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20 Jun 2023

BCA Organized The "I'm Capable Program," Which Encompassed The Disability Empowerment Bazaar and A Banking Tour for Special Needs Students.

Jakarta, June 20, 2023 - BCA Berbagi Ilmu Program continued its series of activities by extending its support to individuals who have disabilities. Through an event titled "I'm Capable," PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) joined forces with Precious One to arrange various initiatives. These initiatives aim to support individuals with disabilities in their artistic pursuits and encourage their self-reliance.

The opening ceremony of the "I'm Capable" event was attended by BCA Director, Antonius Widodo Mulyono; Founder of Precious One, Ratnawati Sutedjo; Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility at BCA, Hera F. Haryn; Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication at BCA, Susanti Nurmalawati; and Vice President of CSR at BCA, Krisbiakto Cahyo Adi.

With the spirit of #GenerasiPastiBisa, the "I'm Capable" event encompassed various activities, one of which was the Disability Empowerment Bazaar. This bazaar served as a platform to exhibit and sell a diverse range of products and artworks crafted by individuals with disabilities from the Dewijaya Care, Precious One, and Precious Family communities. The displayed items range from food, toys, beauty products, handicrafts, to fashion. The event attracted hundreds of visitors, including BCA employees, and almost all the showcased products were sold out, generating substantial revenue for the participating individuals with disabilities.

Furthermore, the "I'm Capable" program also included seminars, designed for both BCA employees and individuals with disabilities. Specifically tailored for BCA employees, a seminar titled "Aku Sahabat Disabilitas" was conducted, which addressed topics related to disability awareness, including fostering effective and appropriate communication with individuals with disabilities.  Conversely, individuals with disabilities could attend a seminar titled "The Power of Communication," which centered on harnessing the potential of social media to improve their communication, both for personal use and for business endeavors.

Lastly, BCA invited 40 individuals with disabilities, including students from various Special Needs Schools (SLB), foundations, and business groups from SLB Pangudi Luhur, Yayasan Elsafan, YPAC, SLB Kasih Bunda, SLB Negeri 6 Jakarta, SLB Santi Rama, and the Rumpud community to visit BCA KCU Thamrin. During the visit, the staff of BCA KCU Thamrin took the opportunity to educate them about banking services and promote financial literacy.

BCA's Director, Antonius Widodo Mulyono, stated, "We designed the 'I'm Capable' program to provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to showcase their talents and creations while fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for them. At BCA, we firmly believe that each person possesses the ability to make valuable contributions and unleash their creativity. Therefore, through collaborations with organizations like Precious One, BCA is commited to consistently provide the necessary support for individuals with disabilities."

Anis, one of the individuals with disabilities selling sewing products at the Disability Empowerment Bazaar, conveyed, "I am filled with joy as many customers bought my creations today. A support like the 'I'm Capable' program from BCA trully motivates me to further pursue my artistic endeavors. I hope more individuals with disabilities can receive similar support, and that our creations can reach a wider target market who can appreciate our work."

Founder of Precious One, Ratnawati, stated, "We are extremely grateful to BCA for providing tangible facilities and support to individuals with disabilities, enabling them to maximize their potential and skills. We believe that the support from the community will always be the driving force for us to continue producing the best outcomes from within ourselves."

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The bustling atmosphere of the "I'm Capable" bazaar showcasing a variety of artworks by individuals with disabilities - Stalls showcasing products and talents of individuals with disabilities at the "I'm Capable" bazaar held on June 19th garnered significant attention from the attendees. BCA, in an effort to support individuals with disabilities, brought their proficiently crafted products to the community, with the goal of increasing product visibility and fostering greater appreciation. This initiative is also anticipated to serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for individuals with disabilities who have their own businesses, while simultaneously promoting their future independence.

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A group of individuals with disabilities on a banking tour at BCA Thamrin Branch - BCA invited around 40 individuals with disabilities, including students from various Special Needs Schools (SLB), foundations, and business groups, to visit BCA Thamrin Branch. For example, the participants came from SLB Pangudi Luhur, Yayasan Elsafan, YPAC, SLB Kasih Bunda, SLB Negeri 6 Jakarta, SLB Santi Rama, and the Rumpud community. During the visit,took the opportunity to educate about banking services and promote financial literacy.


Tentang PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (per 31 Maret 2023)

BCA merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada bisnis perbankan transaksi serta menyediakan fasilitas kredit dan solusi keuangan bagi segmen korporasi, komersial, UKM, dan konsumer. Pada akhir Maret 2023, BCA melayani lebih dari 36 juta rekening nasabah dan memproses sekitar 77 juta transaksi setiap harinya, didukung oleh 1.247 kantor cabang, 18.348 ATM, serta layanan internet & mobile banking dan contact center Halo BCA yang dapat diakses 24 jam. Kehadiran BCA didukung oleh sejumlah entitas anak yang berfokus pada pembiayaan kendaraan, perbankan Syariah, sekuritas, asuransi umum dan jiwa, perbankan digital, pengiriman uang, dan pemodal ventura. BCA berkomitmen untuk membangun relasi jangka panjang dengan nasabah, mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, dan menciptakan dampak positif pada masyarakat luas. Dengan sekitar

25.000 karyawan, visi BCA adalah untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia.



Group Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility - CSR Corporate Communication


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