2023-05-03 | Awas Modus

Beware of Free Bank Transfer Scam

Alert mode! There has been a circulation of information related to BCA services and products from WhatsApp and unofficial BCA social media accounts. For example, “Beware of offers of Rp0 interbank transfers (free of charge) through social media,”

These scammers now operate by claiming to be an official BCA representative and sending correct information. Then once you believe it is an official BCA contact, the scammers will provide false information to trap you.

The goal is to obtain personal banking data such as ATM Card Number, PIN, OTP Code, CVC/CVV Code, and KeyBCA Appli 1&2 Response Codes to then take advantage of, such as draining your account balance or BCA credit card limit. You certainly don’t want that to happen.

To avoid this fraud, you should always check the accuracy of the information first through BCA’s official contact & remember the following BCA official contacts;

  1. WhatsApp: Bank BCA 0811-1500998 (with a green verified badge next to the name of Bank BCA)
  2. Call centre Halo BCA at 1500888 or via the HaloBCA app
  3. BCA’s Social Media: