One of the responsibilities of a good citizen is to file a Tax Return (SPT) every year, also known as the Annual Tax Return. Filing your Annual Tax Return is now easier than ever because it can be done online using e-Filing through the website
To make the process of filing your Annual Tax Return smoother, check out these tips!
Complete Supporting Documents to File Your Annual Tax Return
One of the documents that needs to be completed when filling out e-Filing to report your Annual Tax Return is information related to assets, debts, and proof of tax withholding.
For BCA customers, accessing both can be easily done through myBCA. In the e-Statement menu, there is a Customer Portfolio Report that includes details of the customer's assets, debts, and investments held at BCA, as well as a Tax Withholding Document that shows the tax withheld on the customer's portfolio at BCA. Both the Customer Portfolio Report and the Tax Withholding Document can be easily viewed and downloaded via myBCA app or myBCA website.
For the Customer Portfolio Report option, there are both monthly and annual reports that include:
- Fund Products, which include Savings, Current Accounts, and Deposits
- Credit Products, which include Credit Cards and Loans
- Investment Products, which include Mutual Funds, Bonds, and Bancassurance
For the Tax Withholding Documents option, there are monthly and annual tax withholding slips that include:
- Fund Products, which include Savings, Current Accounts, and Deposits
- Investment Products, Investment Products, which include Coupon Payment Transactions, Sale Transactions, and Coupon Payments at Maturity.
To learn how to view and download the Customer Portfolio Report and Tax Withholding Document, click the button below:
After that, the Annual Tax Return can be filed through the website Follow the steps to report the Annual Tax Return and complete the information based on the Customer Portfolio Report and Withholding Tax Slip you have.
With the convenience of accessing Customer Portfolio Reports and Withholding Tax Slips on myBCA, filing your Annual Tax Return becomes easier.
Not only that, you can also easily view account transaction records, credit card information/bills, fund product portfolios, credit products, and investment products. All of this can also be done easily online at myBCA.
Don't have myBCA yet? Download myBCA now by clicking the button below!