24 Nov 2020 | News & Features

EGMS: Bank Interim & BCA Syariah Merger Plan Approved

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Bank BCA Syariah (BCA Syariah) has approved the merger prospectus concerning the combination of PT Bank Interim Indonesia (Bank Interim) and BCA Syariah. The merger does not change BCA Syariah operations, whose business activities based on sharia principles.

President Director of BCA Syariah John Kosasih said, “The merger aims to create a sharia bank that can provide optimal services to the public through a stronger and more improved organization.”

BCA Syariah continues to provide Sharia banking services to individual and corporate customers in all customer segments, including retail, commercial, and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

The merger is expected to provide an increase in BCA Syariah capital and further strengthen BCA’s Syariah position in the competitive landscape of Islamic finance in Indonesia. Furthermore, it is one of BCA Syariah’s efforts to participate in supporting banking consolidation in Indonesia and strengthening capital structure to accelerate the development of the national sharia banking industry.

 “We view the merger of BCA Syariah and Bank Interim as an effort for BCA Syariah to grow inorganically,” added John.

In the EGMS, it was agreed to change the nominal value of shares of BCA Syariah as the resulting Bank to be Rp1.000 per share from previously IDR 1,000,000 per share. In addition, it was also approved to increase the paid-in capital and issued capital of BCA Syariah from previously Rp1.996 trillion to Rp2.255 trillion after the merger. The additional paid-in capital will be used to support the acceleration of BCA Syariah business growth in the future in order to provide better products and services for customers and to support the Bank’s initiatives towards digitization.

The additional capital will be used to support the acceleration of BCA Syariah business growth in the future in order to provide better products and services for customers and to support the Bank's initiatives towards digitization.