04 Nov 2022 | Edukatips

Simple Way to Pay Tax via BCA

Advances in technology have made it easier for everyone to pay taxes. With the e-billing system, people no longer need to fill out forms manually. Tax payment can now be done digitally where transactions are automatically recorded in real-time, reducing the risk of data errors.

You can now pay NPWP taxes through various methods. Service facilities that facilitate taxpayers to fulfill their obligation are BCA mobile, KlikBCA, and ATM BCA. With BCA mobile, KlikBCA, and ATM BCA you can pay taxes more easily and conveniently.

Reasons to Pay Taxes

Before talking about how to pay taxes, we first need to know about the importance of taxes as state revenue. Tax is the largest state revenue collected by the State through the State revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Through taxes, there are various benefits that our community can enjoy, such as education, health, transportation, and infrastructure.

Paying taxes can also expedite business processes and increase business credibility. Having a Tax Identification Number (NPWP) is a requirement in many business transactions. Fulfilling tax obligations serves as proof that a business entity is law obedient taxpayer that contributes to expediting business processes and increasing their business value.

Most of the total state revenue is derived from tax. In other words, in the absence of taxes, state revenues will cripple, which consequently resulted in the inability of the state to function. Therefore, the payment of taxes is compulsory for all citizens, especially for individuals or business entities that are categorized as taxpayers. Should there be any violation or non-compliance, it will be subject to penalties, such as fines, interest, to imprisonment.

Getting a Tax ID Billing Code

Before learning how to pay taxes via BCA mobile, the first thing to do is to get a billing code for your tax ID. Based on the Ministry of Finance Regulation number 115/PMK.05/2017, a billing ID is an identification code issued by the billing system for a type of payment or deposit to be made by Taxpayers.

Billing ID serves as a substitute for a manual Tax Deposit Letter. There are different ways to get a billing code, one being through the Integrated Service Place (TPT) at the Tax Service Office.

Another way to obtain a billing code is through a bank teller or post office. Taxpayers can make a Tax Deposit Letter first before paying. Then, the bank teller or postal officer will make a billing code.

BCA is one of the perception banks appointed by the Minister of Finance to accept deposits of state revenue, including tax revenue. Therefore, the payment of tax can be done through BCA service products, including BCA mobile, KlikBCA, and ATM BCA.

How to Pay Taxes via BCA mobile

It is easy to pay your taxes via BCA mobile banking app. The steps are as follows:

  1. Log in to the BCA mobile app on your smartphone
  2. Select the “m-BCA” menu
  3. Select the “m-Payment” menu
  4. Select “PBB”
  5. Enter the Tax Object Number in the “Input No. Objek Pajak”
  6. Determine the year of payment of the Tax Object
  7. The bill amount will appear. If it is correct, click “OK” and then enter your m-BCA PIN
  8. A notification will appear informing that the tax payment has been successfully made

How to Pay Taxes via KlikBCA

The steps to pay taxes via KlikBCA internet banking are as follows:

  1. Open the KlikBCA website (https://ibank.klikbca.com) on your desktop (laptop/PC)
  2. Enter the user ID and password to log in
  3. Select “Pembayaran”
  4. Select “Pajak” and choose “Jenis Pajak: Penerimaan Negara”
  5. Enter the billing code then click “Lanjutkan”.
  6. Details of the tax will appear. Confirm then enter KeyBCA APPLI 1 and click “Kirim”
  7. A confirmation appears that reads the payment has been successfully made

How to Pay Taxes via ATM BCA

Visit the nearest ATM BCA and follow these steps.

  1. Insert the ATM card and enter the PIN
  2. Select the “Transaksi Lainnya” menu
  3. Select “Pembayaran”
  4. Select the “MPN/Pajak” menu
  5. Select the “Penerimaan Negara” menu
  6. Enter the tax billing code.
  7. Confirm the payment. If the payment has been successful, a Proof of State Revenue (BPN) receipt will be issued.

These are the steps for paying taxes through BCA channels. Don’t forget to fulfill your tax obligation.