21 Jan 2022 | News & Features

ORI021, Renew Investment Passion for Indonesia!

To support Indonesian's good habit for the passion of investment, at the beginning of 2022 the government issued the first Retail Government Bonds known as SBN Ritel series ORI021. These bonds can be ordered from 24th January at 09.00 WIB until 17th February 2022 at 10.00 WIB, but can end sooner if the quota has been reached from the government, so it is better not to delay the order to the end.

ORI021 is issued with a fixed coupon with a higher return than on deposits of state-owned banks worth 4.90 % per year and a tax on coupons that is lower than deposits (10% compared to 20%). One of the advantages of this product is that it is an investment product with a safe feature because the principal and coupon payments are guaranteed by the law.

For BCA customers who want to invest in ORI021, they can order starting from Rp1 million and multiples up to Rp2 billion through Welma and KlikBCA Individual. ORI021 can also be traded in the Secondary Market through the Welma application from BCA after the holding period has passed.

Especially for customers who have never bought bonds at BCA, they can register for investor identification in the form of Single Investor Identification (SID) directly on the Welma Application or via BCA Branches.

Let’s show your renewed investment passion for 2022 by investing at ORI021 in BCA! For more information, visit bca.co.id/ori021 or call Halo BCA (1500 888).