09 Dec 2021 | News & Features

Closure of Operations of Select BCA Branches

Dear BCA Customers,

In December 2021, we are closing operations on select BCA branches. The details of the closure are as follows:

Branch Address Implementation

BCA KCP Mobile Easton Park Residence Jatinangor

Lobby 4 Left Sector of Easton Park Residence Jatinangor 45363

23 December 2021

BCA KCP Mobile Hub Station Soekarno Hatta

Soekarno-Hatta Airport Terminal D Tangerang 15126

Thus, we make this announcement for the attention of BCA customers and the wider community.

For further information about banking services at BCA branch offices, please contact Halo BCA 1500 888 or simply mention us on our Twitter account: @HaloBCA.

To find the locations of BCA branches throughout Indonesia, please see HERE.

See also: Information on the Closure of the Auxiliary Office of KCP RS Telogorejo