27 Feb 2023 | Edukatips

Manage Transactions in myBCA Becomes Easier

For most people, cashless transactions using debit or credit cards are the first choice to use for paying transaction of their needs. Not only is it more practical and hassle-free, but every debit or credit transaction can also be tracked through mobile banking.

Interestingly, transactions using BCA Debit and Credit Cards are more convenient and safer as you can control them through myBCA. At any time, you can activate, control, set & request limit, block the card, view the card details, and change PINs. All can be managed online via smartphone by simply accessing myBCA.

Check out the methods below, GoodFriends!

Debit Card Details

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Masuk dengan Biometrik’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’ 
  3. Select the Debit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Lihat Detail Kartu’ to view the ATM card number, validity period, and CVV/CVC code, and then enter the transaction PIN
  5. You will see the detailed information of the debit card you want to view. Always make sure to keep this information confidential. Do not give it to anyone through any means.

Online Debit Activation

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature.
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the debit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Kontrol Transaksi’ and then click ‘Atur Nomor Handphone’
  5. Select the mobile number, click ‘Daftar’ and then select the number you want to register
  6. A confirmation screen will appear and enter the transaction PIN for verification
    *Make sure you have phone credits to be able to receive the OTP code
  7. Your mobile number is successfully registered
  8. Slide the button to the right to activate Online Debit Activation
  9. A confirmation screen will appear. Enter the transaction PIN for verification.
  10. Online Debit activation is successful

Debit Card Control

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the Debit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Kontrol Transaksi’ and which transaction types to enable or disable
  5. A confirmation will appear. Enter your transaction PIN for verification
  6. The control transaction is successful

Set Debit Card Limit

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the debit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Atur Limit’, and then set the limit for the type of transaction as needed
  5. A confirmation screen will appear. Enter the transaction PIN for verification.
  6. Setting limit transaction is successful

Blocking a Debit Card

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the debit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Blokir Kartu’ and check the terms & conditions
  5. Confirm the debit card blocking by selecting ‘Ya’, then enter the PIN Transaction
  6. Blocking debit card is successful

Meanwhile, for managing various credit card transactions, you can check the method below

Credit Card Details

1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Masuk dengan Biometrik’ feature

2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’

3. Select the credit card you want to manage

4. Select ‘Lihat Detail Kartu’ to view the ATM card number, validity period, and CVV/CVC code, and then enter the transaction PIN

5. You will see the detailed information of the credit card you want to view. Always make sure to keep this information confidential. Do not give it to anyone through any means.

Credit Card Activation

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the credit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Aktivasi Kartu Kredit’ and check the terms and conditions to agree
  5. Enter your PIN for verification and the credit card activation is successful

Requesting Credit Card Limit

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the credit card you want to manage, and then select ‘Request Limit’
  4. Enter the amount according to your needs and financial capabilities, then check the terms & conditions
  5. Enter your PIN Transaction to verify. Your request for a credit card limit increase is successful

Credit Card Control

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the credit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Kontrol Kartu Kredit’ and which transaction types you want to enable or disable
  5. A confirmation screen will appear. Enter your PIN for verification
  6. Credit Card transaction control is successful

Create/Change Credit Card PIN

  1. Open myBCA and log in using ‘BCA ID & Password’ or use the ‘Login with Biometrics’ feature
  2. Select ‘Akun Saya’, and then select ‘Kontrol Akun’
  3. Select the credit card you want to manage
  4. Select ‘Buat/Ubah PIN’ dan enter new PIN as you want
  5. Enter your Transaction PIN for verification, then your Credit card PIN is successfully changed

How to connect BCA’s Reward to myBCA

  1. Log into myBCA
  2. Go to “Akun Saya” menu
  3. Select “Kontrol Akun”
  4. Select “ Personalisasi BCA ID”
  5. Check the “Reward” section
  6. Click “Simpan”
  7. Reward connected to myBCA account

How to check BCA’s Reward in myBCA

  1. Log into myBCA
  2. Choose “Akun Saya” menu
  3. Reward BCA, Reward AMEX, and Reward UnionPay will appear in the "Reward" menu
  4. Click “Reward” for detail information

How to check e-Statement via myBCA

  1. Log in to myBCA
  2. Select the e-Statement menu
  3. Select Saving and Current Account
  4. Select an Account (if you have more than one)
  5. Select the period then click Show
  6. e-Statement will appear according to the selected period

How to check Credit Card balance in myBCA

  1. Log in to myBCA
  2. Select My Account
  3. Choose Customer No under Credit Card Information menu
  4. You can see Remaining Credit Limit. To see more detail, click View Credit Info
  5. For information about list of transaction or billed, you can choose selected Card and click tab Unbilled or Billed

You can manage various financial transactions on Debit & Credit Cards easily via myBCA.

Enjoy the convenience in myBCA. Share this information with your family and friends.