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Safe and clean water is a fundamental human need for personal dan domestic uses including bathing, washing, and cooking every day. Therefore, it is reasonable to have an adequate supply of clean running water.
For daily needs, the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) maintains the availability of safe and clean water. The company charges a tariff for each cubic meter sold to customers, which is billed every month.
Now, you can easily check your PDAM bills. There’s no need to leave the comfort of your couch to pay the bills over the counter, because now you can do it from your smartphone. Let’s take a look at how to check and pay your PDAM bills online!
Benefits of Online Water Bill Checking
Technology has made our lives easier as now people can do many things online, including checking monthly PDAM bills. Here are the benefits of online water bill checking.
Can be done from anywhere
Checking and paying water bills can be done from anywhere, at any time. Erases the need to go in line and pay it over the counter. Online bill payment is easier because you don’t need to pay in person with cash and wait for change no more. -
Knowing the exact amount of your bills
Checking your PDAM bills online allows you to view the amount due. On the bill, you’ll see an admin fee and late payment fee. The total charge will be stated directly on the bill. -
Immediate payment records
The good thing about online payment is that it will immediately be recorded. No need to wait for the process any more. It also helps avoid late payment when it’s close to the due date. -
Keeping records organized
There’s no need to keep paper receipts, because all is recorded online, and can be viewed at any time.
How to Check PDAM Bills Online
BCA makes all banking transactions and bill payments easier. Now, you can easily check and pay PDAM bills through various BCA banking channels, including ATM, mobile banking, and KlikBCA. Here are the steps:
1. PDAM Bill Payment Using myBCA
Login to myBCA and select the Air menu in the Bayar
& Isi Ulang section
Select Rekening Sumber Dana
Select Wilayah
Enter the customer number, then select Lanjut
Confirm data and payment, then select Bayar
Enter the Transaction PIN
The transaction is complete.
2. PDAM Bill Payment Using BCA mobile
- Sign in to BCA mobile
- Select m-BCA and enter the access code to login
- Select “m-Payment”
- Select “Air”
- Select PAM in the Company dropdown menu
- Enter your PDAM customer number
- Select PAM region
- Select the PDAM branch where you are registered
- Check the information that appears such as name, bill amount, fine, admin fee, and payment period
- Click “OK” to proceed with payment
- Enter the m-BCA PIN to complete payment
Screen capture the receipt if you wish to keep records of your transaction. To view it again, go to “Inbox” on m-Payment page.
3. PDAM Bill Payment Using ATM BCA
- Insert your Debit BCA card and enter the PIN
- Select “Other Transactions”
- Select “Payment”
- Select “PAM/Gas”
- Enter your PDAM customer number
- Check the information that appears such as name and bill amount
- Select “Correct” to make payment
- Keep the receipt printed out of the ATM
4. PDAM Bill Payment Using KlikBCA
- VisitKlikBCA website
- Login by entering your User ID and internet banking BCA’s PIN
- Select “Payment”
- Select “Water/PAM”
- Enter your PDAM customer number
- Select the source of funds to pay the bill
- Click “Proceed”
- Check the information that appears such as name and bill amount
- Enter the response from KeyBCA and click “Send”
- Transaction completed
The use of banking services can now be utilized easily for various needs, including for PDAM bill payment. You should also check your bills regularly and pay them before due date to avoid late payment fees.
Check the registered PDAM regions
Province | City/Regency area | Name of PDAM/PAM/AETRA | Channel | PDAM Code at ATM BCA |
DKI Jakarta | Kota Jakarta | PAM Jaya | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1001 |
Kota Tangerang | Aetra Tangerang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1003 |
Lebak | PDAM Tirta Multatuli | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1023 | |
Serang | PDAM Tirta Albantani | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1027 | |
Kota Tangerang Selatan | PERSERODA PITS | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1032 | |
Kota Tangerang | PDAM Tirta Benteng | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Jawa Barat
Kota Depok | PDAM Tirta Asasta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1004 |
Kab Purwakarta | PDAM Purwakarta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1005 | |
Kota Bogor | PDAM Bogor | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1009 | |
Kota Bandung | PDAM Tirtawening | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1007 | |
Kab Bandung | PDAM Tirta Raharja | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1006 | |
Kab Karawang | PDAM Tirta Tarum | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1008 | |
Kab Cianjur | PDAM Cianjur | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1011 | |
Kota Bekasi | Perumda Tirta Patriot | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1014 | |
Kab. Bekasi | PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1015 | |
Ciamis | PDAM Tirta Galuh | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1017 | |
Garut | PDAM Tirta Intan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1020 | |
Indramayu | PERUMDAM Tirta Darma Ayu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1021 | |
Kuningan | PDAM Tirta Kamuning | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1022 | |
Pangandaran | Perumda Tirta Prabawa Mukti | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1026 | |
Tasikmalaya | PDAM Tirta Sukapura | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1033 | |
Kab. Bandung Barat | PT Perdana Multiguna Sarana Bandung Barat | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1012 | |
Kota Cirebon | PDAM Tirta Giri Nata | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1018 | |
Kab. Cirebon | PDAM Tirta Jati | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1019 | |
Majalengka | Perumdam Tirta Bhakti Raharja | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1024 | |
Subang | Perumda Tirta Rangga | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1028 | |
Kota Sukabumi | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Bumi Wibawa | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1029 | |
Sumedang | PDAM Tirta Medal | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1031 | |
Kota Banjar | Perumdam Tirta Anom | myBCA myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1013 | |
Kab Sukabumi | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Jaya | myBCA myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 1030 | |
Jawa Tengah
Kota Semarang | PDAM Tirta Moedal | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2001 |
Surakarta | Perumda Air Minum Toya Wening | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2021 | |
Wonosobo | PDAM Tirta Aji | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2025 | |
Purbalingga | PERUMDAM Tirta Perwira Kabupaten Purbalingga | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2016 | |
Banyumas | Perumda Tirta Satria | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2003 | |
Demak | PUDAM Demak | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2006 | |
Jepara | Perumda Tirta Jungporo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2008 | |
Karanganyar | PUDAM Tirta Lawu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2009 | |
Klaten | PDAM Tirta Merapi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2010 | |
Pati | PDAM Tirta Bening | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2013 | |
Rembang | PDAM Banyumili | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2017 | |
Sragen | Perumda Tirto Negoro | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2019 | |
Sukoharjo | Pudam Tirta Makmur | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2020 | |
Temanggung | Perumda Tirta Agung | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2023 | |
Wonogiri | PDAM Giri Tirta Sari | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2025 | |
Boyolali | Perumda Tirta Ampera | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2004 | |
Kab. Semarang | PDAM Tirta Bumi Serasi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis,KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2018 | |
Kab. Magelang | Perumda Tirta Gemilang | myBCA myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2012 | |
Pemalang | Perumda Tirta Mulia | myBCA myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2015 | |
Kendal | Perumda Air Minum Tirto Panguripan | myBCA myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2027 | |
Kota Tegal | Perumda Tirta Ayu | myBCA myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2022 | |
Kab. Batang | PDAM Kab. Batang | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Blora | PDAM Kab. Blora | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Purworejo | PDAM Kab. Purworejo | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Grobogan | PDAM Kab. Grobogan | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kota Magelang | PDAM Kota Magelang | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Banjarnegara | PDAM Kab. Banjarnegara | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kota Pekalongan | PDAM Kota Pekalongan | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Brebes | PDAM Kab. Brebes | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Yogyakarta | PDAM Tirtamarta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2026 |
Bantul | Perumdam Tirto Projotamansari | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2002 | |
Kulon Progo | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Binangun | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2011 | |
Gunung Kidul | PDAM Tirta Handayani | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 2007 | |
Jawa Timur
Kota Malang | PDAM Malang | ATM BCA | 730010 |
Kota Surabaya | PDAM Surabaya | myBCA, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3001 | |
Kab Jember | PDAM Tirta Pandalungan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3004 | |
Banyuwangi | PUDAM Banyuwangi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3006 | |
Gresik | PDAM Giri Tirta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3012 | |
Kota Kediri | PDAM Kota Kediri | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3014 | |
Sidoarjo | PDAM Delta Tirta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3034 | |
Bangkalan | Perumdam Sumber Sejahtera | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3005 | |
Batu | Perumdam Among Tirto | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3007 | |
Kota Blitar | PDAM Kota Blitar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3008 | |
Bojonegoro | PDAM Kab Bojonegoro | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3010 | |
Bondowoso | PDAM Kabupaten Bondowoso | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3011 | |
Jombang | Perumdam Tirta Kencana | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3013 | |
Kab. Kediri | PDAM Kabupaten Kediri | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3015 | |
Lamongan | Perumda Air Minum Kab Lamongan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3016 | |
Lumajang | Perumda Tirta Mahameru | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3017 | |
Kota Madiun | PDAM Tirta Taman Sari | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3018 | |
Kab. Madiun | PDAM Tirta Darma Purabaya | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3019 | |
Kab. Malang | Perumda Tirta Kanjuruhan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3022 | |
Situbondo | PDAM Tirta Baluran | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3035 | |
Tuban | PDAM Trita Lestari | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3036 | |
Kota Mojokerto | PDAM Maja Tirta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3023 | |
Kab. Mojokerto | PERUMDAM Mojopahit | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3024 | |
Nganjuk | PDAM Kabupaten Nganjuk | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3025 | |
Ngawi | PDAM Kabupaten Ngawi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3026 | |
Pacitan | PDAM Kabupaten Pacitan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3027 | |
Pasuruan | PDAM Giri Nawa Tirta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3029 | |
Ponorogo | PUDAM Tirta Katong | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3030 | |
Kota Probolinggo | Perumda Bayuangga | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3031 | |
Kab. Probolinggo | PDAM Tirta Dharma | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3032 | |
Tulungagung | PDAM Trita Cahya Agung | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 3037 | |
Kab. Magetan | PDAM Kab. Magetan | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Pamekasan | PDAM Kab. Pamekasan | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Sampang | PDAM Kab. Sampang | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Trenggalek | PDAM Kab. Trenggalek | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Badung | PDAM Tirta Mangutama | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8001 |
Bangli | PDAM Kab Bangli | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8002 | |
Buleleng | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Hita Buleleng | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8003 | |
Denpasar | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Sewakadarma | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8004 | |
Gianyar | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Sanjiwani | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8005 | |
Jembrana | Perumda Tirta Amerta Jati | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8007 | |
Kab. Tabanan | PDAM Kab. Tabanan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan KlikBCA Bisnis | 8014 | |
Daerah Istimewa Aceh
Aceh Barat | PDAM Tirta Meulaboh | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6001 |
Aceh Besar | PDAM Tirta Mountala | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6002 | |
Aceh Timur | PDAM Tirta Peusada | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6004 | |
Aceh Utara | PDAM Tirta Mon Pase | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6005 | |
Banda Aceh | PDAM Tirta Daroy | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6007 | |
Langsa | PDAM Tirta Keumuning | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6014 | |
Pidie | PDAM Tirta Mon Krueng Baro | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6018 | |
Pidie Jaya | PDAM Tirta Krueng Meureudu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6019 | |
Sabang | PDAM Tirta Aneuk Laot | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6020 | |
Aceh Tamiang | PDAM Tirta Tamiang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6003 | |
Kab Bener Meriah | PDAM kab Bener Meriah | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Sumatera Utara
Asahan | PDAM Tirta Silaupiasa | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6006 |
Kota Medan | PDAM Tirtanadi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6015 | |
Deli Serdang | PDAM Tirta Deli | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6011 | |
Tanjungbalai | PDAM Tirta Kualo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6021 | |
Tapanuli Utara | PDAM Mual Na Tio | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6022 | |
Kab. Tapanulia Tengah | PDAM Kab. Tapanuli Tengah | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kota Binjai | PDAM Kota Binjai | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Simalungun | PDAM Kab. Simalungun | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Sumatera Selatan
Lahat | PDAM Tirta Lematang Lahat | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6023 |
Muara Enim | PDAM Lematang Enim | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6024 | |
Palembang | PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6017 | |
Lubuklinggau | PDAM Tirta Bukit Sulap | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6026 | |
Kab. Ogan Ilir | PDAM Kab. Ogan Ilir | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6028 | |
Kab. Ogan Komering | PDAM Kab. Ogan Komering | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6029 | |
Kota Prabumulih | PDAM Kota Prabumulih | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Banyuasin | PDAM Kab. Banyuasin | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Sumatera Barat
Kota Padang | Perumda Air Minum Kota Padang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6016 |
Kab. Tanah Datar | PDAM Kab. Tanah Datar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6031 | |
Kab. Pasaman | PDAM Kab. Pasaman | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kota Padang Panjang | PDAM Kota Padang Panjang | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kota Solok | PDAM Kota Solok | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6027 | |
Kab. Pesisir Selatan | PDAM Kab. Pesisir Selatan | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Bengkulu | PDAM Tirta Hidayah | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6009 |
Bengkulu Tengah | PDAM Tirta Rafflesia | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6010 | |
Kab. Bengkulu Utara | PDAM Kab. Bengkulu Utara | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kampar | PDAM Tirta Kampar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5003 |
Kab. Bengkalis | PDAM Kab. Bengkalis | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kota Dumai | PDAM Kota Dumai | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kepulauan Riau
Batam | PT Air Batam Hilir | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5001 |
Kepri | Perumda Tirta Kepri | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5004 | |
Kab. Lingga | PDAM Kab. Lingga | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Jambi | Perumda Tirta Mayang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6012 |
Kab. Merangin | PDAM Kab. Merangin | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Bandar Lampung | PDAM Way Rilau | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6008 |
Lampung Selatan | PDAM Tirta Jasa | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6013 | |
Kab. Pesawaran | PDAM Kab. Pesawaran | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 6030 | |
Kab. Lampung Barat | PDAM Kab. Lampung Barat | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Pringsewu | PDAM Kab. Pringsewu | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Tanggamus | PDAM Kab. Tanggamus | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Bangka Belitung
Bangka | PDAM Tirta Bangka | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5002 |
Bangka Barat | PDAM Tirta Sejiran Setason | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5006 | |
Pangkalpinang | PDAM Tirta Pinang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5007 | |
Belitung | PDAM Tirta Batu Mentas Belitung | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 5005 | |
Kab. Belitung Timur | PDAM Kab. Belitung Timur | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kalimantan Barat
Kab Kubu Raya | PDAM Kuburaya | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4003 |
Kota Pontianak | PDAM Pontianak | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4002 | |
Kota Singkawang | PDAM Singkawang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4008 | |
Kab Sambas | PDAM Tirta Muare Ulakan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4009 | |
Sintang | Perumda Tirta Senentang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4027 | |
Bengkayang | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Bengkayang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4015 | |
Malinau | PDAM Apa Mening | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4021 | |
Melawi | PDAM Tirta Melawi | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4022 | |
Paser | PDAM Tirta Kandilo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4024 | |
Sekadau | PDAM Sirin Meragun | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4026 | |
Sanggau | PDAM Sanggau | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4033 | |
Kab. Ketapang | PDAM Kab. Ketapang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4032 | |
Kab. Landak | PDAM Kab. Landak | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4034 | |
Kab. Mempawah | PDAM Kab. Mempawah | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4035 | |
Kalimantan Timur
Balikpapan | PDAM Tirta Manggar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4012 |
Kutai Kartanegara | Perumda Tirta Mahakam | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4020 | |
Kutai Timur | PDAM Tirta Tuah Benua | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4031 | |
Kab. Berau | PDAM Kab. Berau | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Penajam Paser Utara | PDAM Kab. Penajam Paser Utara | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kalimantan Selatan
Kota Banjarmasin | PDAM Bandarmasih | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4001 |
Balangan | PDAM Kab Balangan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4011 | |
Banjarbaru | PDAM Intan Banjar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4013 | |
Kotabaru | PDAM Kab Kotabaru | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4019 | |
Tabalong | PDAM Kab Tabalong | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4028 | |
Hulu Sungai Selatan | PDAM Tirta Meratus | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4017 | |
Tanah Bumbu | PDAM Kab Tanah Bumbu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4029 | |
Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara | PDAM Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kalimantan Tengah
Kota Palangkaraya | PDAM Palangkaraya | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, m-BCA, KlikBCA Individual, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4004 |
Kapuas Hulu | PDAM Kab Kapuas Hulu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4018 | |
Barito Utara | PDAM Tirta Dharma Muara Teweh | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4014 | |
Kotawaringin Timur (Sampit) | PDAM Tirta Mentaya | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4030 | |
Kab. Barito Selatan | PDAM Kab. Barito Selatan | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Barito Timur | PDAM Kab. Barito Timur | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Kotawaringin Barat | PDAM kab. Kotawaringin Barat | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kalimantan Utara
Kota Tarakan | PDAM Tirta Alam Tarakan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4010 |
Bulungan | Perumda Air Minum Danum Benuanta | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 4016 | |
Kota Kupang | PDAM Kota Kupang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8008 |
Kab. Kupang | PDAM Tirta Lontar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8009 | |
Sikka | PDAM Kab Sikka | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8013 | |
Kab. Belu | PDAM Kab. Belu | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Manggarai | PDAM Kab. Manggarai | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Timor Tengah Utara | PDAM Kab. Timor Tengah Utara | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Ngada | PDAM Kab. Ngada | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Lembata | PDAM Kab. Lembata | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Mataram | PT Air Minum Giri Menang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8012 |
Lombok Tengah | PDAM Tirta Ardhia Rinjani | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8010 | |
Lombok Timur | PDAM Kab Lombok Timur | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8011 | |
Kab. Lombok Utara | PDAM Kab. Lombok Utara | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Boalemo | PDAM Tirta Boalemo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7005 |
Bone Bolango | PDAM Kab Bone Bolango | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7007 | |
Kota Gorontalo | PDAM Kota Gorontalo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7009 | |
Kab. Gorontalo | Perumda Tirta Limutu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7010 | |
Sulawesi Barat
Majene | PDAM Kab Majene | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7016 |
Polewali Mandar | PDAM Wae Tipalayo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7024 | |
Mamuju | PDAM Tirta Manakarra | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7018 | |
Sulawesi Tengah
Donggala | PDAM Uwe Lino | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7008 |
Palu | PDAM Kota Palu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7022 | |
Kab. Poso | PDAM Kab.Poso | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Sulawesi Utara
Bitung | PDAM Duasudara | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7004 |
Manado | PT Air Manado | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7019 | |
Kab. Bolaang Mongondow | PDAM Kab. BoLaang Mongondow | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Sulawesi Tenggara
Kendari | PDAM Tirta Anoa | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7012 |
Kab. Poso | PDAM kab. Poso | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Kab. Bombana | PDAM kab Bombana | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Sulawesi Selatan
Bantaeng | Perumda Tirta Eremerasa | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7002 |
Barru | PDAM Kab Barru | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7003 | |
Bone | PDAM Wae Manurung | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7006 | |
Gowa | PDAM Tirta Jeneberang | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7011 | |
Maros | PDAM Tirta Bantimurung | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7020 | |
Palopo | PAM Tirta Mangkaluku Daerah Kota Palopo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7021 | |
Parepare | PDAM Kota Parepare | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7023 | |
Takalar | PDAM Kab Takalar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7026 | |
Wajo | PDAM Kab Wajo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7028 | |
Kota Makassar | Perumda Air Minum Kota Makassar | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7017 | |
Luwu | PDAM Kab Luwu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7013 | |
Luwu Utara | PDAM Tirta Bukae | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7015 | |
Sinjai | Perumda Air Minum Tirta Sinjai Bersatu | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7025 | |
Kab. Toraja Utara | PDAM Kab. Toraja Utara | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7031 | |
Kab. Luwu Timur | PDAM Kab. Luwu Timur | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7029 | |
Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan | PDAM Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7030 | |
Ambon | PT Dream Sukses Airindo | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis, KlikBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7001 |
Kab. Maluku Tengah | PDAM Kab. Maluku Tengah | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Maluku Utara
Ternate | PDAM Kota Ternate | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 7027 |
Kab. Kepulauan Sula | PDAM Kab. Kepulauan Sula | myBCA dan myBCA Bisnis | - | |
Papua | Kota Jayapura | PDAM Jayapura | myBCA, myBCA Bisnis dan ATM BCA | 8006 |
That sums up the important information regarding the payment of PDAM bills online. Paying bills becomes easier and quicker if you use mobile banking or internet banking services. Try it now!
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