27 Sep 2018 | Edukatips

Interested to Work at BCA? Here’s How

For someone who is entering the professional world, you may have some considerations. From attractive salary and benefits, clear career trajectory, allowance and facilities, comfortable work atmosphere, fun work colleagues, opportunities to shoot creative ideas, to self-development opportunities through training and workshops. If you love to have a career with certainties, why not joining BCA? Interested? Here’s how.

Official Procedure to Apply for Work at BCA

  1. Job vacancies are available on karir.bca.co.id, www.jobstreet.com, or www.kalibrr.com
  2. If you are redirected to the Kalibrr job portal, please complete your data down to the ‘custom question’ section so that we can continue the selection process. 
  3. We will send a schedule for psychotest to your email in 1x24 hours after you receive a text message from BCA through SMS gateway at 081318464000 or 081808964000, or an email from recruitment@bca.co.id.
  4. Check your Spam folder if you could not find our notification email in your inbox.
  5. Recheck the validity of your invitation, see if it was sent by recruitment@bca.co.id, and check the job vacancy info on karir.bca.co.id.
  6. The official BCA invitation email sender is recruitment@bca.co.id and invitation@asi-asiapacific.com, or assessment@shlgroup.com.
  7. For more information, call Halo BCA1500888

Beware of Fake Job Vacancies

Fake job vacancies exploiting BCA’s name are everywhere. Protect yourself from fraud by being cautious and recognizing the following types of fraud.

  1. Fake job vacancy providers may send an invitation for BCA employee recruitment.
  2. You will be asked to sign up by sending an email with your CV attached and your phone number to the address given by the scammer.
  3. The fraudster, claiming to be from BCA human resources team, will contact you via mobile phone.
  4. The fraudster will inform you about recruitment and interview schedules outside the city.
  5. The fraudster will inform you that BCA is in cooperation with a certain travel agent to manage your accommodation and transportation during the employee recruitment process.
  6. You will be asked to transfer some amount of money to the fraudster’s account as a fee for transportation and accommodation.

What You Need to Know

  1. BCA has never asked for any fee in any form, for any reason, for our employee recruitment process.
  2. Always recheck the job vacancy information that you received and beware of any fraud using BCA’s name.