21 Dec 2020 | News & Features

BCA Simplifies Cash Management for 3kgs LPG Gas Agents using MyLPG

Lebih Mudah Beli Kendaraan dari Rumah di KKB BCA X BLIBLI Autofest

KlikBCA Bisnis has launched its latest feature, MyLPG, which serves as a Cash Management Solution from BCA for 3kgs LPG gas agents. The feature facilitates agents to:

  • Manage database
  • Determine the price of the three kg canister
  • Access and download cashless transaction reports for the 3kgs gas canisters from Depot database in real time

The MyLPG feature allows agents to determine the price of the [3-kg] gas canisters that can reduce errors in account payable by the Depot. Previously, depots must manually input the amount of payment and canisters via SMS BCA. This may cause error leading to underpayment or incorrect input of canister number.

By using MyLPG feature, the risk of such errors will no longer occur due to automatic input validation run by the BCA system according to the canister price set by agents on KlikBCA Bisnis.

It also simplifies monitoring of transaction reports in real time, providing flexibility to agents in managing their 3kg gas canister business.

It is time to use the MyLPG feature for those who run 3kg gas canister business.