Is your current BCA Credit Card limit insufficient for your transaction needs? Have your transactions been rejected due to inadequate credit card limits? It’s time to request a limit increase! You can now apply for a BCA credit card limit increase quickly and easily through the myBCA app.
In addition to the myBCA app, you can also request a BCA credit card limit increase by calling Halo BCA 1500888, using the haloBCA app, or through BCA mobile.
How to Request a Credit Card Limit on myBCA
Here are the steps to apply for a BCA credit card limit on the myBCA app:
- Log in to the myBCA app
- Select My Account
- Choose Account Control
- Select Credit Card
- Click on Request Limit
- Enter the desired credit card limit based on your needs and financial capability
- On the confirmation page, review the Terms & Conditions and click Agree
- Enter your PIN for confirmation
- Your request for a credit card limit increase has been successfully submitted and processed
Here are some important details to keep in mind when requesting a BCA Credit Card limit increase:
- You can reapply after 6 months if your last application was approved, or 3 months if it was not approved.
- For limit applications exceeding IDR999,000,000 please contact Halo BCA directly
By increasing your BCA Credit Card limit, you’ll enjoy more flexibility with your transactions! Don’t wait any longer – try out this feature now in the myBCA app.