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Fulfil every business needs practically
Easy transaction using credit card without administration, provision and cash withdrawal fee
Ease of transactions such as cash advances (cash withdrawals and transfers) at BCA branches and all BCA ATMs as well as retail transactions at various BCA merchants
Competitive interest rate calculated daily
BCA Smartcash card is the key, as easy as using credit card, also available for large number of loan to fulfill every business needs
BCA Smartcash
BCA Smartcash
Discretion of fulfilling business need with cash injection as easy as transaction with credit card
Card Security Measures
If the Account Holder finds a transaction not made by the Account Holder in the BCA Smartcash Account Billing Statement, the Account Holder must immediately raise a question or objection via Halo BCA and subsequently submit a written statement of objection in respect of the transaction no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the BCA Smartcash Account Billing Statement, by providing the following information:
Keep the BCA Smartcash Card number and Halo BCA phone number handy for the convenience of reporting in case the BCA Smartcash Card is lost or stolen.
If the BCA Smartcash Card is lost or stolen, immediately report the loss/theft to Halo BCA 1500888. BCA is not responsible for all the transactions that occur before it receives the loss/theft report
Documentary Requirements
*) Only for professionals
**) Required for debtor with business entity/personal that using the facility to fund their business
***) A copy of the Tax ID Number (NPWP) must be attached. For submissions with a credit limit of ≤ IDR50,000,000, where the debtor does not yet/have a Tax ID Number (NPWP), the debtor is required to complete a statement letter declaring their non-possession of a Tax ID Number (NPWP).
Fee and Limit
Type of Fee | Fee Amount |
Annual Fee | |
- Card limit of IDR10 million - IDR50 million | IDR250,000 |
- Card limit above of IDR50 million - Rp250 million | IDR500,000 |
Cash Advance Fee | Free |
Overlimit Charge | IDR40.000/transaction |
Minimum Payment | 5% of the total billing amount or a minimum of IDR50,000 |
Late Payment Charge | 1% or maximum of IDR100,000/customer (until 30th June 2025) |
Sales Draft Printing Charge | IDR30,000 |
Billing Statement Printing Charge | IDR10,000 |
Card Replacement Fee | IDR50,000 |
Purchase Transaction Interest Rate | 1.75% effective/month with a grace period of 15-45 days |
Cash Withdrawal interest rate | 1.75% effective/month without the grace period of 15-45 days |
BCA reserves the right to change the above rates and fees by providing the customer with a notice in any form and by any means
Card Transaction Simulation
Interest: 1.75% per month
Minimum Payment: 5% of the total bill
In February:
Transaction 1 (01/02/2024) IDR10,000,000
Transaction 2 (10/02/2024) IDR5,000,000
Billing account dated 18/02/2024
Date |
Description |
Amount (IDR) |
Old Balance |
0 |
2/1/2024 |
Transaction 1 |
10,000,000 |
2/10/2024 |
Transaction 2 |
5,000,000 |
Interest* |
129,452 |
2/18/2024 |
New Balance |
15,129,452 |
*) Interest Calculation
Transaction Date |
Day |
Calculation |
Amount (IDR) |
01/02/2024 - 18/02/2024 |
18 |
IDR10,000,000 x 1.75% x 12 months x (18/365) days |
103,562 |
10/02/2024 - 18/02/2024 |
9 |
IDR5,000,000 x 1.75% x 12 months x (9/365) days |
25,890 |
Total Interest |
129,452 |
If payment on the bill is made on 20/02/2024, then the billing account on 18/03/2024 will be stated as follows:
Date |
Description |
Amount (IDR) |
Old Balance |
15,129,452 |
2/20/2024 |
Payment |
15,129,452 |
Interest *) |
17,260 |
3/18/2024 |
New Balance |
17,260 |
*) Interest Calculation:
Transaction Date |
Day |
Calculation |
Amount (IDR) |
19/02/2024 - 20/02/2024 |
2 |
IDR10,000,000 x 1.75% x 12 months x (2/365) days |
11,507 |
19/02/2024 - 20/02/2024 |
2 |
IDR5,000,000 x 1.75% x 12 months x (2/365) days |
5,753 |
Total Interest |
17,260 |
MINIMUM PAYMENT (5% of the total bill or minimum of IDR50,000)
If the payment on the bill is made on 20/02/2024, then the billing account on 18/03/2024 will be stated as follows:
Date |
Description |
Amount (IDR) |
Old Balance |
15,129,452 | |
2/20/2024 |
Payment |
756,473 |
Interest *) |
240,534 | |
3/18/2024 |
New Balance |
14,613,513 |
*) Interest Calculation:
Transaction Date |
Day |
Calculation |
Amount (IDR) |
19/02/2024 - 20/02/2024 |
2 |
IDR10,000,000 x 1.75% x 12 months x (2/365) days |
11,507 |
19/02/2024 - 20/02/2024 |
2 |
IDR5,000,000 x 1.75% x 12 months x (2/365) days |
5,753 |
21/02/2024 - 18/03/2024 |
27 |
IDR(15,129,452 – 756,473) x 1.75% x 12 bln x (27/365) days |
223,273 |
Total Interest |
240,534 |
Note :
Smart Cash interest will only stop if the arrears have reached 180 days.
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