30 Sep 2021 | News & Features

Unexpected Risk Can Happen Anytime, Insurance Should Be The First Choice

His experience while working at the Ministry of Transportation from 1978 - 2013 made Iskandar Abubakar (68) familiar with insurance. Throughout his tenure, the office provided him insurance benefits as an employee. Iskandar immediately looked for protection solutions when his retirement arrived.

"I remember that day (in 2018) I came to the BCA branch in Kebun Sirih, Central Jakarta, to look for insurance products. I met Ms. Tia, AIA BCA Bancassurance Life Consultant who explained various insurance products and benefits until finally, I chose Maxi Protection with a focus on life and health protection benefits," Iskandar recalled.

In life, we may not always be able to see the way forward, but we must always be ready for any challenge. At the end of 2020, in December, Iskandar experienced a serious medical condition.

"At that time blood came out of my anus, I immediately went to RSPI Bintaro for a check-up," he said.

The results of the examination from the doctor at that time were not the news he wanted to hear: the doctor said there was a tumor in Iskandar's colon. Through a follow-up examination, Iskandar found out that he had 5 cm long cancer, which required him to undergo surgery. His large intestine was cut 15 cm long.

He underwent treatment in the hospital for 10 days, and after that, he had to undergo a follow-up treatment with drugs and chemotherapy. After undergoing the process for seven months, Iskandar was declared cured and cleared from the cancer cells.

"I was grateful that during the treatment process I could focus only on my health because I had Maxi Protection, a product of the collaboration between BCA and AIA. All costs from outpatient treatment, inpatient care, surgery, medication, to chemotherapy were covered by Maxi Protection insurance," Iskandar said.

There are always wisdom and lessons to be learned from every moment of life. Now Iskandar's condition is much better, he is healthy. He lives a healthier lifestyle than before. "But I still want to do check-ups in six months, just to make sure cancer doesn't grow again," he said.

Iskandar also recalled the insurance process that he experienced.

"The service was without any problems, the process was good and quite fast. The process for the outpatient treatment was reimbursed, but hospitalization and surgery had all been taken care of directly by the insurance," he said.

Learning from Iskandar's experience, especially these days where we live amid a pandemic full of risks, insurance is one of the important factors that should be owned by the community. This protection certainly must be complemented by preventive measures, such as complying with health protocols as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle to avoid various health risks.

"Insurance is very important for all of us, I have experienced for myself how it benefits my life. Because we do not know when we will meet with the risk in life, like illness. When that happens, if we have insurance, we can focus on our health," he concluded.

Now there is an enhancement of Maxi Protection –the product purchased by Iskandar– namely Maxi Protection Plus (Maxi Plus) which can be equipped with various rider options, one of which is Premier Hospital & Surgical Extra (PHS Extra). Maxi Plus with PHS Extra protects for a lifetime and health protection with a total limit up to IDR 65 billion. Maxi Plus can be obtained at BCA branches through AIA's Bancassurance Life Consultant (BLC). You can also get it without face to face by clicking the 'I'm Interested' button on the Medic Pro product page on the Welma mobile app from BCA to be contacted by BLC virtually via AIA DigiBuy.