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24 Nov 2023

Taking MSMEs global, BCA assists Wastraloka's first export to China

Klaten, November 24, 2023 - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) has once again proven its consistency in empowering Indonesian MSMEs, after successfully assisting one of BCA Bangga Lokal's fostered merchants, PT Wastraloka Indo Kreasi (Wastraloka), in conducting its first export to China. This action represent BCA's support for government programs to increase the participation of MSMEs in the global supply chain.

Wastraloka achieved a successfu export by selling product line valued at IDR 110 million to the Indonesian diaspora in China named Warisan Roemah Indonesia (WRI). WRI is a hub initiated by the Indonesian diaspora together with the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing and the Bank Indonesia Representative Office in Beijing to promote Indonesian MSMEs in China.

BCA EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility Hera F. Haryn stated, "BCA consistently collaborates with the Indonesian government to support the growth and competitiveness of Indonesian MSMEs. Beyond offering coaching programs and facilitating financial access, we are committed to establishing robust connections for MSMEs assisted by BCA within both domestic and global markets. We are delighted to be part of the beginning of Wastraloka's journey to expand its business overseas. This moment further motivates BCA to create more resilient and excellent new exporters from our fostered MSMEs."

The MSME, which is delves in the business of gifts and home decoration from recycled materials, is considered to have met various criteria and quality standards to export with BCA. This achievement was obtained thanks to the innovation of its high-quality and environmentally friendly products, as well as Wastraloka's positive achievements in the BCA Go Export 2023 MSME program. Wastraloka's initiative in empowering local artists also adds value to its products.

Wastraloka's owner, Eni Anjayani, expressed her deep appreciation for BCA's continuous mentoring, which enabled her business to export for the first time. "Our first export would not have been a success without BCA's continuous assistance. Through BCA's MSME Go Export 2023 program, we have gained valuable experience and benefits, which can help us develop products with high competitiveness. More importantly, BCA has connected Wastraloka with many potential partners through various BCA-organized and sponsored activities such as expos, exhibitions, and business matching. Thanks to BCA's invitation to participate in Trade Expo Indonesia 2023, Wastraloka can realize its dream of introducing Indonesia's diverse wastras abroad."

BCA has consistently provided support to MSMEs through special MSME financing programs and developing special MSME programs. BCA has collaborated with the Ministry of Trade in organizing export trade training and halal certification training. Through this training, MSMEs receive assistance in improving product quality, identifying market potential, understanding export access, simulating foreign transactions, and promoting their products.

"Wastraloka's first export to China is expected to spark the courage of other Indonesian MSMEs to explore export opportunities and expand their market reach. As a bank that understands the important role of MSMEs in the advancement of the Indonesian economy, we will continue to provide the support needed for MSMEs to ensure the success of their business expansion," added BCA EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility Hera F. Haryn.

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Supporting Indonesian MSMEs Go International, BCA Assists Wastraloka Export for the First Time - As a form of support for government programs and encourage the participation of Indonesian MSMEs in the global supply chain, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) provided assistance to Wastraloka to launch its first export to China. The BCA-assisted merchant successfully sold a line of superior products worth Rp110 million to the Indonesian diaspora in China, named Warisan Roemah Indonesia (WRI). BCA has consistently provided support to MSMEs through special MSME financing programs and developing special MSME programs. BCA has collaborated with the Ministry of Trade in organizing export trade training and halal certification training.


Tentang PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (per 30 September 2023)

BCA merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada bisnis perbankan transaksi serta menyediakan fasilitas kredit dan solusi keuangan bagi segmen korporasi, komersial, UKM, dan konsumer. Pada akhir September 2023, BCA melayani hampir 39 juta rekening nasabah dan memproses sekitar 81 juta transaksi setiap harinya, didukung oleh 1.252 kantor cabang, 18.705 ATM, serta layanan internet & mobile banking dan contact center Halo BCA yang dapat diakses 24 jam. Kehadiran BCA didukung oleh sejumlah entitas anak yang berfokus pada pembiayaan kendaraan, perbankan Syariah, sekuritas, asuransi umum dan jiwa, perbankan digital, pengiriman uang, dan pemodal ventura. BCA berkomitmen untuk membangun relasi jangka panjang dengan nasabah, mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, dan menciptakan dampak positif pada masyarakat luas. Dengan sekitar 25.000 karyawan, visi BCA adalah untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia.



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