11 Sep 2019 | Edukatips

Easy Way to Pay for Property Tax (PBB) and Other Local Taxes

Have you ever suddenly remembered not having paid your Property Tax (PBB) while working or window shopping at the mall? Not to mention the tight payment deadline!

Help! The tax office is also far away from where you are at. 

Calm down. There is a solution for your PBB and Other Local Taxes. Wherever you are now, it is not going to be a problem!

Here is the easiest way to pay your PBB and Other Local Taxes.

BCA has Been Working With Local Governments

BCA has been working with local governments to provide easy access for taxpayers to pay their PBB and Other Local Taxes. No queuing is needed, no need to come to the local government office or local tax bank recipient to waste your time. Today, several local governments who have been partnering with BCA, namely:

List of PBB that can be paid through BCA

No. Province Tax Area
1 Bali Kab Badung
2 Kab Bangli
3 Kab Buleleng
4 Kab Gianyar
5 Kab Jembrana
6 Kab Karangasem
7 Kab Klungkung
8 Kab Tabanan
9 Kota Denpasar
10 Banten Kota Tangerang Selatan
11 DKI Jakarta Kota Jakarta
12 West Java Kota Bogor
13 Central Java Kab. Banjarnegara
14 Kab. Banyumas
15 Kab. Batang
16 Kab. Blora
17 Kab. Boyolali
18 Kab. Brebes
19 Kab. Cilacap
20 Kab. Demak
21 Kab. Grobogan
22 Kab. Jepara
23 Kab. Karanganyar
24 Kab. Kebumen
25 Kab. Kendal
26 Kab. Klaten
27 Kab. Kudus
28 Kab. Magelang
29 Kab. Pati
30 Kab. Pekalongan
31 Kab. Pemalang
32 Kab. Purbalingga
33 Kab. Purworejo
34 Kab. Rembang
35 Kab. Semarang
36 Kab. Sragen
37 Kab. Sukoharjo
38 Kab. Tegal
39 Kab. Temanggung
40 Kab. Wonogiri
41 Kab. Wonosobo
42 Kota Magelang
43 Kota Pekalongan
44 Kota Salatiga
45 Kota Semarang
46 Kota Solo
47 Kota Tegal
48 East Java Kab Jember
49 Kab Mojokerto
50 South Kalimantan Kab Balangan
51 Kab Banjar
52 Kab Barito Kuala
53 Kab Hulu Sungai Selatan
54 Kab Hulu Sungai Utara
55 Kab Kotabaru
56 Kab Tabalog
57 Kab Tanah Bumbu
58 Kab Tanah Laut
59 Kab Tapin
60 Kota Banjarbaru
61 Kota Banjarmasin
62 North Kalimantan Kota Tarakan
63 North Sulawesi Kota Manado
64 Kab Asahan
65 Kab Batu Bara
66 Kab Deli Serdang
67 Kab Diari
68 Kab Karo
69 Kab Labuhanbatu
70 Kab Labuhanbatu Selatan
71 Kab Labuhanbatu Utara
72 Kab Langkat
73 Kab Madailing Natal
74 Kab Nias
75 Kab Padang Lawas
76 Kab Padang Lawas Utara
77 Kab Pakpak Bharat
78 Kab Samosir
79 Kab Serdang Bedagai
80 Kab Tapanuli Selatan
81 Kab Tapanuli Utara
82 Kab Toba Samosir
83 Kota Binjai
84 Kota Medan
85 Kota Padang sidempuan
86 Kota Pematangsiantar
87 Kota Sibolga
88 Kota Tanjungbalai
89 Kota Tebing Tinggi

Learn how to pay your PBB and Other Local Taxes. Super easy!

How to pay for PBB:

Today, you can pay your PBB via BCA mobile, KlikBCA, KlikBCA Bisnis, and ATM BCA.

PBB payment via BCA mobile:

  1. Log in to BCA mobile, choose “m-Payment” menu, and choose “Pajak” “Pajak

  2. Choose “Input No. Objek Pajak” and then input No. Objek Pajak.

  3. Choose Tahun Pembayaran for the tax object (Objek Pajak)

  4. Check the amount of the invoice shown. If it is correct, click “OK” and enter “PIN m-BCA”

  5. You will receive a confirmation when the payment is successful

PBB payment via KlikBCA:

  1. Log in to KlikBCA to display the picture below, choose “Pembayaran” menu on the left side of your screen.
  2. After choosing the Pembayaran menu, choose “Pajak”.

  3. Enter Nomor Objek Pajak (NPO) to pay, choose tahun Pembayaran Objek Pajak

  4. Check the invoice amount, to verify the payment, input data from Keybca Appli 1.

Payment flow via ATM BCA

  • Choose Pembayaran menu
  • Choose MPN/Pajak menu
  • Choose PBB menu
  • Input Nomor Obyek Pajak (NOP)
  • Input Tahun Pajak
  • Layar Konfirmasi is shown on the ATM screen
  • Press “Ya” for Payment
  • Payment is successful, receipt is out
  • Done

How to Pay Other Local Taxes (Hotels, Restaurants, Entertainments, Parkings, etc):

    You can use ATM BCA and KlikBCA Bisnis to pay your other local taxes.

    How to pay via ATM BCA:

    • Choose Pembayaran menu
    • Choose MPN/Pajak menu
    • Choose Pajak Daerah Lainnya menu
    • Input Kode Sandi Wilayah: 3100 (DKI Jakarta), 3676 (Tangsel), 3372 (Solo), and 3516 (Mojokerto)
    • Input Nomor Kode Bayar *
    • Konfirmasi shows on the ATM screen
    • Press “Ya” for payment
    • Payment is successful, receipt is out
    • Done

    Note: *customers can get the Nomor Kode Bayar from these local tax apps:

    • DKI Jakarta: Pajakonline Jakarta
    • Tangerang Selatan: e-SPTPD Tangsel
    • Solo: pajakonlinesurakarta.go.id
  • Tangerang Selatan: e-SPTPD Tangsel

Let’s pay your PBB and Other Local Taxes through BCA e-channels.

By paying taxes, you are actively building your own hometown.

For more information, call HaloBCA 1500888 or mention @HaloBCA on Twitter.

KlikBCA Individu