27 Mar 2023 | Edukatips

How to Easily Transfer Money via BCA mobile

In the era of digitalization, every transaction is now digital, including fund transfers, which used to be done offline at branch offices, can now be done through a mobile banking app, such as BCA mobile. 

There are two ways to transfer money via BCA mobile, through the m-Transfer feature and through BCA Keyboard

Find out below how to transfer between accounts or perform interbank transfers.

But first, make sure the account number – BCA or other banks – you want to transfer the money to is already registered in BCA mobile. This is necessary to prevent transfer errors to unwanted accounts.

Then proceed with the following steps:

How to Transfer between BCA Accounts using the m-Transfer feature on BCA mobile

  1. Open the BCA mobile
  2. Select the ‘m-Transfer’
  3. Select ‘Transfer Antar Rekening’
  4. Enter the destination account number, the amount of the transfer, and note
  5. Make sure the information is correct
  6. Confirm by entering your PIN
  7. Transfer between accounts is successful

How to Make Interbank Transfer using the m-Transfer Feature on BCA mobile

  1. Open the BCA mobile
  2. Select ‘m-Transfer’
  3. Select ‘Transfer Antar Bank’
  4. Enter the destination account number, the amount of the transfer, service transfer, and note
  5. Make sure the transfer information is correct
  6. Confirm by entering your PIN
  7. Interbank Transfer is successful

How to Transfer Between Accounts using BCA Keyboard

Before making a transfer, first make sure that BCA Keyboard has been activated on BCA mobile, and has been turned on in the smartphone keyboard settings. See how to do it here.

  1. Select the BCA Keyboard logo button on the smartphone keyboard
  2. Enter the ‘Kode Akses’
  3. Select ‘Transfer’
  4. Select ‘Transfer ke Rekening BCA’
  5. Select the destination account number
  6. Enter the amount of the transfer
  7. Make sure the information is correct
  8. Confirm by entering your PIN
  9. Transfer using BCA Keyboard is successful

You can share the transfer receipt directly from BCA Keyboard.Easy, isn’t it? Share this useful information with your friends!

For more information about BCA mobile, see here.