to make various types of payments, including State Revenue, Telephone, Mobile Phone, and PLN Postpaid payments
Bulk Transfer
A feature for fund transfers in bulk to BCA accounts or other banks (LLG/RTGS) through file upload. The Customer can choose the authorization type, either authorizing the entire file at once (bulk authorization) or authorizing a specific part of the file (individual authorization). In addition, the Customer can also access supporting information about a transaction, such as detailed payment data sent to the beneficiary via email using the Remittance Advice function
Funds Transfer to BCA Account (Forex)
A feature that can be used for foreign currency fund transfers to the Customer’s own BCA account or other BCA accounts. Currencies available are USD, SGD, HKD, AUD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CNY
Bulk Payment
A feature to make various types of payments in bulk via file upload, including Telkom, BPJS Health, Mobile Phone, Credit Card & Paylater, Internet & Cable TV, and Water bill payments
Credit Facility Information
Inquire about facility data and loan details specific to myBCA Bisnis Borrowers
SCF Information – Payable Finance & Factoring
Access information regarding relationships and limits related to each ID program within Supply Chain Finance (SCF)
Transaction Limit Information
You can view your current usage and remaining limits for various types of transactions, including the Company Daily Limit, Account Limit, User Releaser Limit, and Direct Authorization Limit
Download Request Results
This feature allows you to download all files that the customer has requested from each feature in myBCA Bisnis
Business Debit Card
Easily manage financial activities, including cash inflows and outflows, with various features available from Deposit Cards, Petty Cash Cards, and Loyalty Cards
Access the J-Valas application without needing to log in again if you enter through myBCA Bisnis (single sign-on). myBCA Bisnis serves solely as an entry point to access the J-Valas app
Payee List
A feature to save/change/delete customer numbers for various types of payments and top-ups, either individually or in bulk, via file upload
BCA Virtual Account
Create a virtual account number by uploading customer data files and download the successfully created customer data. The virtual account number is a method for customers to pay their bills
BCA Virtual Account Report
Obtain transaction reports for payments made to customer virtual account numbers using this feature
Sweep Instruction
View the Sweep instruction that have been registered with BCA. The Sweep service enables automatic or scheduled transfer of balances in customer accounts based on the customer’s settings
Sweep Execution Result
This feature allows you to view the results of the sweep executions for the customer’s sweep instructions
Invoice Upload – Payable Finance & Factoring
You can add or delete invoices in bulk through file upload. This transaction is conducted by the Principal, meaning the Seller in the Payable Finance scheme or the Buyer in the Factoring scheme
Invoice Management – Payable Finance & Factoring
Inquire about invoice data that has been uploaded by the Principal. Invoice management allows you to initiate transactions such as Pay Invoice, Change Invoice, Delete Invoice, Loan Application, and Auto Invoice Payment
SCF Loans – Payable Finance & Factoring
View a list of loans associated with either a Principal or Counterparty within a program. Perform loan inquiries and initiate loan repayment transactions by the Counterparty (in the Payable Finance scheme) and Principal (in the Factoring scheme)
Credit Note – Payable Finance
Credit memos are features provided by sellers to buyers for invoice payments within a program. Customers can upload and manage credit memos with options to accept, reject, or delete them.
Cancel Post Dated Transaction – Payable Finance, Reverse Factoring, Receivable Finance
A feature to cancel transactions that have been scheduled but have not been processed
Host-to-Host (H2H)
Perform real-time bulk transfers and payroll transactions from the customer’s internal system, using either authorization or the myBCA Bisnis platform
Credit Payment
This feature allows borrowers to view their loan payment schedules and make loan payments.
Credit Statement
This feature enables borrowers to view the transaction history for specific loan account numbers. The type of credit facility applicable for credit statement is Time Loan Increasing Notes.
Credit Document
This feature provides borrowers with access to the latest kredit documents, which include the SPPK (Notice of Kredit Granting) and SPPJ (Notice of Term Extension) related to their accounts
Bank Guarantee
The Customer can make an inquiry or download information about previous Bank Guarantee applications, request the issuance of a Bank Guarantee and/or amendment of a Bank Guarantee previously issued by BCA
Supply Chain Finance Report
A feature that can be used by customers (principals and counterparties) to access reports related to invoices, loans, credit notes, and SCF facility information
Loan Facility Payment
A feature that can be used by debtors to carry out credit facility payments before/on/after the loan payment schedule
Loan Facility Transaction Inquiry
A feature that can be used by customers or debtors to view transaction history of certain loan accounts. The type of credit facility that can be accessed is Time Loan Increasing Notes

Fees and Limits


  • The existing limits on myBCA Bisnis are as follows.
  • Limit Remarks
    Company Daily Limit This is the limit to specify the transaction amount per day for the company
    Account Daily Limit This is the maximum transaction amount per day on an account
    Releaser Limit per Transaction The maximum amount that an operational user with the role of Releaser can authorize per transaction
    Workflow Limit  This limit specifies tiering on company authorization rules.
    Direct Authorization Limit This maximum transaction amount that can be created and authorized in the same transaction menu by operational users whose roles are Maker and Releaser

    *) following the limit proposed by the customer on the myBCA Bisnis Form.

Transaction Time

  • The following outlines the service times for each type of transaction within the Transfer feature.
  • Transaction Operation Day Cut-Off Hour
    BCA/BCA VA Every day 24 hours
    LLG/RTGS Every business day Maximum at 15:30 WIB *)
    BI-FAST Every day 24 hours
    Payroll BCA Every day 06:00 WIB – 19:30 WIB *)
    Payroll ke Bank Lain Every business day 06:00 WIB – 15:30 WIB *)



  • Fees for transaction conducted through myBCA Bisnis will be borne by the sender and/or recipient for each successful or failed transaction.
  • myBCA Bisnis customers can choose how transactions fees are imposed
    • OUR, transaction fees are imposed on the myBCA Bisnis customer as the sender.
    • BEN, transaction fees are imposed on the recipient by deducting the transaction value to be received.
    • SHA, transaction fees are imposed on the sender and recipient.
  • The fees associated with the MBB H2H facility will be charged to customers based on analysis and calculations conducted by BCA.
  • Here are the transaction fees for myBCA Bisnis customers**)
  • Type Service Fee
    Domestic Interbank Transfer Fee BI-FAST IDR2,500
    LLG IDR2,900
    RTGS IDR25,000
    Payroll LLG IDR2,900
    RTGS IDR25,000
    Additional fee for D-Day transaction IDR5,000,00/account

    Last update: 29 July 2024

  • Transfer limits to BCA and other banks
  • Type Minimum Maximum
    Transfer between BCA Account
    Rupiah to Rupiah IDR1.00 No Limit
    Domestic Interbank Transfer
    BI-FAST IDR10,000 IDR250,000,000
    LLG IDR1.00 IDR1,000,000,000
    RTGS IDR100,000,001 IDR9,999,999,999,999
  • Transaction fees for BCA Virtual Accounts will adhere to the terms and service fees outlined by BCA
  • KeyBCA Administration Fee**)
  • KeyBCA Fee Condition Fee Amount
    Applications for New KeyBCA IDR25,000
    Application for new Multi Authorization KeyBCA Bisnis sent to Customer’s Address IDR50,000
    KeyBCA replacement outside the warranty period or due to customer negligence


*) The fees listed are standard fees that are subject to change at any time, the amount of which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means following the applicable regulations. Special fees may be applied based on analysis and approval from the BCA Business Unit.

**) For domestic interbank transfer, fees can be applied to either the sender or the recipient of the funds. Payroll fees will the responsibility of the sender.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to become a myBCA Bisnis customer?

myBCA Bisnis is intended for:

  • Corporation/Organizational customers
  • Individual business customers
  • Bank, Remittance Company/Non-Bank Fund Transfer Companies

Customers should also have a BCA account of the following types:

  • Giro
  • Tapres
  • Tahapan Gold
  • Tahapan*

*) subject to further approval

Who can access myBCA Bisnis?

Customers who have registered and received a Corporate Id, as well as User ID, KeyBCA, and PIN KeyBCA, which are sent separately for security and confidentiality during transactions on myBCA Bisnis.

Can KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB) or KlikBCA Bisnis- Integrated Solutions (KBB-IS) customers access myBCA Bisnis?

KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB) or KlikBCA Bisnis-Integrated Solutions (KBB-IS) customers who wish to access myBCA Bisnis can contact their Relationship Manager (RM) or visit the nearest branch office.

What data is required for myBCA Bisnis login?

  • Corporate ID: unique company code
  • User ID: unique employee access code
  • KeyBCA Response:  KeyBCA appli 1 token response

What types of accounts can be used in myBCA Bisnis?

The following accounts can be accessed on myBCA Bisnis:

  • Giro Rupiah
  • Giro Valas
  • BCA Dollar
  • Tahapan/Tahapan Gold
  • Tapres
  • Tahapan Xpresi
  • Tahapan Berjangka (TAHAKA)
  • Rupiah Deposits
  • Forex Deposits
  • Credit Card

What types of operational users are there in myBCA Bisnis?

  • Maker: makes financial and non-financial transactions
  • Approver: approves transactions that have been made by the Maker (optional)
  • Releaser: authorizes the transaction that has been approved by the Approver.
  • Cashier: sets up transactions that will be executed after being authorized by the Releaser (optional)

What is the difference between a sysadmin user and operational user?

  • Sysadmin users are authorized to perform company management activities
  • Operational users perform transactions in the company

What are the features accessible by the sysadmin user?

  • Account Settings: The Sysadmin Makercan set up personal and authorized accounts.
  • User Settings: The Sysadmin Makercan perform operational user settings.
  • Feature-Specific Account Settings: The Sysadmin Makercan manage feature access for each company operational account.
  • Authorization & Activity History: The Sysadmin Releasercan authenticate and monitor transactions
  • Workflow Settings: The Sysadmin Maker has the ability to configure workflow settings for each transaction made by the customer.

How can I create a sysadmin user?

Sysadmin users can be created by submitting a myBCA Bisnis form to the Bank.

How do I unblock a User ID outside of Sysadmin?

myBCA Bisnis customers can submit an unblock request through the MBB login page, which will be approved by the Sysadmin user.

Why is my User ID blocked?

Your User ID will be blocked if there is an error in entering the KeyBCA response 3 (three) times in a row when making transactions using KeyBCA.

What is the difference between Standard Workflow and Advanced Workflow?

Standard Workflow is recommended for customers who only need 1 (one) person/user for transaction authorization. Advanced Workflow is recommended for customers who require tiered transaction authorization or more than 1 (one) person/user. Workflow settings can be done during registration.

What workflow settings can be configured by the Sysadmin user?

Sub-menu Description

Releaser Level Setting

Customers can specify the approval level for each Releaser.

Releaser Workflow Setting

Customers can create workflow settings for each transaction, both financial and non-financial, to manage which Releaser user will provide approval.

Approver Cashier Setting

Customers can determine the number of Approver and Cashier users needed for each financial transaction, as well as set the number of Approvers needed for non-financial transactions.



A. Registration for myBCA Bisnis

  1. Any customer that owns a business, has funds deposited with BCA, and meets the requirements set by BCA is eligible to use the myBCA Bisnis facility.
  2. To use the myBCA Bisnis facility, the customer must have myBCA Bisnis user identities (Corporate ID and User ID), the KeyBCA, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to activate the KeyBCA, an encryption program, and a user manual, which are all provided by BCA to the customer owning myBCA Bisnis (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") after the Customer’s application for the myBCA Bisnis facility is approved by BCA.

B. myBCA Bisnis Facility

  1. The Customer can access and use the myBCA Bisnis facility through the myBCA Bisnis application and/or other means provided by BCA in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
  2. The feature access type in the myBCA Bisnis facility provided to the customer corresponds to the feature access selected by the Customer as the owner of myBCA Bisnis, as specified in the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents as determined by BCA.
  3. BCA may at any time, based on certain considerations, modify the myBCA Bisnis operational manual or terms and will notify the Customer of such modification in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  4. The Customer is prohibited from using the myBCA Bisnis facility to commit acts that violate or are contrary to prevailing norms of decency, religion, moral standards, public order, law, as well as rules and regulations.
  5. Without the prior written consent of BCA, the Customer is prohibited from using the myBCA Bisnis facility, as well as its features for offering commercial services to other parties, including acting as a funds transfer service operator.

C. Other User ID Holders

  1. The Customer may grant access to myBCA Bisnis and/or other transaction facilities that can be accessed using the myBCA Bisnis User ID to individuals designated by the Customer with the Customer assuming full responsibility therefor.
  2. The Customer, as the owner of myBCA Bisnis, must apply for the creation of a Sysadmin and authorize the Sysadmin as specified in the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents determined by BCA to perform actions permitted for the Sysadmin in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
  3. The Customer must have at least 1 (one) Sysadmin Maker and 1 (one) Sysadmin Releaser with no maximum limit on the number of Sysadmins. For a non-individual Customer, the Sysadmin Maker and Sysadmin Releaser must be different individuals.
  4. The Sysadmin cannot configure a User ID and/or account registered on myBCA Bisnis in accordance with the authority granted to the Sysadmin if there are any pending transactions involving the relevant User ID and/or account.
  5. The Customer or any person designated by the Customer may assign User ID holders in the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents determined by BC, as filled out by the Customer or configured by the Sysadmin. The Customer grants authority to the designated User ID holders to access and conduct transactions in accordance with these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") and/or the authority specified by the Customer in the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents determined by BCA and/or the authority specified by the Sysadmin.
  6. The Customer or any person designated by the Customer can set the role/level and transaction limits for each User ID owner/holder.
  7. Without prejudice to other provisions related to the use of the myBCA Bisnis facility by the Customer/User ID holder, a User ID holder may perform the following:
    1. Access myBCA Bisnis directly through other transaction facilities that can be accessed using the myBCA Bisnis User ID without requiring a separate login to myBCA Bisnis.
    2. access the Customer's data including but not limited to the Customer's deposit portfolio at BCA and other banking facilities owned by the Customer at BCA through other transaction facilities accessible using the myBCA Bisnis User ID;
    3. access all the information and services provided by BCA through other transaction facilities accessible using the myBCA Bisnis User ID for the benefit of the Customer; and
    4. perform other actions permitted under the provisions applicable at BCA related to transactions that may be conducted by the User ID holder.
    The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with all actions performed by a User ID holder through other transaction facilities accessible using the myBCA Bisnis User ID related to their authority as described above.

D. BCA Account Registration

  1. All of the Customer's accounts with BCA and the Customer’s BCA credit cards existing at the time of the myBCA Bisnis facility application will be automatically connected to the Customer's myBCA Bisnis. The types of accounts and credit cards that can be connected to the Customer's myBCA Bisnis include all types of accounts and credit cards that comply with the provisions applicable at BCA.
  2. To conduct transactions using accounts connected to myBCA Bisnis through myBCA Bisnis or other facilities accessible with the myBCA Bisnis User ID, the Customer must first provide access to the accounts and myBCA Bisnis features to the owners/holders of the User IDs registered in the Customer's myBCA Bisnis. The Customer may further manage the access rights to the accounts and/or credit cards for each owner/holder of the User ID registered in the Customer's myBCA Bisnis
  3. The power of attorney as referred to in item 4 above shall contain the authorization granted by the account and/or credit card owner to the Customer to access and conduct transactions on the account and/or credit card specified in the power of attorney
  4. Any account with a 'guardian' or 'trustee' status cannot be connected to myBCA Bisnis.
  5. Only credit cards issued by BCA can be connected
  6. the Customer’s myBCA Bisnis.
  7. BCA reserves the right to delete any account and credit card connected to the Customer's myBCA Bisnis if for any reason such account or credit card is closed.
  8. If the Customer closes the account used for debiting token fees ("Token Fee Account") or if for any reason the account is closed, the Customer must designate a new account to replace the closed Token Fee Account.
  9. If the Customer fails to designate a new Token Fee Account, the Customer hereby agrees that BCA may designate any of the Customer’s accounts as the Token Fee Account.

E. Limit

  1. The daily limit per Corporate ID is the nominal limit for the cumulative total of all transactions on myBCA Bisnis, the amount of which is specified by the Customer in the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis. The daily limit per Corporate ID is the combined daily limit for both bulk transactions and individual transactions and is not a separate limit for each of the bulk transactions and the individual transactions. This daily limit per Corporate ID does not apply to payment transactions for obligations arising from credit or financing facilities provided by BCA to the Customer.
  2. The Releaser’s limit per Transaction is the nominal limit set by the Customer or a party designated by the Customer for the User ID of a certain User authorized by the Customer or a party designated by the Customer to authorize transactions made on the Customer's myBCA Bisnis so that the User can authorize transactions according to the specified User ID limit. Setting this limit is optional. If the Customer or a party designated by the Customer does not specify the User ID limit, then the User with the User ID can still authorize transactions as long as they do not exceed the daily limit per Corporate ID.
  3. The daily limit per account is a nominal limit that restricts the maximum transaction amount for a certain account per day, which is determined by the Customer or a party designated by the Customer. The daily limit per account must not exceed the daily limit per Corporate ID. Setting this limit is optional.
  4. The daily limit per account must not exceed the daily limit per Corporate ID. Setting this limit is optional. The workflow limit is a nominal transaction limit that can be viewed by a specific User authorized by the Customer or a party designated by the Customer to authorize transactions on myBCA Bisnis, allowing the User to authorize certain transactions in accordance with the workflow limit or the User ID limit per transaction they have (if specified). If the User ID limit is lower than the workflow limit, the User ID holder can only authorize transactions whose nominal value does not exceed the specified User ID limit. If the specified User ID limit (if any) is higher than the workflow limit, the User ID holder can authorize transactions up to the workflow limit.
  5. The Direct Authorization Limit is a nominal transaction limit that can be given to a specific User authorized by the Customer or a party designated by the Customer to independently make and authorize their own transactions directly on myBCA Bisnis in accordance with their Direct Authorization Limit (if specified).
  6. In addition to the nominal limits determined by the Customer, BCA has the right to set minimum and maximum nominal transaction limits for the myBCA Bisnis facility as well as certain limits according to policies or procedures established by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia, or any other competent authorities. Based on certain considerations, BCA may at any time adjust nominal transaction limits and will notify the Customer of such changes in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.

F. Antivirus

To enhance the security of the Customer’s transactions, the Customer is required to install antivirus software on the terminal used to access myBCA Bisnis and any other transaction facilities that can be accessed using the myBCA Bisnis User ID, and ensure that the antivirus software being used is the latest version (updated). Any consequences arising from the Customer's failure to use antivirus software with the latest version shall be the Customer's sole responsibility.

G. Login/Access to myBCA Bisnis

The Customer or the User ID holder must enter the Corporate ID, User ID, and the dynamic PIN generated by KeyBCA (KeyBCA Response) in order to access myBCA Bisnis and any other transaction facility that can be accessed using the myBCA Bisnis User ID.

H. Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA PIN

  1. The Corporate ID provided by BCA is permanent and cannot be changed.
  2. BCA has the right to provide a Corporate ID consisting of any combination of letters and numbers at BCA's sole discretion without the Customer's prior consent.
  3. The Customer and any other User ID holder designated by the Customer must not leave the terminal used to access myBCA Bisnis in active (logged-on) state and must always log out of myBCA Bisnis each time the Customer or User ID holder leaves the terminal.
  4. The Customer and any other User ID holder must ensure security of the User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA PIN by:
    1. not disclosing the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Response to other parties;
    2. not writing down the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Response on a desk, terminal, or otherwise storing them in written form or on a computer application or other storage media where others can see them;
    3. carefully using the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Response to to prevent them from being seen by others;
    4. not using a KeyBCA PIN provided by another party or easily guessed by others, such as a birthdate or any combination thereof, and a phone number.
  5. All consequences arising from the misuse of the Corporate ID, User ID, and KeyBCA shall be the Customer's sole responsibility. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or any other legal proceedings of any kind instituted by any party, including the Customer, as a result of the misuse of the Corporate ID, User ID, and KeyBCA.
  6. The User ID is permanent. If the Customer wishes to change the User ID, the Customer must request the deletion of the old User ID, including disconnecting the KeyBCA linked to such User ID, and apply for a new User ID and KeyBCA (if needed), subject to the provisions applicable at BCA.
  7. Each User ID must be unique and must not be the same as any other User ID.
  8. The mobile phone number and email address already used by one User cannot be reused by another User.
  9. The Customer shall be fully responsible for all transaction instructions based on the use of the Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and/or KeyBCA Response.
  10. The Customer must immediately notify BCA if the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Response have become known to other parties. All transaction instructions executed based on the use of the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Response before BCA‘s authorized official/officer receives such notice in writing shall become the Customer's full responsibility.
  11. The use of KeyBCA and KeyBCA Response has the same legal force as a written instruction signed by the KeyBCA holder.


  1. Each User ID holder must have a KeyBCA in the form of a Hard Token, which will be provided by BCA to the Customer/User ID holder.
  2. The Customer may use either a new KeyBCA or an existing KeyBCA to conduct transactions through myBCA Bisnis.
  3. The KeyBCA, which is in the form of a Hard Token, remains the property of BCA and must be returned to BCA upon request by BCA.
  4. The KeyBCA may only be used by the designated KeyBCA holder and may not be transferred to other people in any manner.
  5. The KeyBCA cannot be used for purposes other than for transactions stipulated by BCA.
  6. BCA will provide the KeyBCA holder with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for each KeyBCA in the form of a Hard Token, which the KeyBCA holder must change upon receiving the KeyBCA.
  7. All transactions conducted using the KeyBCA, whether with or without the KeyBCA holder’s knowledge, shall be the full responsibility of the KeyBCA holder and the Customer.
  8. To delete a User ID, the Customer can delete the User ID through myBCA Bisnis or by filling out an Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents specified by BCA and returning the KeyBCA linked to the User ID to a BCA Branch Office in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA, accompanied by the documentation as required by the provisions applicable at BCA.
  9. For deletion of a KeyBCA connection to a User ID, if only 1 (one) User ID is connected to a KeyBCA and the User ID holder’s access rights are deleted, the KeyBCA associated with the deleted User ID will no longer be usable.
  10. If more than 1 (one) User ID is connected to a KeyBCA, the first registered User ID for the KeyBCA will serve as the primary User ID. If the primary User ID is deleted, all other User IDs associated with the KeyBCA will be disconnected. If the deleted User ID is not the primary User ID, the KeyBCA will remain usable with other User IDs connected to the KeyBCA.
  11. Any complaints and/or objections from a KeyBCA holder must be lodged with BCA within no later than 3 (three) months of the transaction date.
  12. BCA reserves the right to block, cancel, withdraw, or update the KeyBCA in any manner if the KeyBCA holder is no longer compliant with the terms to which the KeyBCA holder is subject.
  13. If the KeyBCA in the form of a Hard Token is not collected at a BCA Branch Office or is not successfully delivered to the Customer's address for any reason within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the application date, the KeyBCA will remain the property of BCA, and BCA may still charge the Customer an administration fee for the KeyBCA. BCA reserves the right to delete myBCA Bisnis (for first-time applications of myBCA Bisnis) and/or delete the myBCA Bisnis User ID associated with the KeyBCA.
  14. If a party other than the Customer collects the KeyBCA at a BCA Branch Office, such party must submit a power of attorney signed by the Customer to collect the KeyBCA.
  15. Any use of the KeyBCA shall be the responsibility of the KeyBCA holder and the Customer. Any use of the KeyBCA after the death of the KeyBCA holder (if any) becomes the responsibility of the legitimate heirs of the KeyBCA holder and/or the Customer.
  16. The use of the KeyBCA is subject to the terms and conditions applicable at BCA and the existing provisions governing all services/facilities and transactions covered by the KeyBCA. BCA may at any time modify such terms and conditions and shall notify the Customer of such modification in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.

J. Blocking of KeyBCA, User ID, and Corporate ID

  1. The KeyBCA will be blocked if:
    1. the KeyBCA PIN is incorrectly entered 3 (three) consecutive times; and/or
    2. it is reported as damaged or lost by the Customer.
    The customer may request a replacement KeyBCA from BCA in accordance with the procedures applicable at BCA.
  2. The User ID will be blocked if the KeyBCA Response is incorrectly entered for 3 (three) consecutive times during a transaction or login using the KeyBCA. To request unblocking of the User ID:
    1. For a User ID with the role of Sysadmin, the Customer can request to unblock it at a BCA Branch Office in accordance with the procedures applicable at BCA.
    2. For a User ID with a role other than Sysadmin, the unblocking request can be submitted via myBCA Bisnis by the User ID holder with subsequent approval from the Sysadmin Releaser.
  3. The Corporate ID will be blocked if the Customer terminates the myBCA Bisnis facility.

K. Transactions on myBCA Bisnis

  1. The Customer must correctly and completely provide all the data required for each transaction.
  2. For each transaction, the system will always seek the Customer’s confirmation of all the data inputted or uploaded by the Customer, and the Customer will have the opportunity to discontinue the transaction by pressing the “Back” or “Cancel” button.
  3. For each transaction, the Customer will receive a reference number as proof of the transaction.
  4. To indicate approval, the Customer must input the KeyBCA Appli 2 Response to authorize a transaction (if the Customer uses the KeyBCA to generate Appli 2).
  5. After the Customer authorizes the transaction by pressing the "Release" button, the transaction data will be stored in BCA's data center and such data shall be deemed as the correct data admissible as evidence of the Customer's instruction to BCA to process the transaction, unless proven otherwise by the Customer.
  6. Every transaction data from the Customer's system received by BCA will be processed based on the account number inputted and/or uploaded by the Customer. The Customer must ensure the correctness and accuracy of every transaction detail before sending the data to BCA. Any consequences arising in connection with errors in the data sent by the Customer, including but not limited to incorrect account holder names and/or account numbers to be debited or credited, shall be the full responsibility of the Customer. The Customer holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits and/or any other legal actions from any party in connection therewith.
  7. BCA will accept and process every instruction given by the Customer as a valid instruction based on the use of the Corporate ID, User ID, and authentication through KeyBCA, and therefore, BCA is not obligated to investigate or verify the authenticity or validity or authority of the user’s Corporate ID, User ID, and KeyBCA, or assess and prove the accuracy or completeness of the instruction, and therefore, the instruction shall be valid and binding on the Customer as intended.
  8. For transactions with today's effective date, the Customer cannot cancel the transaction that has been authorized by the Customer using the KeyBCA or released by the Customer and confirmed by the Customer’s pressing the “Release” button because BCA will process the instruction immediately upon the authorization by the Customer.
  9. The Customer can check the transaction status through myBCA Bisnis
  10. For transactions with a future effective date (post- dated) and recurring transactions, the Customer will have the opportunity to cancel the transactions by authorizing the cancellation using the KeyBCA no later than 1 (one) calendar day prior to the effective date/due date of the relevant transactions or at any other time within the time frame applicable at BCA, which will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  11. Any transaction on myBCA Bisnis will be processed on the effective date specified by the Customer or the party designated by the Customer once the transaction is authorized. Authorization of the transaction can be made up to 30 (thirty) calendar days after the effective date. If the authorization occurs after the effective date, the transaction will be processed after the authorization, provided that the authorization is done within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the effective date.
  12. The Customer is required and obliged to ensure the completeness and accuracy of all transaction instructions given to BCA. The Customer shall be fully responsible for any consequences arising from incomplete, unclear, or inaccurate data in the transaction instructions given by the Customer.
  13. The Customer is liable for any consequences and losses arising from the use of the myBCA Bisnis application and hardware if such use does not comply with the user manual for the myBCA Bisnis application provided by BCA and for any losses caused by the fault or negligence of the Customer or the party designated by the Customer in conducting transactions.
  14. The Customer acknowledges that if the Customer intends to change or delete data associated with a specific User ID but there are pending transactions associated with that User ID that have not been completed, the change or deletion of the User ID data can only be made once all transactions made with the relevant User ID have been completed or canceled.
  15. The Customer must ensure the security of the myBCA Bisnis hardware, User ID, PIN, and KeyBCA to prevent them from being duplicated or misused by any party in any form.
  16. The Customer acknowledges BCA's ownership of the copyright and any other intellectual property rights related to the myBCA Bisnis facility and hardware.
  17. The Customer agrees not to interfere with, modify, alter, or misuse, in any manner, all applications and hardware related to the myBCA Bisnis facility.
  18. The Customer may not duplicate, transfer or assign any or all rights, benefits or obligations pertaining to the use of myBCA Bisnis to any other parties without the prior written consent of BCA.
  19. The Customer is fully responsible for any consequences arising from:
    1. the use of the myBCA Bisnis facility;
    2. the Customer’s breach of their obligations related to the myBCA Bisnis facility; and
    3. the Customer's fault or negligence in using the myBCA Bisnis facility
    The Customer hereby agrees to fully indemnify BCA against all losses and costs incurred by BCA and/or other parties in connection therewith.

L. Services on myBCA Bisnis Facility

  1. The Customer may request the types of services on the myBCA Bisnis facility according to the Customer's needs by specifying them the Application Form myBCA Bisnis or other documents as determined by BCA. BCA may, at its own discretion, either approve or reject the Customer's request based on certain considerations.
  2. The services available on the myBCA Bisnis facility are as follows:
    1. Account
      1. The Customer can access information on deposit accounts, credit card accounts, and deposit account balance summaries through the Account service for accounts that are registered on myBCA Bisnis in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
      2. If the Customer registers a deposit account on the Account service, the Customer can access account activity information and e- Statements for the deposit account through the myBCA Bisnis facility.
      3. If the Customer registers a credit card on the Account service, the Customer can access credit card transaction details and billing information through the myBCA Bisnis facility.
      4. The Customer can use myBCA Bisnis to access the Customer Portfolio Statement under the following conditions:
        1. The Customer Portfolio Statement contains a summary and detailed view of the Customer’s portfolio, including all funds, credit card, and investment products (such as mutual funds, bonds, and bancassurance) owned by the Customer at BCA, including applicable interest rates and tax on interest, as of a specified time.
        2. The Customer Portfolio Statement can only be accessed by the User ID holder that has been given access by the Customer to use the Customer Portfolio Statement feature on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer understands that the User ID holder that is given access by the Customer to use the Customer Portfolio Statement feature will have unrestricted access to all data contained in the Customer Portfolio Statement.
        3. Any consequences arising from the use of the Customer Portfolio Report feature or the Customer Portfolio Report accessed through the Customer Portfolio Report feature on myBCA Bisnis shall be the Customer’s sole responsibility.
      5. The Customer can use myBCA Bisnis to access Withholding Tax Certificates, subject to the following provisions:
        1. Withholding Tax Certificate means a document issued by BCA as proof of Income Tax (PPh) deductions on interest income and/or other income earned by the Customer in connection with the deposit products owned by the Customer at BCA.
        2. Withholding Tax Certificates can only be accessed by User ID holders that have been granted access by the Customer to use the Withholding Tax Certificate feature on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer understands that User ID holders with access to this feature will be able to access all Withholding Tax Certificates related to the deposit products owned by the Customer at BCA.
        3. Any consequences arising from the use of the Withholding Tax Certificate feature or the Withholding Tax Certificate accessed through the Withholding Tax Certificate feature on myBCA Bisnis shall be the Customer’s sole responsibility.
      6. The Customer or User ID holder can use the Business Debit Card feature available on myBCA Bisnis under the following conditions:
        1. If the Customer has a Business Debit Card facility, the Customer or User ID holder can manage the Customer's Business Debit Card facility through myBCA Bisnis, including:
          1. requesting the issuance of a Business Debit Card;
          2. configuring the settings for the Customer's Business Debit Card; and
          3. deleting the Customer's Business Debit Card.
        2. Any instructions given by the Customer or User ID holder regarding the management of the Business Debit Card facility through myBCA Bisnis are deemed valid and fully binding on the Customer. BCA has no obligation to verify the accuracy and validity of instructions related to the management of the Customer's Business Debit Card facility as received by BCA from the Customer or User ID holder through myBCA Bisnis.
        3. Any consequences arising from the management of the Business Debit Card facility by the Customer or a party designated by the Customer through myBCA Bisnis as referred to in letter a above shall be the Customer's sole responsibility.
    2. Transfer
      1. Transfer Transactions Between BCA Accounts and To BCA Virtual Accounts
        1. The Customer can make transfer transactions to other BCA accounts in either rupiah or foreign currencies and/or to BCA Virtual Accounts through myBCA Bisnis, regardless of whether the beneficiary accounts have been registered via myBCA Bisnis.
        2. The Customer can register beneficiary accounts held at BCA and/or BCA Virtual Accounts on myBCA Bisnis. Only beneficiary accounts held at BCA and/or BCA Virtual Accounts that have been registered by the Customer will appear in the beneficiary account list on myBCA Bisnis.
        3. If the Customer wishes to have transfer notifications sent to the beneficiary’s email address, the Customer can register the beneficiary’s email address for this purpose. A transfer notification will be sent to the beneficiary’s email address each time the Customer completes a transfer transaction to the beneficiary’s account and/or a BCA Virtual Account that has been registered on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer must ensure that the email address registered by the Customer is the correct email address of the beneficiary. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with the sending of transfer notifications to the beneficiary’s email address registered by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis.
        4. The Customer shall be fully responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the data inputted or uploaded by the Customer when making transfer transactions. The Customer holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits and/or any other legal actions in any form in connection with incorrect data inputted by the Customer.
        5. Transfer transactions to other BCA accounts in foreign currencies made by the Customer through myBCA Bisnis are subject to the provisions applicable at BCA, the provisions established by Bank Indonesia, and prevailing regulations. The Customer hereby agrees and undertakes to fulfill any requirements as mandated by BCA, Bank Indonesia, and/or applicable laws related to the implementation of transfer transactions to other BCA accounts in foreign currencies.
        6. The Customer may incur a fee for transfer transactions to a BCA Virtual Account, and BCA will notify the Customer of this fee in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
      2. Interbank Transfer Transaction
        1. BCA provides interbank transfer services to domestic banks under the following conditions:
          1. Transfers in rupiah can be made through LLG (clearing), RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement), and BI-FAST services;
        2. If:
          1. The Customer transfers funds using the BI-FAST service, BCA will display the name of the beneficiary account owner based on the data received by BCA from the destination bank;
          2. The Customer transfers funds using LLG or RTGS services, the Customer is required to input the name of the beneficiary account owner as intended by the Customer. BCA is not responsible for any transfer rejections due to discrepancies between the name of the beneficiary account owner entered by the Customer and the name of the beneficiary account owner recorded at the destination bank.
        3. Funds transfers via LLG and RTGS services are processed under the following conditions:
          1. If the effective date of the funds transfer falls on a business day, the transaction will be processed on the same business day;
          2. If the effective date of the funds transfer falls on a holiday, the transaction will be processed on the following business day.
        4. If transfers via LLG and RTGS services are authorized only after the effective date, the transfers will be processed under the following conditions:
          1. If the date of the transfer authorization falls on a business day, the transaction will be processed on the same business day;
          2. If the date of the transfer authorization falls on a holiday, the transaction will be processed on the following business day;
          provided that the authorization occurs within the period specified in item K.11.
        5. Funds transfers via the BI-FAST service will be processed in real-time on the same day.
        6. BCA is not responsible for any consequences arising from the loss of/delay in any notifications or messages related to interbank funds transfers to domestic banks due to any disruptions, malfunctions, errors, or any other causes beyond BCA’s control.
        7. The Customer hereby authorizes BCA to appoint a correspondent bank or paying bank to execute interbank funds transfer instructions from the Customer, and therefore the Customer holds BCA harmless against the liability for any losses arising from non-execution of such funds transfer instructions by the correspondent bank or paying bank appointed by BCA under the authority granted by the Customer.
        8. The paying bank shall be responsible for paying the funds into the beneficiary’s account or to the beneficiary upon receipt of good funds by the paying bank.
        9. If the correspondent bank/paying bank charges fees by deducting them from the transfer amount, the fees shall be borne by the beneficiary.
        10. At the Customer's request, transfer fees may be debited from the transfer amount, and therefore the transfer amount receivable by the beneficiary will be an amount net of the transfer fees. The Customer must first seek approval from the beneficiary to cover any transfer fees that may reduce the final amount to be received by the beneficiary. The Customer shall be fully responsible for all consequences arising from the debiting of transfer fees from the transfer amount and hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits and/or any other legal proceedings instituted by any parties, including the beneficiary.
        11. The Customer can register beneficiary accounts held at other banks on myBCA Bisnis. Only the beneficiary accounts that have been registered by the Customer will appear in the beneficiary account list on myBCA Bisnis.
        12. If the Customer wishes to have interbank transfer notifications sent to the beneficiary’s email address, the Customer can register the beneficiary’s email address for this purpose. An interbank transfer notification will be sent to the beneficiary’s email address each time the Customer completes an interbank transfer transaction to the beneficiary’s account and/or a BCA Virtual Account that has been registered on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer must ensure that the email address registered by the Customer is the correct email address of the beneficiary. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with the sending of interbank transfer notifications to the beneficiary’s email address registered by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis.
        13. The Customer is bound by all obligations and responsibilities under the laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia and the terms applicable at the correspondent bank/paying bank. If the correspondent bank/paying bank imposes any fee on BCA, the Customer must reimburse BCA for all fees and charges incurred in relation to the funds transfer by the Customer.
        14. The Customer is fully responsible for the accuracy and/or update of the beneficiary’s data registered or inputted by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis.
        15. In the event of any discrepancies between the beneficiary’s account number and name as written in the interbank funds transfer column on myBCA Bisnis and the beneficiary's name as recorded at the paying bank, payment to the beneficiary may be made by the paying bank based on the beneficiary’s account number or in accordance with the paying bank’s policy.
        16. BCA and/or the correspondent bank has no obligation nor liability for any losses of any nature due to regulations or government policies in the relevant country or due to other causes beyond the control of BCA or the correspondent bank.
        17. BCA is not responsible for any consequences arising from applicable laws and regulations or customary practices in the country where the correspondent bank or paying bank is located, and the Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims and/or suits from any parties.
        18. The Customer hereby gives consent to BCA to provide the correspondent bank/paying bank with the data registered or inputted by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis to facilitate the Customer's funds transfer transaction.
        19. The Customer hereby gives consent to BCA to provide:
          • data registered, inputted, or uploaded by the Customer on the myBCA Bisnis application; and
          • other data as required by the applicable laws regarding Anti- Money Laundering, Counter- Terrorist Financing, and Counter- Proliferation Financing of Weapons of Mass Destruction (AML, CFT, and CPF);
          to the paying bank/correspondent bank to facilitate the funds transfer transaction or to comply with applicable legal requirements and/or the provisions applicable at the correspondent bank/paying bank.
      3. Payroll Transaction
        1. The Customer can determine the processing time and date for Payroll transactions conducted via myBCA Bisnis in accordance with the transaction processing time and date applicable at BCA. BCA reserves the right to refuse to process Payroll transactions outside the transaction processing time and date applicable at BCA.
        2. The Customer must upload the Payroll transaction file no later than 1 (one) calendar day prior to the Payroll transaction processing date desired by the Customer.
        3. The Customer undertakes to authorize the Payroll transaction no later than 1 (one) calendar day before the Payroll transaction is processed. If the Payroll transaction authorization is done by the Customer on the day of the Payroll transaction, BCA reserves the right to charge the Customer an additional fee. The fee will be debited from the source account of the Payroll transaction.
        4. Payroll transactions will be processed under the following conditions:
          1. in accordance with the Payroll transaction processing time, if the Payroll transaction is authorized before the Payroll transaction processing time;
          2. at the time of the Payroll transaction authorization, if the authorization is done at or after the Payroll transaction processing time specified by the Customer, provided that the authorization occurs within the time frame referred to in item K.11.;
          with due regard to the provisions related to Payroll transaction processing time applicable at BCA.
        5. The Customer may cancel an authorized Payroll transaction no later than 1 (one) calendar day before the Payroll transaction processing date.
        6. Payroll transactions can be made to accounts at BCA or other domestic banks subject to the provisions applicable at BCA. The Customer may conduct payroll transactions to accounts at other domestic banks only after obtaining prior written approval from BCA.
        7. Payroll transactions made to accounts at other domestic banks will be processed on business days. If the processing time for Payroll transactions to an account at another domestic bank falls on a holiday, the Payroll transaction will be rejected and will not be processed by BCA.
        8. Payroll transactions to accounts at BCA and other domestic banks will be processed based on the accuracy of the account numbers inputted or uploaded by the Customer. If there is a discrepancy between the account number and the name of the recipient’s name inputted/uploaded by the Customer and the recipient’s name at the destination bank, the destination bank may make payment to the recipient based on the recipient’s account number or according to the destination bank’s policy.
        9. For Payroll transactions to accounts at other domestic banks, a successful status in the Transaction Authorization menu only indicates that the Payroll transaction file has been successfully sent by BCA to the destination bank. The destination bank may either accept or reject the Payroll transaction file based on its own processing results.
        10. The Customer acknowledges that BCA only forwards the Customer’s instructions to the destination bank based on the Payroll transaction file inputted/uploaded by the Customer. BCA has no obligation to verify or investigate the correctness and accuracy of the Payroll transaction data inputted/uploaded by the Customer. The Customer is fully responsible for any consequences and losses arising from inaccuracies or errors in the Payroll transaction data and hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions in any form from any party, including from the Customer's consumers in connection therewith.
        11. Payroll transactions to accounts at other domestic banks will be subject to fees according to the type of Payroll transaction selected.
        12. If the Customer wishes to have proof of the Payroll transaction sent to the Payroll transaction recipient’s email address, the Customer is required to provide the Payroll transaction recipient’s email address in the Payroll transaction file inputted/uploaded by the Customer. The Customer must ensure that the Payroll transaction recipient’s email address is the correct email address of the intended recipient. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with the sending of proof of the Payroll transaction by BCA to the Payroll transaction recipient’s email address provided by the Customer.
        13. BCA has the right to charge fees for both successful and unsuccessful Payroll transactions, the amount of which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        14. The Customer must ensure that at the time the source account designated by the Customer is debited, the funds in the source account designated by the Customer are sufficient for the Payroll transaction and for payment of any fees charged to the Customer in connection with the Payroll transaction.
      4. Bulk Transfer Transaction
        1. The Customer must upload and release the Bulk Transfer transaction file in the Transaction Authorization menu according to the provisions applicable at BCA, which will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        2. When uploading the Bulk Transfer transaction file, the Customer must select the account activity information type and the authorization type in the Bulk Transfer transaction file with the following options:
          1. Types of account activity information:
            • Single Debit: All transactions in the Bulk Transfer transaction file will be processed by debiting the source account 1 (one) time;
            • Multi Debit: Transactions in the Bulk Transfer transaction file will be processed per transaction based on the transaction amounts and data contained in the Bulk Transfer transaction file being processed.
          2. Types of authorization:
            1. Bulk: The Customer can authorize all transactions in one Bulk Transfer transaction file uploaded by the Customer at once;
            2. Individual: The Customer can individually authorize one or more transactions in a Bulk Transfer transaction file uploaded by the Customer. This type of authorization can only be selected if the Customer also selects Multi Debit for the type of account activity information in the Bulk Transfer transaction file.
        3. For transfers to other domestic banks, a successful status in the Transaction Authorization menu only indicates that the transaction file has been successfully sent by BCA to the destination bank. The destination bank may either accept or reject the Payroll transaction file based on its own processing results.
        4. The Customer acknowledges that BCA only forwards the Customer’s instructions to the destination bank based on the Bulk Transfer transaction file uploaded by the Customer. BCA has no obligation to verify or investigate the correctness and accuracy of the data contained in the Bulk Transfer transaction file uploaded by the Customer. The Customer is fully responsible for any consequences and losses arising from inaccuracies or errors in the Bulk Transfer transaction file data. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions from any party in connection therewith.
        5. Specifically for domestic interbank transfers, BCA will only process Bulk Transfer transactions on business days. If the Customer authorizes a Bulk Transfer transaction outside the RTGS/LLG service hours as stipulated by applicable regulations or otherwise on non-business days, the following provisions will apply:
          1. For Bulk Transfer transactions with the Single Debit type selected for the account activity information, transfers to other domestic banks will be rejected and will not be processed by BCA if the Bulk Transfer transaction file being processed also contains data on transfer transactions between BCA accounts. If the Bulk Transfer transaction is conducted using the Single Debit type selected for the account activity information and the transaction file only contains funds transfer data to another domestic bank, the transfer to such other domestic bank will be processed on the following business day;
          2. For Bulk Transfer transactions with the Multi Debit type selected for the account activity information and with the Individual authorization type, transfers to other domestic banks will be processed on the following business day according to the applicable service days and time;
          3. For Bulk Transfer transactions with the Multi Debit type selected for the account activity information and with the Individual authorization type, the Customer can decide whether or not to proceed with the transaction by filling in the Effective Date Adjustment column in the Bulk Transfer transaction file. If the Customer agrees to adjust the effective date of the transaction, the transaction will be processed by BCA on the following business day. If the Customer does not agree to adjust the effective date of the transaction, the transaction will not be processed.
        6. BCA reserves the right to charge fees for both successful and unsuccessful Bulk Transfer transactions, the amount of which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        7. The Customer may specify the type of fee imposed on Bulk Transfer transactions, namely:
          1. OUR, namely the Bulk Transfer transaction fee is charged entirely to the Customer as the sender;
          2. BEN, namely the Bulk Transfer transaction fee is charged to the beneficiary by deducting the amount received by the beneficiary;
          3. SHA, namely the Bulk Transfer transaction fee is shared between the sender and the beneficiary.
        8. If the Customer conducts a Bulk Transfer transaction to a BCA Virtual Account, the Customer fully acknowledges that a fee for the Bulk Transfer transaction to the BCA Virtual Account may be charged to the Customer by the beneficiary, with the applicable fee type being OUR.
        9. Fees arising from failed Bulk Transfer transactions will still be charged to the Customer.
        10. BCA is not responsible for the failure of Bulk Transfer transactions to BCA Virtual Accounts which is caused, among other things, by discrepancies between the amount billed to the Customer and the Bulk Transfer transaction amount to the BCA Virtual Account inputted/uploaded by the Customer.
        11. BCA is not responsible for any shortfall in the transfer amount that should be received by the beneficiary due to the Bulk Transfer transaction fee selected by the Customer.
        12. If the Customer wishes to have proof of the Bulk Transfer transaction sent to the Bulk Transfer transaction beneficiary’s email address, the Customer is required to provide the Bulk Transfer transaction beneficiary’s email address in the Bulk Transfer transaction file inputted/uploaded by the Customer. The Customer must ensure that the Bulk Transfer transaction beneficiary’s email address is the correct email address of the intended beneficiary. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with the sending of proof of the Bulk Transfer transaction by BCA to the Bulk Transfer transaction beneficiary’s email address provided by the Customer.
      5. Deal Rate (Foreign Exchange Rate Agreed upon between the Customer and BCA)
        1. On myBCA Bisnis, the Customer can settle foreign exchange transactions agreed upon between the Customer and BCA based on the mechanism and means agreed between the Customer and BCA, after the Customer obtains a foreign exchange transaction deal identification number (Deal ID) provided by BCA.
        2. To settle a foreign exchange transaction as referred to in letter a above on myBCA Bisnis, the Customer may use the transfer feature available on myBCA Bisnis and select the Deal ID number for the foreign exchange transaction to be settled by the Customer. The Customer is required to provide all data and documents required for the settlement of the foreign exchange transaction in accordance with the provisions and procedures applicable at BCA.
        3. Foreign exchange transactions settled by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis are subject to the terms and conditions governing foreign exchange transactions applicable to the Customer. If the Customer fails to settle the foreign exchange transaction by the specified time frame, BCA reserves the right to cancel the transaction and impose a cancellation penalty, the amount of which will be determined by BCA based on the losses incurred from the cancellation of the transaction.
      6. J-Valas
        1. The Customer can designate a User ID holder to conduct the following transactions:
          1. buy and sell foreign currency via the J-Valas menu on myBCA Bisnis;
          2. settle foreign currency buy and sell transactions via the J-Valas menu if the Auto transaction settlement type is selected and via myBCA Bisnis if the Manual transaction settlement type is selected; and
          3. other transactions that can be conducted on J-Valas in accordance with the terms and conditions for using J-Valas applicable at BCA.
        2. Transactions on J-Valas conducted by the Customer or User ID holder are subject to the terms and conditions for using J-Valas applicable at BCA.
        3. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising from any transactions conducted by the Customer or User ID holder on J-Valas and hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions in any form in connection with any errors in the data inputted by the Customer.
      7. Remittance Advice
        1. Remittance Advice is a document containing details of transfers between BCA accounts or domestic interbank transfers made by the Customer based on the transaction data provided by the Customer.
        2. The Customer may choose to send a Remittance Advice to the beneficiary for transfers between BCA accounts and domestic interbank transfers made by the Customer via myBCA Bisnis by providing the transaction details in the transaction file uploaded by the Customer to myBCA Bisnis.
        3. The Customer is fully responsible for the correctness of the transaction data provided by the Customer as contained in the Remittance Advice. BCA is not obligated to verify or check the transaction data provided by the Customer.
        4. All consequences arising in connection with the creation and transmission of the Remittance Advice to the beneficiary designated by the Customer or the data contained in the Remittance Advice based on the data provided by the Customer shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer and the Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or any other legal proceedings of any kind instituted by any party in connection therewith, including all claims, suits, and/or any other legal proceedings as a result of errors in or incompleteness of the data contained in the Remittance Advice based on the data provided by the Customer.
    3. Payment
      1. Payment and Top-Up
        1. The Customer can make the following payments:
          1. bills or purchases of top-up vouchers provided by service providers that have entered into direct or indirect cooperation with BCA and that are registered on myBCA Bisnis;
          2. State Revenues, which include, among other things, payment of Tax, Customs and Excise, Non- Tax State Revenues, and other state revenues;
          through the menu provided by BCA on myBCA Bisnis, in rupiah, and the transactions cannot be made in decimal fractions.
        2. Payment of bills and top-up voucher purchases can be made either with or without first registering the customer number.
        3. Payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues can only be processed after the Customer authorizes the transaction via myBCA Bisnis.
        4. Authorization for payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues via myBCA Bisnis must be done by the Customer in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
        5. The Customer must provide sufficient funds in the source account designated for payment of the bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues.
        6. BCA, at its own discretion, may refuse to process a payment transaction conducted by the Customer for bills, top-up voucher purchases, or State Revenues if, among other things, the data entered by the Customer is incomplete, the transaction amount exceeds the applicable limit, or the source account does not have enough funds.
        7. BCA, at its own discretion, may refuse to process a payment transaction conducted by the Customer for bills, top-up voucher purchases, or State Revenues if, among other things, the data entered by the Customer is incomplete, the transaction amount exceeds the applicable limit, or the source account does not have enough funds.
        8. For State Revenue payments, payment transactions will be considered successful if the funds in the source of funds designated by the Customer are successfully debited and the State Revenue Transaction Number (NTPN) and the Bank Transaction Number (NTB) are successfully issued.
        9. The Customer confirms that the data related to payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, or State Revenues is accurate and has been carefully reviewed. Therefore, any errors in the data related to payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, or State Revenues are the full responsibility of the Customer.
        10. The Customer hereby agrees to pay all fixed-bill amounts as billed, including any changes to the billed amount.
        11. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with any transaction or activity carried out by the Customer related to payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues via myBCA Bisnis, including but not limited to data registration errors or input errors made by the Customer. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions in any form from any party, including the Customer, in connection therewith.
        12. The Customer may download the proof of payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues as well as a State Revenue payment report with a "successful" status for payment transactions made by the Customer via myBCA Bisnis within the period specified by BCA, which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        13. The Customer may download the proof of payment of bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues as well as a State Revenue payment report with a "successful" status for payment transactions made by the Customer via myBCA Bisnis within the period specified by BCA, which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        14. If the Customer wishes to have proof of payment sent to the recipient’s email address, the Customer must provide the recipient’s email address when inputting the transaction data on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer must ensure that the email address of the recipient of the proof of payment is the correct email address of the intended recipient. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with the sending of proof of payment transaction to the email address of the recipient of the proof of payment as inputted by the Customer.
      2. Bulk Payment
        1. The Customer can make bulk payments for bills, top-up voucher purchases, and State Revenues as referred to in item L.2.c.1 above in rupiah, and such transactions cannot be made in decimal fractions.
        2. The Customer may specify the processing date for the Bulk Payment transaction, in accordance with the transaction processing time and date applicable at BCA. BCA reserves the right to refuse to process the Bulk Payment transaction outside the transaction processing time and date applicable at BCA.
        3. The Customer must upload and release the Bulk Payment transaction file in the Transaction Authorization menu according to the provisions applicable at BCA, which will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        4. The Customer confirms that the Bulk Payment transaction file data is accurate and has been carefully reviewed, and therefore any errors that occur including but not limited to errors in the customer number and/or the amount specified in the Bulk Payment transaction file are the full responsibility of the Customer.
        5. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with any discrepancies between the Bulk Payment transaction amount inputted/uploaded by the Customer and the amount billed to the Customer, including any failure in the Bulk Payment transaction processing. The Customer hereby agrees to pay all fixed-bill amounts as billed for the Bulk Payment transaction conducted by the Customer, including any changes to the billed amount.
        6. The Customer must ensure that at the time the source account designated by the Customer is debited, the funds in the source account are sufficient for the Bulk Payment transaction and for payment of any fees charged to the Customer in connection with the Bulk Payment transaction
        7. If the Customer wishes to have proof of payment sent to the recipient’s email address, the Customer must provide the recipient’s email in the Bulk Payment transaction file uploaded by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer must ensure that the email address of the recipient of the proof of payment is the correct email address of the intended recipient. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising in connection with the sending of proof of payment transaction to the email address of the recipient of the proof of payment as provided by the Customer.
    4. Liquidity
      1. Sweep
        1. If the Customer uses the Sweep transaction service provided by BCA, the Customer or a party designated by the Customer can:
          1. make an inquiry about the Sweep transaction settings for the account registered by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis and the Sweep transaction service; and
          2. make an inquiry about the data of Sweep transactions that have been conducted on the account registered by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis and the Sweep transaction service.
        2. Sweep transactions will be conducted and processed in accordance with the terms and conditions for Sweep transaction service terms applicable at BCA.
    5. Credit Facility
      The Customer may use the Credit Facility service on myBCA Bisnis to:
      1. access information, account activity information, and credit documents related to the Customer’s credit facility at BCA;
      2. pay any amounts due related to the Customer’s specific credit facility at BCA;
      3. manage invoices;
      4. pay the Customer's obligations to business partners
      5. receive payments from the Customer's business partners, and
      6. apply for financing in relation to business transactions between the Customer and the Customer’s business partners using the credit facility.
      The Credit Facility services available on the myBCA Bisnis are as follows:
      1. Information, Account Activity Information, Mutation and Credit Document
        1. The Customer can access data or information related to credit and financing facilities owned by the Customer at BCA through the Credit Facility Information feature on myBCA Bisnis.
        2. The credit and financing facility information available through the Credit Facility Information feature on myBCA Bisnis can only be accessed by User ID holders that have been given access by the Customer to use the Credit Facility Information feature on myBCA Bisnis. The Customer hereby acknowledges that any User ID holder that is given access by the Customer to use the Credit Facility Information feature can access all data related to the credit and financing facilities owned by the Customer.
        3. Any consequences arising from the grant of access to the Information, Account Activities, and Credit Documents feature to any User ID holder designated by the Customer shall be the Customer’s sole responsibility.
        4. The types of information and documents that the Customer can inquire about and download through myBCA Bisnis shall be determined by BCA and will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means according to applicable law.
      2. Credit Facility Payment
        1. The amounts due under a credit facility or financing facility that the Customer can pay through myBCA Bisnis are those granted in the name of the Customer.
        2. BCA has the right to establish the procedures and terms for the payment of the amounts due under a credit facility or financing facility, which will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        3. Payment of the amounts due under a credit facility or financing facility can only be made using the source account owned by the Customer and registered as an operational account on myBCA Bisnis.
        4. Payment of the amounts due under a credit facility or financing facility through myBCA Bisnis can only be made for immediate transactions.
        5. The credit facility or financing facility payment transaction will be processed after the transaction is authorized.
        6. The amount to be paid for the credit facility or financing facility can be determined by the Customer according to the type of credit facility or financing facility to be paid.
        7. The Customer understands and agrees that the amount due under the credit facility or financing facility at the time of authorization may differ from the amount due under the credit facility or financing facility at the time the payment transaction instruction for the credit facility or financing facility is made by the Customer on myBCA Bisnis, as a result of interest or late charges (if any) incurred at the time the payment transaction instruction for the credit facility or financing facility is authorized.
        8. The amount due under the credit facility or financing facility as displayed on myBCA Bisnis includes the principal, overdue interest (if any), and late charges (if any).
        9. The transaction limits for the Customer's myBCA Bisnis account do not apply to payment transactions of the Customer’s credit facility or financing facility made through myBCA Bisnis.
        10. The Customer must ensure sufficient funds are available in the source account for the purpose of the payment transactions of the credit facility or financing facility made through myBCA Bisnis.
      3. Supply Chain Finance
        1. Invoice Upload/Invoice Management
          1. The Customer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the data uploaded, provided, modified, or deleted in the Invoice Upload and Invoice Management menu on myBCA Bisnis, including, among other things, the quantity of goods, invoice number, invoice amount, invoice due date, and any other data relating to the Customer's business partners.
          2. The Customer can make payments for uploaded invoices by:
            • using the funds from the Customer's account, provided that sufficient funds are available in the source account for payment of the invoice;
            • using the credit facility provided by BCA to the Customer under a separate agreement between BCA and the Customer and the Customer's business partner. Financing for the uploaded invoice using this credit facility can only be realized if the Customer’s credit limit is sufficient or not blocked;
            • The Company's Daily Limit and Account Daily Limit do not apply to Invoice payments through the Invoice Upload/Invoice Management menu on the Supply Chain Finance feature, and therefore invoice payments can still be processed even though the total amount of all transactions exceeds the Company's Daily Limit and/or the Account Daily Limit;
          3. Any dispute arising between the Customer and the Customer’s business partner over the use of the Supply Chain Finance service shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer and must be resolved by and between the Customer and the Customer’s business partner without involving BCA.
        2. Supply Chain Finance Loan
          1. Payment of any amounts due or obligations arising from the realization of the financing provided by BCA can be made using funds from an account registered on myBCA Bisnis.
          2. Any amounts due or obligations arising from the realization of the financing provided by BCA as displayed on the customer's myBCA Bisnis screen include the principal, overdue interest (if any), and any late payment penalties (if any).
          3. The total amount due or obligation arising from the realization of the financing provided by BCA displayed on myBCA Bisnis at the time of the authorization of the payment instruction for the amount due or obligation may differ from the amount at the time the payment instruction is made due to the accrual of interest or late penalties incurred (if any) on the date of the authorization of the payment instruction.
          4. BCA has the right to establish the procedures and provisions for payment of amounts due or obligations arising from the realization of the financing, which will be notified by BCA to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        3. Scheduled Transaction Cancellation
          The Customer can cancel a scheduled transaction with a future processing date on myBCA Bisnis no later than 1 (one) business day before the transaction processing date or at any other time within the time frame set by BCA, which will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
        4. Credit Note
          1. The Customer can issue a credit note in rupiah to refund part of the payment received from the Customer's business partners, among other things, in cases of a return of goods, a discount on the price of goods, or an overpayment received by the Customer. If the Customer issues a credit note for an invoice previously uploaded to myBCA Bisnis, the Customer is required to input/upload the credit note data, such as the credit note number, recipient’s name, effective date, expiration date, and nominal amount on myBCA Bisnis. In that connection, the Customer is fully responsible for any credit note data entered on myBCA Bisnis.
          2. To use the credit note, the Customer that acts as the recipient of the credit note must first accept the credit note through myBCA Bisnis. The Customer that acts as the issuer of the credit note can cancel the credit note at any time as long as the credit note has not been accepted by the Customer that acts as the recipient of the credit note. The Customer that acts as the recipient of the credit note may reject the credit note through myBCA Bisnis. A credit note that has been rejected by the Customer who is the recipient of the credit note cannot be reused by the Customer concerned.
          3. The Customer who is the recipient of the credit note may use the credit note towards payment of invoices issued by the Customer who is the issuer of the credit note through myBCA Bisnis and may choose to use all or part of the nominal value of the credit note to pay the invoice through myBCA Bisnis.
          4. The Customer who is the recipient of the credit note may use the credit note within the validity period of the credit note set by the Customer who is the issuer of the credit note on myBCA Bisnis.
          5. If the value of the credit note is less than the invoice amount, the remaining balance must be paid by the Customer who is the recipient of the credit note according to the mechanism described in item M.2.f.1) letter b above. If the value of the credit note is greater than the invoice amount, the remaining balance of the credit note can be applied by the Customer who is the recipient of the credit note to pay other invoices issued by the Customer who is the issuer of such credit note.
          6. BCA will retain credit note data in accordance with BCA’s data retention policy. In the event of any discrepancies between the credit note data on record with BCA and the credit note data held by the Customer who is the credit note recipient/issuer, the credit note data recorded at BCA shall prevail unless the Customer who is the credit note recipient/issuer can prove otherwise.
        5. Information
          BCA provides facilities for the Customer to view the following information:
          1. the Supply Chain Finance loan limit in accordance with the cooperation agreement or credit agreement between BCA and the Customer;
          2. the Supply Chain Finance cooperation, which contains information on the Customer's business partners involved in the cooperation.
        6. Supply Chain Finance Report
          1. The Customer can use myBCA Bisnis to access the Supply Chain Finance Report containing invoice data, loans, credit notes, transactions, and other information related to the Supply Chain Finance facilities owned by the Customer at BCA.
          2. The Supply Chain Finance Report feature can only be accessed by User ID holders who have been given access by the Customer or a party appointed by the Customer to use the Supply Chain Finance Report feature on myBCA Bisnis.
          3. The type of data in the Supply Chain Finance Report that can be accessed by each User ID holder follows the access rights of the User ID holder to data that can be inquired by the relevant User ID holder in accordance with the authority granted by the Customer or a party appointed by the Customer.
          4. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences arising from the use of the Supply Chain Finance Report feature or the use of the Supply Chain Finance Report accessed/downloaded via myBCA Bisnis and the Customer hereby releases BCA from all claims, lawsuits, and/or other legal actions from any party in connection with the above matters.
    6. Guarantee
      1. The Bank Guarantee feature is available only to a Customer that has a Bank Guarantee credit facility (including, but not limited to, a Bank Guarantee facility and/or other Bank Guarantee credit facilities) and that has signed the documents required by BCA for Bank Guarantee credit facilities.
      2. Through the Bank Guarantee feature, the Customer can conduct transactions such as making an inquiry or downloading information about previous Bank Guarantee applications, and requesting the issuance of a Bank Guarantee and/or amendment of a Bank Guarantee previously issued by BCA.
      3. The issuance of Bank Guarantees is subject to the terms and conditions for the Bank Guarantee credit facility applicable at BCA.
      4. BCA has the right to determine the processing cut-off time for Bank Guarantee issuance applications submitted by the Customer through myBCA Bisnis, as will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means according to applicable law. If BCA receives a Bank Guarantee issuance application after the cut-off time, BCA will process the application on the next business day.
      5. When submitting a Bank Guarantee issuance application through myBCA Bisnis, BCA will process the Bank Guarantee issuance during BCA’s business hours, as will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means according to applicable law.
      6. The Customer must ensure the availability of funds in the account designated as the source account for debiting the Bank Guarantee transaction fees and other obligations owed by the Customer to BCA related to the issuance of the Bank Guarantee.
      7. BCA reserves the right to reject any Bank Guarantee issuance application submitted through myBCA Bisnis, among other things, if the application does not comply with applicable terms and conditions.
      8. The Customer is fully responsible for any consequences arising from the submission of a Bank Guarantee issuance application through myBCA Bisnis or the use of the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis, by the Customer and/or any party designated by the Customer. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against any claims, demands, and/or legal actions of any kind, including those from the Customer, in connection with the above matters.
      9. The use of the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis may terminate due to the following:
        1. BCA terminates the Customer’s access to the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis, among other reasons, in cases where the Customer violates the terms of use of the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis, either partially or wholly;
        2. There are legal provisions or regulations that prevent BCA from providing the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis.
      10. If the Customer ceases to use the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis for any reason, all obligations arising from the Bank Guarantees issued by BCA based on the Customer’s application submitted through the Bank Guarantee feature on myBCA Bisnis will remain in effect and must be fulfilled by the Customer in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions.
    7. Transactions involving file upload to myBCA Bisnis service/facility
      1. For file-based transactions, such as Payroll/Bulk Transfer/Bulk Payment, the Customer may use encryption software to generate encrypted transaction files to secure data file transmission to BCA’s data center.
      2. The Customer confirms that all transaction file data, including Payroll/Bulk Transfer/Bulk Payment data, has been accurately created and thoroughly reviewed by the Customer, and therefore any errors that may occur, including but not limited to discrepancies in account names and account numbers or an incorrect fund amounts specified in the file are the sole responsibility of the Customer.
      3. To check whether a transaction file upload is successful, the Customer is required to check the Transaction Status menu. Once the transaction file has been successfully uploaded, the Customer must authorize the successfully uploaded transaction file in the Transaction Authorization menu.
    8. Host to Host
      1. The Customer can use the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis to conduct both financial and non-financial transactions by sending data from the Customer's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to BCA’s system. Transaction instructions received by BCA's system from the Customer's ERP system will be processed with or without authorization via myBCA Bisnis, according to the Customer's choice.
      2. The types of transactions that the Customer can make via the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis depend on the transaction types from the feature selected by the Customer on the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis.
      3. Every transaction instruction received by BCA from the Customer's ERP system is a valid and correct instruction from the Customer and is binding and constitutes the Customer's sole responsibility. BCA has no obligation to verify or investigate the accuracy of transaction instructions received by BCA from the Customer's ERP system.
      4. The Customer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the data and/or documents received by BCA from the Customer's ERP system. BCA has no obligation to verify or investigate the accuracy, completeness, validity, and authenticity of the data and/or documents received by BCA from the Customer's ERP system. The Customer is fully responsible for all consequences and losses arising in connection with the use of data and/or documents sent by the Customer from the Customer's ERP system to BCA, including cases where the data and/or documents sent by the Customer are incorrect or incomplete.
      5. In connection with transactions conducted via the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis, the Customer must comply with the provisions applicable at BCA, among other things, those related to the cut-off time for BCA to receive transaction data and the maximum data size that can be processed. BCA has the right to modify the provisions related to the transaction and will notify the Customer of the changes in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
      6. BCA reserves the right not to process transaction instructions through the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis if the transaction instructions provided by the Customer do not comply with the applicable transaction terms and/or exceed the maximum data size that can be processed at BCA, as will be notified by BCA to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
      7. BCA will continue to process transaction instructions received by BCA (either with or without authorization) via the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis even if the transaction instructions are received past the cut-off time for transaction data receipt according to the provisions applicable at BCA, unless otherwise specified by BCA or for certain transactions that will be notified by BCA to the Customer in any form and through any means.
      8. The Customer must ensure the availability of funds in the source account for transactions.
      9. The Customer may not cancel any transaction instruction that BCA has received with the status of 'in progress' on the same day as the effective date of the transaction.
      10. To use the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis:
        1. The Customer is required to provide the necessary infrastructure in accordance with the provisions set by BCA;
        2. BCA will provide "software" in the form of:
          1. BCA Client application, which includes:
            • BCA Client Monitoring User ID and password;
            • Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Security Key;
          2. BCA SFTP application, which includes:
            • SFTP User ID and User ID password;
            • Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Security Key;
            according to the Customer’s request as specified in the application form for myBCA Bisnis.
      11. Any misuse, disruption, or malfunction of the software provided by BCA after the handover of the software from BCA to the Customer shall be the Customer's sole responsibility. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions in any form from any party, including the Customer.
      12. The Customer must maintain the security of the software handed over by BCA to the Customer as well as the software used by the Customer to access the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis (if any) in accordance with the security standards applicable at BCA. All consequences and losses arising from the Customer's errors or negligence in implementing security measures for the software, including but not limited to any malfunction of the software, shall be the Customer's full responsibility.
      13. The Customer must provide and ensure the necessary access as required by BCA or any party designated by BCA for the purpose of software maintenance.
      14. The Customer using the Host to Host facility is prohibited from:
        1. using the software for any purpose other than for transaction purposes through the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis;
        2. modifying the settings, configurations, and making any changes to the software provided by BCA;
        3. attempting and/or engaging in any activities to crack codes, hack, crack, penetrate systems with viruses, or use software, shareware, freeware or create false/counterfeit applications intended to disrupt or damage the software; and
        4. duplicating, imitating, copying, pirating, and counterfeiting the software provided by BCA including but not limited to source code, manuals, operating systems, programming languages, codes, schemas, technical documents or any other forms.
      15. The Customer must take all necessary actions to ensure that every transaction conducted through the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis can only be conducted by parties who have been granted access/authority by the Customer to conduct the transaction. All consequences and losses arising from misuse or errors in the transaction shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer, and the Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions from any party, including the Customer in connection therewith.
      16. BCA has the right to charge the Customer a fee for the use of the Host to Host facility on myBCA Bisnis in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA and debit the Customer's account with BCA for payment of the fee.
      17. In the event of misuse, disruption, or damage to the Customer's ERP system, any consequences and losses arising in connection therewith shall be the Customer's full responsibility. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against any claims, suits, and/or other legal actions from any party, including the Customer, in connection therewith.

M. Exchange Rates

  1. Foreign exchange rates, including those displayed on myBCA Bisnis, are indicative only and subject to change by BCA at any time without prior notice to the Customer.
  2. If the Customer conducts a transaction with a future effective date (post-dated) or a recurring transaction using foreign currency, the exchange rate applied to the transaction will be the exchange rate applicable on the transaction processing date.
  3. If the Customer conducts a foreign exchange transaction on the myBCA Bisnis facility exceeding the threshold set by Bank Indonesia and/or other relevant authorities, the Customer must submit the underlying transaction documents to BCA in accordance with the applicable provisions and procedures at BCA.

N. Evidence

  1. The Customer agrees that all records, tapes/cartridges, printouts, copies or any other forms of information or data storage shall constitute valid evidence of the Customer’s instruction and so shall any other means of communication received or sent by BCA, unless proven otherwise.
  2. The Customer agrees to acknowledge the validity, accuracy, or authenticity of the evidence of any instruction and communication electronically transmitted between both parties, including documents in the form of digital copies or BCA’s transaction evidence, tapes/cartridges, printouts, copies or any other forms of information, and all such media or documents constitute valid evidence of the banking transactions conducted through myBCA Bisnis, unless proven otherwise by the Customer.
  3. By conducting a transaction on myBCA Bisnis, the Customer acknowledges that all communications and instructions received by BCA from the Customer shall be treated as valid evidence, even if even if no written document or signed document is issued.

O. Electronic Mail (Email)

  1. The Customer is required to register the Customer's email address, including the email address of the User ID holder that is given access to the myBCA Bisnis facility.
  2. In the event of a change of the registered email address, the Customer must immediately update the email address by completing the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents as determined by BCA and submitting them to a BCA Branch Office in accordance with the terms applicable at BCA, accompanied by the documents required by BCA.
  3. This email address will be used by BCA to send information on financial and non-financial transactions conducted by the Customer through the myBCA Bisnis facility or for the purpose of sending any other information from BCA.
  4. If the Customer does not receive a notification email on the day the transaction is conducted, the Customer must check the status of their transaction through the 'Transaction Summary' service/facility available on the myBCA Bisnis facility. If the Customer does not receive any notification email and/or fails to check the transaction status, the Customer shall hold BCA harmless against any claims for any losses potentially arising therefrom.
  5. BCA is not responsible for any failure in sending information to the Customer's email address due to any causes other than BCA’s fault or negligence.
  6. BCA has no obligation to store and resend any information that was not successfully sent to the Customer’s email address.

P. Fees and Account Debit Authorization

  1. The Customer agrees that BCA is entitled to impose a fee related to the use of the myBCA Bisnis facility. The fee amount will be notified to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  2. The Customer agrees that BCA is entitled to debit the Customer's account and/or any account over which authority has been granted to the Customer on myBCA Bisnis for payment of administration fees (if applicable), interbank transfer fees, facility/service fees, and/or other fees for transactions conducted via the myBCA Bisnis facility as will be determined and notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  3. In the event of a failure in processing the transaction on the effective date, to the extent not caused by BCA’s fault, the Customer will remain obligated to pay the applicable fees.
  4. The Customer hereby grants authorization to BCA to debit the Customer's account at BCA and/or the account over which authority is granted to the Customer on myBCA Bisnis according to the transaction in respect of which the instruction is given by the Customer to BCA through the myBCA Bisnis facility and to pay the fees set forth in items 1 and 2 above.
  5. The authorization granted under item 4 above shall not terminate for any reason, including the causes specified in Articles 1813, 1814, and 1816 of the Indonesian Civil Code, so long as the Customer still has outstanding obligations to BCA.
  6. BCA is entitled to change the fees related to the myBCA Bisnis facility and will notify the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.

Q. Administration of registration, modification and deletion

  1. The Customer must complete the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents as required by BCA in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA whenever the Customer wishes to register, modify or delete any data and/or status of, among other things, the account, Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA and Workflow.
  2. Registration, modification, or deletion of any data and/or status of, among other things, the account, User ID, and KeyBCA, can also be done by a Sysadmin on myBCA Bisnis.
  3. For registration, modification, or deletion of any data and/or status of, among other things, the account, Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA, and Workflow through the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents as required by BCA, BCA will verify and check the completeness of the data in the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis and the supporting documents submitted by the Customer. BCA reserves the right to reject and return the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis if any discrepancies or incomplete data or supporting documents are found.
  4. BCA is not obliged to check the accuracy of the data submitted by the Customer regarding the registration, modification, or deletion of any data and/or status of, among other things, the account, Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA and Workflow. The Customer is responsible for the accuracy of the data submitted to BCA.
  5. BCA will register, modify, or delete the data and/or status of, among other things, the account, Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA and Workflow, after BCA has completed verifying and reviewing the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis and/or the instructions submitted through myBCA Bisnis as well as the supporting documents in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.

R. Force Majeure

  1. The Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against any claims, suits, and/or legal actions of any kind if BCA is unable to execute the Customer’s instructions, either in part or in whole, due to events or causes beyond BCA's control or ability, including but not limited to natural disasters, war, riots, equipment, system or transmission failures, power outages, telecommunications disruptions, government policies, and other events or causes beyond BCA's control or ability.
  2. BCA shall not be liable for any damage to the myBCA Bisnis application and myBCA Bisnis software caused by the Customer's errors or negligence or other causes beyond BCA's control such as viruses, power outages, broken cables, or damage to computer hardware.

S. Suspension and Termination of Service/Facility

  1. The Customer may terminate the use of the myBCA Bisnis facility by completing the Application Form for myBCA Bisnis or other documents as required by BCA and submitting them to a BCA Branch Office in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA, along with the KeyBCA and any required documents in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA. If the Customer uses a KeyBCA in the form of a Hard Token, the Customer must return the KeyBCA to BCA.
  2. BCA reserves the right to suspend the use, either partially or completely, of the features/services on the myBCA Bisnis facility, and/or reject transactions conducted on the myBCA Bisnis facility, among other things, if:
    1. there is an allegation of a suspicious Transaction conducted by the Customer;
    2. there is an allegation of fraud committed by the Customer when using the myBCA Bisnis facility;
    3. there is an allegation of misuse of the myBCA Bisnis facility by the Customer;
    4. there is an allegation that the myBCA Bisnis facility is used to facilitate a transaction that violates the applicable law;
    5. The Customer and/or the party designated by the Customer is known to use and/or reasonably suspected of using fake documents when using myBCA Bisnis;
    6. The Customer and/or the party designated by the Customer provides inaccurate or questionable information and/or data;
    7. The Customer and/or the party designated by the Customer has funds known to originate or reasonably suspected of originating from the proceeds of a criminal act;
    8. There is an order from a competent supervisory authority to suspend the provision of the myBCA Bisnis facility;
    9. The myBCA Bisnis facility has not been used by the Customer for a specified period , which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law; and/or
    10. The Customer violates either part or all of these Terms and Conditions for mybCA Bisnis and/or the applicable law.
    BCA will notify the Customer of the suspension of the myBCA Bisnis facility along with the reasons for the suspension.
  3. BCA reserves the right to terminate the provision of the myBCA Bisnis facility to the Customer, among other things, if:
    1. The Customer breaches any part or all of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA and/or applicable laws and regulations;
    2. The Customer fails to fulfill their obligations under these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA, whether in part or in whole;
    3. The Customer conducts business activities that are prohibited by law;
    4. based on BCA's judgment, the use of the myBCA Bisnis facility violates the Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA and/or applicable law;
    5. The Customer and/or the party designated by the Customer is known to use and/or reasonably suspected of using fake documents when using myBCA Bisnis;
    6. The Customer and/or the party designated by the Customer provides inaccurate or questionable information and/or data;
    7. The Customer and/or the party designated by the Customer has funds known to originate and/or reasonably suspected of originating from the proceeds of a criminal act;
    8. The Customer cooperates with and conducts transactions using the myBCA Bisnis facility with fraudsters;
    9. The Customer uses the myBCA Bisnis facility to carry out business activities that are prohibited under these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA or that are contrary the norms of decency, religion, morals, public order, law, or applicable laws and regulations;
    10. The Customer's business license expires, is revoked, or is suspended by the competent authority;
    11. there is an order from the banking supervisory authority ordering BCA to terminate the cooperation in providing the myBCA Bisnis facility;
    12. all of the Customer’s accounts connected to myBCA Bisnis are closed either at the Customer's request or for any other reason; and/or
    13. The Customer deletes all registered User IDs.

T. Language

These Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (“BCA”) are made and signed in 2 (two) versions of languages, namely Indonesian, and English. In the event that there is a discrepancy in interpretation between the versions of Indonesian and English, then the version of Indonesian language shall prevail.

U. Dispute Resolution

  1. The Customer agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising out of and/or relating to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA between the Customer and BCA will be resolved in an amicable manner.
  2. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved amicably between the Customer and BCA will be resolved by means of banking mediation at Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority or by means of mediation through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution included in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions established by the Financial Services Authority.
  3. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved in an amicable manner and/or by means of mediation as described in item 2 above shall be resolved through the District Court of Central Jakarta, without prejudice to BCA's right to file any suit or claim through any other District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

V. Miscellaneous

  1. The Customer must always ensure that the Customer's and/or User ID holder's data at BCA is up-to-date. In the event of any changes to the Customer’s data, the Customer is obliged to update the data through the means and procedures applicable at BCA. All consequences arising in connection with the Customer's failure to update the data shall be the full responsibility of the
  2. If the Customer provides any personal data of other parties to BCA in connection with the provision and use of the myBCA Bisnis facility, including mobile phone numbers and/or email addresses of each User designated by the Customer and/or any parties designated by the Customer, funds recipients, and/or other parties (if any), the Customer hereby warrants that the Customer has obtained consent from each personal data subject to provide the personal data to BCA for the provision and use of the myBCA Business facility.
  3. BCA has the right to modify, supplement, or replace these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA and will notify the Customer of such modification, supplementation, or replacement in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  4. In using the myBCA Bisnis service/facility, the Customer must comply with applicable laws in Indonesia.

The Customer hereby confirms that the Customer has read, fully understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions for myBCA Bisnis of BCA and that BCA has provided explanations to and sought confirmation from the Customer of their understanding of the benefits, fees, and risks as well as rights and obligations associated with myBCA Bisnis.


Important Information


  • Possible disruption to the system network or network connection which may lead banking transactions through KBB cannot be carried out. Transactions cannot be processed if they exceed the transaction limit and daily limit.
  • Misuse of myBCA Bisnis, among others, as a result of lost/stolen KeyBCA, User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Responsedisclosed to other parties and leakage of transaction data due to negligence of the KBB Customer.
  • The misuse of the myBCA Bisnis H2H service may occur due to the leakage of transaction facilities and data as a result of customer negligence.
  • Customers utilizing the myBCA Bisnis H2H service may experience disruptions in banking transactions if the H2H communication network or system is compromised.
  • Customers who open credit card accounts after registering for myBCA Bisnis must re-register those accounts to use them within the myBCA Bisnis platform.

Requirements and Procedures

  • Registration for myBCA Bisnis can be done through the nearest BCA branch office by filling out and signing the myBCA Bisnis Form and the myBCA Bisnis Terms of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA).
  • For joint accounts with “OR” status and credit cards that are registered with myBCA Bisnis under a different name than the name of the Customer who owns myBCA Bisnis must be accompanied by a power of attorney from the account owner or credit card owner.
  • Each customer must designate one 1 (one) Sysadmin Maker and 1 (one) Sysadmin Releaser.
  • The myBCA Bisnis customer grants myBCA Bisnis access to the Sysadmin user as specified in the myBCA Bisnis Form, allowing them to perform actions within their authority.
  • Customer accounts or credit cards that are opened after the registration process must be re-registered in order to be used with myBCA Bisnis.
  • Customers applying for the myBCA Bisnis H2H facility are required to build H2H network infrastructure and systems based on the Technical Specification Document provided by BCA to conduct transactions through the myBCA Bisnis H2H facility.
  • myBCA Bisnis offers Host-to-Host (H2H) facilities for conducting online and real-time banking transactions directly from the customer’s internal system. To use H2H facilities through myBCA Bisnis, the following conditions apply:
    • Only corporate customers who own a myBCA Bisnis account can utilize the H2H facility.
    • Customers must provide sufficient facilities in accordance with the specifications set by BCA
    • Types of myBCA Bisnis H2H delivery facilities include:
      • SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). This method allows the transfer of data and transaction documents between the internal system of the myBCA Bisnis customer and the BCA system using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. The server utilized for this service is located at BCA (SFTP BCA).
      • BCA Client. This facilitates the sending of data and transaction documents between the internal system of the myBCA Bisnis customer and the BCA system using the Secure Link Management Protocol (SLMP) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. Additionally, myBCA Bisnis customers can monitor transaction activity through BCA Client Monitoring.
    • BCA will provide supporting facilities, which consist of:
      • An SFTP application, including an SFTP User ID, password, and Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) Security Key, and/or
      • A BCA Client application for BCA Client Monitoring, as well as Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) Security Key.
  • Access to myBCA Bisnis is available via the myBCA Bisnis website at

The myBCA Bisnis customers can submit questions and complaints through:

Contact Us

Halo BCA Bisnis: 1500998


WhatsApp: +628111500998


Social Media

Facebook: GoodLife BCA

Instagram: @goodlifebca

Youtube: Solusi BCA

X (Twitter): @BankBCA

Additional Information

  • The myBCA Bisnis Customer is prohibited from using myBCA Bisnis facilities/services to engage in actions that violate or contradict the norms of decency, religion, morals, public order, law, or applicable statues and regulations.
  • Without prior written approval from BCA, the myBCA Bisnis Customer is prohibited from using myBCA Bisnis facilities/services for the purpose of offering commercial services to other parties, including services as a fund transfer operator.
  • The myBCA Bisnis Customer and other User ID holders appointed by myBCA Bisnis Customer must secure the User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA PIN by:
    • Not disclosing the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Responseto other people
    • Not writing the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Responseon the table, station, or storing it in written form on a computer applications or other storage facilities that allow it to be known by others.
    • Use the User ID, KeyBCA PIN, and KeyBCA Responsecarefully to avoid being seen by others.
    • Do not use KeyBCA PIN given by others or that are easily guessed such as date of birth or combination thereof and telephone numbers.
  • If a User ID is blocked outside of Sysadmin control, the myBCA Bisnis Customer can submit a request to unblock it via themyBCA Bisnis login page or through Sysadmin. If the Sysadmin user is blocked, they can request to be unblocked through BCA.
  • Blocking of Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA PIN may occur if:
    • The Customer who owns myBCA Bisnis closes the myBCA Bisnis facility resulting in the Corporate ID being blocked
    • Failure to enter the KeyBCA Response 3 (three) times in a row when making a transaction using KeyBCA will result in the User ID being blocked
    • Failure to enter the KeyBCA PIN 3 (three) times and the KeyBCA is reported damaged or lost will cause the KeyBCA to be blocked.
  • In case of Corporate ID, User ID, and KeyBCA being blocked, the myBCA Bisnis Customer must contact BCA
  • The myBCA Bisnis Customer will receive email notifications for financial transactions made through myBCA Bisnis to the registered email address.
  • The myBCA Bisnis Customer agrees that records, tape/cartridge, computer printouts, copies, or other forms of information or data storage are valid evidence of the instructions from the myBCA Bisnis, Customer as well as other means of communications received or sent by BCA.
  • The myBCA Bisnis Customer acknowledges the validity, truth, or authenticity of the evidence of the instructions and communications transmitted electronically between the two parties, including documents in the form of computer records or BCA transaction evidences, tape/cartridge, computer printouts, copies, or other forms of information storage, and all such tools or documents are valid evidence of banking instructions through myBCA Bisnis, unless the myBCA Bisnis Customer can prove otherwise.
  • BCA reserves the right to change the benefits, costs, risks, and terms and conditions of these products and/or services. Any changes will be communicated by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable regulations, with a notification period of 30 (thirty) business days prior to the effective date of the changes.
  • The Customer may receive other product offers from other parties outside the Bank that cooperate with the Bank, if the Customer gives approval to the Bank to provide customer data to other parties outside the Bank that cooperate with the Bank.
  • Customers can receive offers of the Bank’s products and/or services and products and/services of other parties cooperating with the Bank via personal communication means, if the Customer gives consent to the Bank to receive offer of these products and/or services via personal communication means.
  • Customers utilizing the myBCA Bisnis H2H facility are fully responsible for any consequences or losses that may arise from the use of documents sent using this facility from their internal systems.
  • Every transaction instruction received by BCA from the Customer’s internal system via the myBCA Bisnis H2H facility is considered valid and correct. The instruction is binding and the Customer assumes full responsibility for it. BCA is not obligated to verify or investigate the accuracy of transaction instructions received from the Customer’s internal system using the myBCA Bisnis H2H facility.
  • Other information related to costs, benefits, and risks can be accessed through BCA’s official website

Disclaimer (Important Note)

  • BCA may reject the myBCA Bisnis opening application if the prospective myBCA Bisnis Customer does not meet the applicable requirements and regulations.
  • The Customer has read and understood the myBCA Bisnis product according to the Summary of Product and Service Information.
  • The Customer must carefully read, understood, and agree to the myBCA Bisnis form and the terms of the myBCA Bisnis facility.
  • This Summary only serves as a means of product and service information for prospective Customer/Customer and is not intended as a formal offer a product and/or service.
  • Information included in the Product Summary is valid from the date of printing of the document until the new amendment in this Product Summary is made.
  • The Customer must carefully read this Product Summary before agreeing to register for the myBCA Bisnis facility. The Customer may rightly ask a Bank employee or call Halo BCA Bisnis Services at 1500998 for any inquiries or complaints related to the Product Summary.

Get the Service

Customers can access myBCA Bisnis after registration by:

  • Visiting or contacting the nearest branch office/corporate branch office/relationship manager (RM)
  • Filling out and signing the Riplay, Form and Terms of myBCA Bisnis
  • Bringing supporting documents:
    • Articles of Association or Bylaws (for organization customers)
    • Identity documents of myBCA customer and the user for account registration

After applying for myBCA Bisnis, customers will get

  • Corporate ID
  • User ID
  • KeyBCA (If you choose to use Hard Token)
  • KeyBCA PIN, which is sent separately for security and confidentiality when transacting on myBCA Bisnis

Transaction Security Information

  • Keep your User ID, KeyBCA and KeyBCA PIN confidential
  • Log out every time you leave the computer when doing banking transaction
  • Ensure the network and internet connection is safe and seamless for security and convenience
  • Avoid accessing myBCA Bisnis through public internet networks/other untrustworthy networks


Download Usage Guide
Download and learn about myBCA Bisnis including how to use each feature
Download Application Form
Download, print, and fill out the form to enjoy myBCA Bisnis services
以下是 中文版 myBCA Bisnis 表格、条款和使用说明 的下载链接
表格, 条款, 使用说明 myBCA Bisnis
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