01 Nov 2024 | Edukatips

Convenient Debit and Credit Card Transactions Without Surcharge Fee

Nowadays, the demand for debit and credit card transactions is growing significantly. Furthermore, banks are offering more and more attractive offers to encourage customers to use card instead of cash.

However, many shops or merchants still impose surcharge fees on customers who use credit or debit cards. A surcharge refers to an additional fee that merchants charge consumers for utilizing these cards. This fee is often a percentage of the transaction amount, meaning that consumers end up paying more than the original price of the products they purchase.

Regulation Number 23/6/PBI/2021, issued by Bank Indonesia concerning Payment Service Providers, explicitly prohibits merchants from imposing surcharges on buyers or consumers. Specifically, Providers of Goods and/or Services are prohibited from levying surcharges on Service Users.

As a user of BCA debit and credit cards, it is important to acknowledge that transactions conducted through these cards via Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machines owned by merchants or stores are exempt from surcharges.