XXI - Redeem Reward BCA Get XXI e-Voucher

Until 31 Dec 2025

For Customer

Redeem Reward BCA Get XXI e-Voucher Movie Ticket or F&B

Terms & Conditions :

  • Get e-Voucher XXI Movie Ticket or F&B by redeeming Reward BCA according to the following nominal value:
  • Credit Card Type e-Voucher Type Reward BCA Value e-Voucher Value
    Valid for all BCA Credit Card, except BCA Visa Singapore Airlines, BCA Visa Corporate, BCA Card Smartcash, Mastercard Blibli, and Mastercard Tiket.com e-Voucher Movie Ticket 50,000 IDR50,000
    100,000 IDR100,000
    250,000 IDR250,000
    e-Voucher F&B 50,000 IDR50,000
    100,000 IDR100,000
    250,000 IDR250,000
    BCA American Express Platinum e-Voucher Movie Ticket 50,000 IDR50,000
    100,000 IDR100,000
    250,000 IDR250,000
    e-Voucher F&B 50,000 IDR50,000
    100,000 IDR100,000
    250,000 IDR250,000
    BCA UnionPay e-Voucher Movie Ticket 2,500 IDR50,000
    5,000 IDR100,000
    12,500 IDR250,000
    e-Voucher F&B 2,500 IDR50,000
    5,000 IDR100,000
    12,500 IDR250,000
  • E-Vouchers can only be used for transactions in the m.tix application
  • The validity period of e-voucher XXI is 6 months from the time the e-voucher is received
  • In 1 transaction you can only use 1 e-voucher
  • The exchange of Reward BCA into XXI e-voucher is through Halo BCA 1500888 or haloBCA application
  • E-vouchers are valid without a minimum transaction
  • The difference in Rupiah value that arises due to the value of the voucher used being higher than the value of the goods purchased, cannot be returned in any form
  • If the total transaction exceeds the value of the voucher, the remaining transaction is paid using the applicable payment at m.tix

Don't have BCA Credit Card yet? Apply online now by clicking the link below!

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