Deputy President Director

Deputy President Director

Hendra Lembong


Indonesian citizen, 52 years old. Domiciled in Indonesia. Appointed as Deputy President Director of BCA at the 2022 Annual GMS and obtained the approval of OJK on 22 April 2022. Appointed to the position at the 2021 Annual GMS for a 5-year term.

Duties and Responsibilities

Deputy President Director of BCA, in charge of general supervision of the Finance & Corporate Planning Director and the Transaction Banking Director, as well as responsible for the Strategic Information Technology Group and the Operation Strategy & Development Group. Also monitors developments at PT Central Capital Ventura, a subsidiary in venture capital, and at PT Bank Digital BCA (BCA Digital), a subsidiary engaged in digital banking.


He has more than 25 years of banking experience in Indonesia and overseas. Prior to joining BCA, he appointed as Chief Transformation Officer and led the Transformation & Strategy program for all units and functions at PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk since January 2019, Chief Fintech Officer CIMB Group Malaysia (June 2018 to December 2018), CEO Group of Transaction Banking CIMB Group Malaysia (July 2016 to December 2018), Chief of Transaction Banking PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (August 2013 to December 2018), Regional Head of Transaction Services (cash, liquidity, FX), Asia Pacific with J.P. Morgan Asia-Pacific in Singapore (2010-2013), Global COO & Head of Business Development with Deutsche Bank London (2009-2010), and a career with Citibank from 1994 to 2009 in various postings in Asia and Europe with strategy and product management responsibility.


He held a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from University of Washington, USA, and a Master of Science in Engineering Economic Systems from Stanford University, USA.


No financial relationship, stock ownership relationship, and/or family relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners, fellow member of the Board of Directors, and/ or the controlling shareholders of BCA.

Concurrent Position

Does not have concurrent positions in companies or other institutions in accordance with the prevailing OJK Regulations.


During his career, he accumulated extensive experience in various areas and assignments, including in IT transformation strategy & implementation, transaction banking and services, global trade finance & corporate cash management business development, regional strategy & Planning, and Product Solution Management.