For Customer
Get Shopping Voucher up to IDR150,000 with Reward BCA
Terms & Conditions:
- Get shopping voucher up to IDR150,000 by redeem Reward BCA minimum IDR100,000
- Valid for multiplication with the following detail:
- Redeem Reward BCA minimum IDR100,000 get shopping voucher worth IDR50,000
- Redeem Reward BCA minimum IDR200,000 get shopping voucher worth IDR100,000
- Redeem Reward BCA minimum IDR300,000 get shopping voucher worth IDR150,000
- Valid 1x redeem/card holder/day during program period
- Valid at all Courts outlet
- Valid for all BCA Credit Cards & BCA American Express Platinum Cards (except BCA Singapore Airlines, BCA Visa Corporate, BCA Blibli Mastercard, BCA Mastercard, and BCA Smartcash)
- Valid for Amex Membership Rewards® Points and get 100% Cashback in the form of crediting the balance of Rp (Rupiah) to the billing statement in the following month
Want to know your Reward BCA balance? Find out here!
*Updated : 8 July 2024