16 Jan 2023 | Edukatips

Get to Know the Types of BCA Children’s Savings: SimPel, TabunganKu, and Tahapan Xpresi

Saving is a good habit that needs to be inculcated from an early age. Hence it’s important to teach children about what saving is, its benefits and how to do it. To help foster the habit of saving, BCA also provides savings for children.

BCA children’s savings consist of several BCA savings products that are intended for Indonesian citizens under 17 years old or those who are yet to have an ID. These savings can be used to save for children’s education or other future needs. They can also serve as a tool for children to form good habit of saving from an early age.

Types of BCA Children’s Savings

Despite having a wide selection of savings products, BCA has designated products for children’s education, such as Tabungan Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel), TabunganKu, dan Tahapan Xpresi. So, what are the differences? Check out the full explanation below!

1. Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel) BCA

The first type of BCA Children’s Savings is Tabungan Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel). SimPel is a savings account specifically for students starting from Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Kindergarten (TK), Elementary School (SD), Middle School (SMP) to Senior High School (SMA) and the equivalent, aged under 17 years old and do not have an Identity Card (KTP).

BCA SimPel Savings aims to help children develop discipline in managing their finances, forming the habit of saving, preparing for the future, and also introducing the world of banking from an early age.

Benefits of Becoming a SimPel BCA Customer

Here are some of the benefits for BCA SimPel customers:

  • Free monthly administration fee
  • Minimum initial deposit of Rp5,000
  • Account and card in the student’s name

For complete information about BCA SimPel, please click the button below:

2. TabunganKu BCA

The second type of BCA children’s savings is TabunganKu BCA. TabunganKu BCA is a savings product for individuals with easy requirements. This savings product aims to foster the habit of saving as well as improve people’s welfare and is not subject to monthly administration fees.

Benefits of Becoming a TabunganKu BCA Customer

TabunganKu BCA customers can enjoy various benefits, including:

  • Free monthly administration fee
  • Low initial deposit
  • Competitive rates
  • It’s open to children under 17 years old
  • Proof of account ownership in the form of TabunganKu passbook and TabunganKu card

For complete information about TabunganKu BCA, please click the button below:

3. Tahapan Xpresi BCA

The third type of BCA children’s savings is Tahapan Xpresi BCA. Tahapan Xpresi BCA is a savings product prioritized for the youth. Interestingly, Tahapan Xpresi BCA also offers card designs in various styles.

Benefits of Becoming a Tahapan Xpresi BCA Customer

There are a number of benefits that Tahapan Xpresi BCA customers can enjoy. Here are some of the benefits:

  • A wide selection of Tahapan Xpresi card designs
  • Low initial deposit and affordable administration fees
  • Easy cash withdrawals at thousands of BCA ATMs, ATM Prima network, and Mastercard network worldwide
  • Eligible to apply for facilities such as BCA internet banking, mobile banking, and myBCA application

For complete information about Tahapan Xpresi BCA, please click the button below:

That sums up the types of BCA children’s savings along with its benefits. Of the three types of BCA children’s savings above, which one do you already have?