Ever be in a rush to get banking information, such as checking account mutations and balances? Or want to check BCA promos? Be friends with VIRA on LINE and you will get the solutions!
As we all know, VIRA is a BCA Banking Chat Virtual Assistant providing features to access account information connected to BCA Paspor cards and customers’ BCA credit cards.
How to activate these banking features in VIRA? Check out these steps:
Banking Feature Activation, if you have a BCA mobile
Add Official Account @BankBCA onLINE, select “Layanan Perbankan” on VIRA
chat menu, and select “Registrasi”
Enter your BCA ATM card number
Select the phone number to obtain an OTP code
Enter the OTP code on the provided field and click “Lanjut”
VIRA Banking Features are now active! You can check balances, mutations, and
credit card information on VIRA on LINE.
Banking Feature Activation, if you don’t have BCA mobile
Register your phone number at a BCA ATM on the “No. HP e-banking” menu.
Add Official Account @BankBCA di LINE, select “Layanan Perbankan” on VIRA
chat menu, and select “Registrasi”
Enter your BCA ATM card number
Select a phone number to obtain an OTP code
Enter the OTP code on the provided field and click “Lanjut”
VIRA Banking Features are now active! You can check balances, mutations, and
credit card information on VIRA.
Easy, right? Activate now and enjoy convenient banking services on VIRA!