28 Sep 2021 | News & Features

Win BCA Flazz Worth Millions of Rupiah at Mobile Legends Tournament

In today’s digital era, online gaming is no longer seen as a mere hobby. Instead, it is considered a sport, popularly known as e-Sports. With proper guidance, it can help hone one’s creativity with the potential to generate income.

Now, here’s the good news for you Mobile Legends players, because BCA KCP Aur Kuning, Bukittinggi, West Sumatera is holding the Mobile Legends Tournament. It is open to the public especially to those in Bukittinggi, Agam, Tanah Datar, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang, Lima Puluh Kota, and Pasaman, you sure do not want to miss it. Furthermore, the Mobile Legends Tournament is also free.

Let’s find out the details below!

Tournament Period

  • Registration : 22 September - 13 October 2021
  • Technical meeting (Online) : 15 October 2021
  • Battle Day (Online) : 16 – 27 October 2021

Terms and Conditions

  • Free emblem, 5-7 players (5 active + 2 sub)/squad
  • Each player has BCA savings account at Aur Kuning branch (8125xxxxxx)
  • Fill up the registration via ly/Moba-BCAAKU
  • The name of the applicants must match the name on their ID card, savings account, and the registered Mobile Legends ID
  • Free of charge


  • 1st winner: Flazz BCA Rp1,000,000 + Certificate
  • 2nd winner: Flazz BCA Rp 800,000 + Certificate
  • 3rd winner: Flazz BCA Rp 500,000 + Certificate

Wait no more! Register your squad now at the Mbile Legends Tournament organized by BCA KCP Aur Kuning, Bukittinggi, West Sumatera! Mark the registration date, join the tournament, and win the prize.

For further information about the Mobile Legends tournament, please contact BCA KCP Aur Kuning via WhatsApp at 081261645243 from 08.00-19.00 WIB.