26 Mar 2021 | Edukatips

KlikBCA Bisnis e-Statement Provides Convenience to Check Mutation Up to Tens of Thousands Transactions

The pandemic should not limit your activities, including checking your transaction mutations.

KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB)e-Statement feature users can check their e-Statement for more than 13 thousand business transactions (without transaction amount limit). You can make inquiries, download a PDF, or print your mutation record at home or office without having to visit a BCA branch office.

How to do it?

It is easy to check mutation through KBB e-Statement. Do not forget to prepare your token.

  1. Access KlikBCA Bisnis via klikbca.com and Log in to KlikBCA Bisnis
  2. Click Login VPN
  3. Log in using your KlikBCA Bisnis username and password:
    1. Username consists of Corporate ID and User ID without a space
    2. Password consists of Appli 1 response from your KeyBCA token
  4. Select KlikBCA Bisnis
  5. Fill in Corporate ID, User ID, and Appli 1 response from your KeyBCA token. And then click login
  6. Enter the “Informasi Rekening” menu and select “e-statement” sub-menu
  7. Choose an account and statement period you want
  8. Click “Kirim” and your e-statement will be ready for download
  9. After e-Statement is downloaded, you can save or print for your personal documentation

So easy!

More KlikBCA Bisnis Benefits
Besides the new feature, KBB also offers various other benefits, such as balance information, account mutation and checking account. KBB also provides services of Fund Transfer, B2B Pertamina, Bill Payment, Account Sweeping, Multi Transfer, BCA Virtual Account, Card Registration (Fleet), Loan Information, Tax E-Billing, Multi Transaction, and other services.

KlikBCA Bisnis provides convenient banking activities for your business. Use KlikBCA Bisnis now!