21 Dec 2020 | Edukatips

Avoid Transferring to A Wrong Account By Doing This

Some customers admit to having transferred money to the wrong accounts. Perhaps, you are one of them. To avoid transferring money to the wrong account when using myBCA, BCA mobile, and KlikBCA, you should follow these steps.

Prevention to Avoid Incorrect Funds Transfer

  • Know the full name of the fund recipient
  • Always double-check if the beneficiary’s name matches the one listed on myBCA, BCA mobile, or KlikBCA
  • Check the beneficiary’s account number displayed whether it is correct or not
  • Delete account numbers you no longer need

How to Delete Transfer Lists

via myBCA app

  • Open myBCA app and select the Transfer menu
  • Select Transfer ke Rekening BCA/Transfer ke Bank Lain/Transfer Proxy Address/Virtual Account
  • Swipe left on the account number you want to remove, then click Hapus
  • Check the details of the account you want to remove, click Hapus
  • Enter PIN to confirm
  • The account(s) will be removed

via the Website version of myBCA

  • Open the website version of myBCA and select the Transfer menu
  • Select Daftar Transfer
  • Click the delete icon on the account you want to remove
  • Enter the KeyBCA Appli 1 Response
  • The account(s) will be removed from your Daftar Transfer (transfer list)

via BCA mobile

  • open BCA mobile app and select the m-Admin menu
  • Search for Hapus Daftar menu and select Transfer Antar Rekening/Transfer Antar Bank/Transfer BCA Virtual Account/Transfer Sakuku
  • Mark the account number(s) you want to delete on the account list and click Delete
  • A prompt confirmation will appear, click OK and you will be asked to enter your m-BCA PIN
  • The account(s) will be removed from your Daftar Transfer

via KlikBCA

  • Log in to KlikBCA and select the Administrasi menu
  • Select Hapus Daftar Transfer and choose the transfer list that you want to delete, namely Rekening BCA/Sakuku/BCA Virtual Account/Rekening Bank Lain
  • Mark the account number(s) you want to delete on the account list and click Proses
  • The account(s) will be removed from your Daftar Transfer

You can also delete your purchase list and payment list in the m-Admin menu on BCA mobile and the Administrasi menu on KlikBCA

Important Information

  • BCA is not responsible for any funds you have already transferred to a certain account number.
  • BCA cannot revoke the funds that you have transferred to a certain account number.
  • Funds that you transferred erroneously can only be returned if there is a goodwill from the fund recipient.

Make it a habit to double-check whether the account number, recipient name, and transfer amount every time you want to transfer money. Contact Halo BCA at 1500888 for further inquiries regarding your banking transactions.