For Customer
Get Sugar 1 Kg
Terms & Conditions :
- Minimum transaction IDR1,000,000
- Valid on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
- Valid for the first 4.000 people during the program period
- Promo does not apply for multiple transaction
- Multiple receipts transaction will not be accepted
- Cannot be combined with any other offers
- Valid for transaction with Paylater via myBCA & BCA Credit Card
- Valid at ADA Swalayan Kota Semarang Kudus, Pati & Bogor
Location :
- Jalan Majapahit 325, Semarang 024-6723848
- Jalan Setiabudi 221-225, Semarang 024-7463641
- Jalan MGR Sugiopranoto 58-60, Semarang 024-3563641
- Jalan Fatmawati 15, Semarang 024-6713999
- Pemuda 302 A, Pati 0295-385295
- Kudus - Jepara Km 1, Kudus 0291-430707
- Jl. Padjajaran No 31, Bogor 0251-391717