Outward Remittance service for Yuan transfer to all over the countries
Competitive Exchange Rates and Fees
BCA is one of the bank that is appointed by Bank of Indonesia to
facilitate transaction with the use of
Local Currency Transaction
Important Information
Sender and Beneficiary are individual or company
Provide the information of remitter, beneficiary, and beneficiary bank’s detail address (incl. city and province)
Provide the beneficiary’s contact details
IDR 50.000
Value today
IDR 30.000
Full amount
USD 25 (eq.)
To Tiongkok
USD 10 (eq.) **
In lieu of exchange
0.125% x Transfer Amount
min USD 5 (eq.) – max USD 150 (eq.)
In bank notes*)
0.25% - 2% x Transfer Amount
min USD 10 (eq.)
Effective as of 10th August 2023
*) The in Lieu Provision fee of banknotes source of fund shall follow the applicable terms and conditions relating to currency, denomination, and condition of the banknotes.
**) Specifically transaction using KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated Solution (KBB-IS), transaction fee for full amount is eq. USD 25.
Get the service
For Yuan Remittance Transaction with Corporate Beneficiary can be done via e-Channel (KlikBCA Individu, KlikBCA Bisnis, myBCA) and BCA Branch.
For Yuan Remittance Transaction with Individual Beneficiary can be done in myBCA and BCA Branch.
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dan tidak mendukung, menjamin, mengendalikan konten, mengendalikan
ketersediaan dan perspektif atas produk-produk atau layanan-layanan
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