07 Sep 2022 | Edukatips

Search, Book, and Pay Train Tickets Online Easier on BCA mobile

The train is the mode of transportation of choice because it is convenient and affordable. In addition, the train also covers many destinations from the West to the East. With the advancement in technology, train tickets are available online now.

You can buy train tickets directly from PT KAI or other digital platforms. Not only that, you can now make payments using the Lifestyle on BCA mobile.

Here are the advantages of buying train tickets online:

1. Can Be Done Anywhere

You don’t need to leave the house. Buying tickets can be done online from the comfort of your home. Simply have internet service and you can buy it from your gadget.

2. Easy to Find Tickets

Digital platforms have made it easy to find the train tickets you’re looking for. You can search for destinations and departure times easily. Furthermore, you can also pick the train class according to your needs.

3. Choose a Seat

Buying tickets online also allows for the ease of choosing a seat. The seating option also provides comfort, especially for long train rides.

4. Many Promos Available

Various digital platforms offer promos at a given time. If you’re lucky, you can get cheaper train tickets.

5. Ease of Payment

Paying for train tickets can be made easily. Passengers can simply search, book, and pay for the tickets directly through the BCA mobile without switching to other apps.

How to Buy Train Tickets using the Lifestyle on BCA mobile

BCA also offers services for various ticket purchases through the Lifestyle feature on BCA mobile, including train tickets. The steps to buying train tickets via BCA mobile are as follows:

  1. Open the BCA mobile app
  2. Click m-BCA
  3. Enter the Access Code
  4. Select Lifestyle
  5. Select Train Tickets
  6. Select departure station
  7. Select destination station
  8. Set departure date
  9. Determine the number of passengers
  10. Click “Search”
  11. Select the train
  12. Fill out the passenger’s data
  13. Choose the seat
  14. Check the data on the display
  15. Click “Pay Now”
  16. Enter your m-BCA PIN
  17. Save the receipt

The advantage of buying train tickets from BCA mobile is that you don’t need to switch between the apps to finalize payments. It is more convenient and faster in finalizing all kinds of payments.

Furthermore, you can also save more with various promos from the Lifestyle feature on BCA mobile. To find the promos, see here.

Not only train tickets, but BCA mobile also provides a wide range of services, from flight tickets to cinema, attraction and recreation tickets. Find out more here.