For Customer
Discount IDR 50 thousand for all products
Term & Conditions :
Term & Conditions :
- IDR 50 thousand off with minimum transaction of IDR 200 thousand
- Program promo quota:
- First 100 transaction/day using BCA Credit Cards Visa/Mastercard and BCA JCB Black
- First 100 transaction/day using BCA Debit Mastercard
- Valid for purchasing all products through TaniHub application and website
- Promo is valid for delivery area according to TaniHub branches in following cities : Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung – Sumedang, Jogjakarta – Solo – Semarang, Surabaya – Malang – Pasuruan, and Bali
- Promo is valid for 1 ID, 1 card, 1x transaction per day during promo program period