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14 Mar 2024

BCA Holds Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Set Dividend at Rp270.00 per Share


Jakarta, 14 March 2024 – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (the "Company") today held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("AGMS") at BCA Tower, Grand Indonesia, on Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta, 10310. The AGMS was held offline and online using the application provided by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia ("KSEI"), namely the KSEI Electronic General Meeting System ("eASY.KSEI").

The AGMS has made decisions on several matters, outlined below:

  1. Approved the Annual Report including the Company's Financial Statement and the Board of Commissioners Supervisory Report for the financial year ending on December 31, 2023. With the approval of these reports, the AGMS granted full release and discharge of responsibility (acquit et de charge) to members of the Board of Directors for their actions related to the management of the Company and to members of the Board of Commissioners for their actions related to the supervision of the Company performed during the financial year ending on December 31, 2023;
  2. In regards to the Net Profit obtained by The Company during the 2023 financial year amounting to Rp48.6 trillion, the AGMS has approved its appropriation, including among others to be distributed as cash dividends of Rp270.00 per share. Increasing 31.7% compared to the cash dividend distributed for the 2022 financial year.

The cash dividends include the interim dividends for the 2023 financial year of Rp42.50 per share, previously distributed on December 20, 2023. The remaining dividends of Rp227.50 per share will be distributed to the shareholders on a date to be determined later by the Board of Directors;

  1. a. Grant power and authority to:
    1. The Board of Commissioners of the Company to determine the type and/or amount of honorarium, allowances, and/or facilities for the members of the Board of Directors serving in and during the 2024 financial year;
    2. The current majority shareholders of the Company, to determine the type and/or amount of honorarium, allowances, and/or facilities for the members of the Board of Commissioners serving in and during the 2024 financial year;

b. Determine the amount of bonus payments (tantieme) to be paid to members of the Company's Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners who served in and during the year 2023, and authorize the current majority shareholder of the Company to determine the amount of tantieme and its distribution to each member of the Company's Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners who served in and during the year of 2023.

  1. In regards to the appointment of a Public Accounting Firm and Public Accountant:
    1. To appoint the Public Accountant Firm of Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (a member firm of the PwC global network), as a Registered Public Accountant Firm with OJK to audit/examine the Company's books and records for the 2024 financial year;
    2. To appoint Ms. Lucy Luciana Suhenda as a Public Accountant at the Public Accountant Firm of Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (a member firm of the PwC global network) and a Registered Public Accountant with OJK, to audit/examine the Company’s books and records for the 2024 financial year;
    3. Grant power and authority to the Board of Commissioners to:
      1. Appoint another Public Accounting Firm and/or a replacement Public Accountant if the Public Accountant Firm of Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (a member firm of the PwC global network) or Ms. Lucy Luciana Suhenda for any reason is unable to complete the audit/examination of the Company’s books and records for the 2024 financial year;
      2. Perform other necessary matters relating to the appointment and/or replacement of the Public Accounting Firm and/or a Registered Public Accountant with OJK, including but not limited to determining the amount of honorarium and other conditions relating to such appointment.
  2. To grant power and authority to the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, to determine and pay the interim dividends for the 2024 financial year, if the Company’s financial condition allows, while considering the applicable laws and regulations;
  3. To approve the Revised Recovery Plan of the Company.

“We thank our customers for their trust, all stakeholders who continue to provide support, as well as the government, Bank Indonesia, OJK, and other regulators, allowing BCA to pass 2023 with a solid performance. We view the Indonesian economy as resilient and stable, with the potential to continue growing despite global and regional challenges. The results of BCA’s AGMS today demonstrate the Company’s commitment to continuously provide added value to shareholders. We are optimistic about future business prospects and will continue to proceed prudently throughout 2024, while consistently supporting economic growth in various sectors,” said President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, Jahja Setiaatmadja.

Picture Information 1:

BCA Distributes Cash Dividend of Rp270.00 per Share – BCA President Commissioner Djohan Emir Setijoso (center), Independent Commissioner Cyrillus Harinowo (right), BCA President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja (fourth left), BCA Vice President Director Armand W. Hartono (third left), BCA Vice President Director Hendra Lembong (fourth right), BCA Director Subur Tan (third right), BCA Director Lianawaty Suwono (second left), BCA Director Vera Eve Lim (second right), BCA Director Antonius Widodo Mulyono (left) pose for a group photo during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (14/03). In regards to the net profit earned by the Company in the 2023 financial year amounting to Rp48.6 trillion, the AGMS determined the use of the net profit, among others, to be distributed as cash dividends of Rp270.00 per share, increasing 31.7% compared to the cash dividends distributed for the 2022 financial year.

Picture Information 2:

BCA Holds Offline and Online AGMS - BCA Commissioner Tonny Kusnadi (fourth right), BCA Independent Commissioner Raden Pardede (fourth left), BCA Independent Commissioner Sumantri Slamet (second left), BCA Director Rudy Susanto (third right), BCA Director Santoso (right), BCA Director Haryanto T. Budiman (second right), BCA Director Frengky Chandra Kusuma (left), and BCA Director John Kosasih (third left) pose for a group photo during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (14/03). The AGMS was held offline and online using an application provided by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia ("KSEI"), namely the KSEI Electronic General Meeting System ("eASY.KSEI").

About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (as of 31 December 2023)

BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with the core business of transaction banking. BCA also offers a full range of financial services in consumer, SME, commercial and corporate segments. As of December 2023, BCA has the privilege of serving more than 38 million customer accounts, processing around 82 million of daily transactions through a network of 1,258 branches; 19,047 ATMs as well as the 24-hour internet & mobile banking systems supported by 24/7 Halo BCA contact center. BCA’s presence is complemented by a number of subsidiaries focusing on vehicle financing, sharia banking, securities, general and life insurance, digital bank, remittance as well as venture capital business. BCA is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, putting people first, and making a positive impact on society at large. With around 27,000 employees, BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesia economy.


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