Menyiapkan talenta digital terbaik yang siap terjun ke dunia kerja

The SYNRGY program is a program based on empowerment and education to support the digital economy in Indonesia by increasing the capacity and competitiveness of start-up companies. SYNRGY consists of 2 types, SYNRGY Accelerator and SYNRGY Academy

SYNRGY Accelerator  SYNRGY Accelerator aims to drive growth and innovation within the startup ecosystem, specifically those developing digital ventures. The program offers tailored training to meet the specific needs of each startup, with the primary objective of strengthening the digital ecosystem in Indonesia. Throughout the year 2023, BCA has successfully provided training to seven startup companies.

SYNRGY Academy

SYNRGY Academy bekerja sama dengan Binar Academy untuk mewadahi pemberian beasiswa dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas serta kompetensi dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Di 2023, SYNRGY Academy telah berhasil mendidik 231 orang peserta. Setelah mengikuti akademi, BCA akan membantu alumni untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan memberikan kesempatan bekerja di grup BCA.