26 Aug 2021 | News & Features

PRIMA Extra Self-Protection, Extra Protection Solution from BCA-AIA

During the pandemic, taking care of your health is of utmost importance. Besides leading a healthy life and complying with the 5M movement, we also need to protect ourselves against health risks that may occur in many ways. To improve self-protection against health risks and promote healthy lifestyle, BCA-AIA presents the PRIMA Extra, which offers various benefits: 

  1. Protection against 136 critical illnesses 
  2. ICU treatment benefit requiring invasive ventilation Rp5 million/day (max. 20 days)
  3. Pre-birth Child Protection
  4. Premium Cashback of up to 30% per year and other rewards through integration with AIA Vitality

If you want to learn more about the PRIMA Extra and the additional protection benefits of Covid-19 treatment until 31 October 2021 in the #SiapVaksinBarengAIA program, simply fill out the Insurance Leave Contact form on Welma.

In addition to these benefits, you can also get cashback up to 17,5% and additional cashback of Rp1 million after the Prima Extra success subscription.



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Disclaimer (Important Note):

  1. This Extra Critical Illness Protection Product (PRIMA Extra) is not a product or responsibility of BCA (not a bank product) and does not fall within the scope of the deposit guarantee program as referred to in the statutory provisions concerning deposit insurance corporations;
  2. The use of the BCA logo and/or other attributes in the brochures or other marketing documents are based on BCA’s agreement and as a form of marketing collaboration between BCA and AIA.