Did you know that life insurance not only protects you in case of illness or accidents leading to death, but it can also cover your financial responsibilities, such as your current BCA credit card bills?
Life insurance can be invaluable for helping your family financially, especially when it comes to paying off credit card bills if something happens to the policyholder.
For BCA customers, BCA Credit Life is an excellent option. This life insurance ensures that, in the event of the policyholder's death and an inability to pay their credit card bills, the remaining balance won’t become a burden on their heirs.
Instead, the heirs can file a claim, allowing the insurance company to cover the primary credit card bill.
If something unexpected happens to the BCA Credit Card holder, BCA Credit Life helps ease the family's financial burden by paying off the outstanding balance. Additionally, if the policyholder passes away due to an accident, the heirs will receive extra compensation in the form of cash. The insurance premium is calculated based on the total billing or outstanding installments (if any) and is paid automatically via the insured's BCA Credit Card through an auto-debit system.
BCA Credit Life Insurance can be obtained without a medical examination and by registering through BCA's WebForm. Here's how:
- Visit tBCA WebForm at webform.bca.co.id
- Choose “Daftar Asuransi BCA”
- Enter your Card Number and Date of Birth
- Enter your Mobile Number and select an Insurance Company
- Choose your insurance product and agree to the terms and conditions.
- Your registration is complete and you’ll be contacted by BCA Telemarketing
Protect yourself and ease your family’s burden. Get BCA Credit Life Insurance now.
*The maximum amount of credit card bill repayment is subject to the terms of the insurance product.