08 Jul 2022 | News & Features

Paying for Sacrificial Animal Donation now can be done via Fitur Lifestyle on BCA mobile!

Paying for Sacrificial Animals in preparation for Eid Al-Adha is now made simpler via Fitur Lifestyle on BCA mobile. So now, you can do it anytime from anywhere.

Follow these steps:

  1. First, open the latest version of BCA mobile
  2. Tap the Lifestyle feature, and then choose Donasi
  3. Choose Dompet Dhuafa in the “Lembaga Penyalur Donasi” (Donation Channel) field
  4. On the “Jenis Donasi” (Donation Type) field, choose 1 sacrificial animal
  5. Tap the “Lanjutkan” (Continue) button, and finish payment from your BCA Savings Account

There are several selections of sacrificial animals to choose from, which are:

List of Available Sacrificial Animals & Their Price

  1. Standard Sheep / Goat (23 – 25 kg): IDR 1,955,000/head
  2. Medium (26 – 28 kg): IDR 2,455,000/head
  3. Premium Sheep/Goats (29-33 kg): IDR 2,855,000/head
  4. 1/7 Cow (250-300kg): IDR 1,975,000/head
  5. Cattle (250-300kg): IDR 13,800,000/head

Easy, right?

Come try out the feature soon to pay for your sacrificial animal donation before Iduladha.

There are still many features from Fitur Lifestyle to fulfill your various daily needs. Check out more about it by clicking this button: