For Customer
Special Offer
Terms and Conditions :
Terms and Conditions :
Discount 35% Room Rate
- Discount applies from the prices on the website
- Pay using QRIS with my BCA/BCA mobile/Sakuku, Debit BCA and Kartu Kredit BCA
Discount 10% F & B
- Discount applies from the pirces on the website
- Pay using QRIS with my BCA/BCA mobile/Sakuku, Debit BCA and Kartu Kredit BCA
Saturday Night BBQ
- Valid for Food and Beverages
- Diiscount applies from the prices on the website
- Valid only at Saturday
- Pay using QRIS with my BCA/BCA mobile/Sakuku, Debit BCA and Kartu Kredit BCA
Locations :
- Jl Urip Sumoharjo 37 Yogyakarta. Telp : 0274.566999