01 Apr 2024 | Edukatips

Get the Latest Version of haloBCA App for Seamless Connection with Halo BCA!

Did you know that the easiest way to reach the Halo BCA contact center is by using the haloBCA mobile app? The app now has a fresh new look, with the latest version bringing 4 key features: Call, Chat, Email,and X (Twitter). These features enable direct communication with the official Halo BCA, thereby eliminates the possibility of inputting incorrectly or forgetting account numbers, which could result in fraud.

Why should you have the haloBCA app?

  1. It provides an alternative channelfor customers to contact Halo BCA via a VoIP Call facility, which is a toll-free phone call using only an internet connection.
  2. The VoIP Call facility also facilitate international customers in reaching out to Halo BCA, in addition to being accessible for various other features.
  3. It combines all the Halo BCA service channels of Call, Social Media X (Twitter), WhatsApp Bank BCA, Chat, and Emailin one mobile app.

Always download the official haloBCA app and avoid being tricked by fake apps that claim to be Halo BCA.

How to log in to the haloBCA app?

Once you have the haloBCA application, there are two ways to access it:

  1. Log in with BCA ID
    • Individuals without a BCA ID must first register and verify their BCA ID within the haloBCA app.
    • Existing BCA ID holders only need to verify their BCA ID within the haloBCA app.
  2. Log in as a guest. In urgent situations, users have the option to log in as a guest.

BCA recommends using your BCA ID to log in as it will help speed up the interaction process with the Halo BCA team, obviating the need for self-verification.

  1. Self-verification process. You can skip this section if the BCA ID has been used for logging in.
  2. Identification process. This step acts as an additional layer of security, ensuring that the individual making the inquiry corresponds to the registered identity. This process remains mandatory, regardless of whether the customer is logged in.

How to log in with BCA ID (BCA ID Registration and Verification) 

Here’s a tutorial on how to register a BCA ID (for those who don’t have a BCA ID) and how to activate a BCA ID in the haloBCA app.

BCA ID Registration

  1. If you don’t have a BCA ID, select register
  2. Fill in your data: BCA ID and password details
  3. Enter ATM card number
  4. Confirm BCA ID creation
  5. You will be automatically directed to send a verification SMS; select send
  6. BCA ID registration is successful

BCA ID Activation

  1. Enter BCA ID & password then select “Masuk”
  2. You will be automatically diected to sned a verification SMS; select send
  3. Return to the Halo BCA app & enter the ATM card number to verify
  4. Create a PIN to log in to the haloBCA app
  5. Verify your with an ID card photo and a photo of yourself
  6. After verification, the haloBCA home view will appear

Use the haloBCA Features

Let’s see how to use the features in the haloBCA app.

How to use the Call feature

  1. Open the haloBCA app. Select the Call feature.
  2. Choose the product you require.
  3. If you wish to immediately talk with Halo BCA Customer Service, press “Ya”.
  4. You will be connected to Halo BCA Customer Service without using any phone credit

How to use the Chat/Bank BCA WhatsApp feature

  1. Select the “Halo BCA Chat” and choose either: WhatsApp Bank BCA or Chat.
  2. If you select WhatsApp Bank BCA, you will be directly connected to your Bank BCA WhatsApp account.
  3. If you select Chat, you will be asked to provide your name, email, and phone number, then click “Mulai” and you can start chatting.

How to use the Email and X (Twitter) feature

  1. Make sure you have an Email and Twitter app on your smartphone.
  2. Select the “Email” feature. You can directly send an email to Halo BCA.
  3. Select the “Twitter” feature. You can directly mention the Halo BCA account via the Twitter app.

How to Update Your Data

  1. Log in to the haloBCA app using your BCA ID
  2. Select “Profil Saya”
  3. Select the category that your wish to change. There are 3 categories you can select, namely Identity & Documents, Address & Contact, and Occupation
  4. Make the necessary changes, then click “Lanjut”
  5. Make sure everything is correct, then click “Simpan”
  6. The data update is successful.

Now you can easily connect with all your official Halo BCA contacts in just one applicaton.

If you are abroad and need to replace your Token/KeyBCA because the battery runs out/is damaged/lost, you can contact Halo BCA through the haloBCA app without using any credit. Simply connect to the internet network while abroad.

Download the haloBCA app on your smartphone via the App Store or Play Store. If you already have it, make sure to update it to the latest version!